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Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!- Page 32

Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!

#775Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/22/16 at 1:15pm

I assume the East Coasters are drunk from blizzard wine! 

D2 and Boobs - I know that hair dye is not allowed in prison.  How is the new gray look?  

Fun weekend here! One last state championship event and another school function. Dinner with our best friends Sunday! 

Soapguy2 Profile Photo
#776Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/22/16 at 10:51pm

Aduuuuuuuults! It's been entirely too long. I miss all of your beautiful faces. 

#777Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/25/16 at 11:33am

While you all were shoveling we were able to take the car to the car wash! 

Fun weekend! 

Back to reality!

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#778Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/27/16 at 7:28am

Happy Australia Day, Hep!!!!!!

Hello Soapy!

Stir crazy yet, Moony?

#779Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/27/16 at 5:17pm

Yet?!? I passed stir-crazy in the fast lane three days ago. I'm just crazy now.

#780Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/27/16 at 5:19pm

Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!HAPPY HOLIDAY, HEP!

#781Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/28/16 at 12:06pm

Mooney - are you  still out of school?

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#782Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/28/16 at 12:09pm

Happy Almost Weekend Adults!   I hope everyone is staying warm and safe.

#783Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/28/16 at 1:43pm

We have had some snow and some cold, but overall very mild winter!

Hi Y!

gettinhep Profile Photo
#784Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/28/16 at 4:12pm

Moony, thank you for the Australia Day wishes!  It was a beautiful day weather-wise, with lots going on out and about.  I chose to stay home to do the laundry  I know what you're thinking ... just how much more exciting can that girl's life get?! Sorry, this reply is so late.  I haven't been visiting my dear adults often enough with all this excitement.

Is everyone safe and warm ... or at least thinking warm thoughts?


'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

#785Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 1/29/16 at 3:54pm

Hep! I am safe, but not too warm.Yes, Brd, we are STILL out of school! Six class days missed due to one blizzard. I've been ion the office since Wednesday, but my 20 minute commute still takes more than an hour. Hopefully we'll finally get some melting and add a few lanes to the roads.


Here's to the freakin' weekend, adults!

#786Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/1/16 at 12:17pm

Absurd that you would miss that much school! We might miss two days for a blizzard.  

I assume we all loved Grease Live? Even C17 sat with us and watched it! 

The old man had a brain tumor removed and is in radiation and here EVERY DAY - burn marks and all!  Rasputin! 

Updated On: 2/1/16 at 12:17 PM

#787Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/1/16 at 3:38pm

Well, I for one enjoyed Grease Live for the mess o' happy it was. I never thought the play was any great work of art and I had rock-bottom low expectations for this production. But after the WTF opening, I thought, "Oh hell, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy this." Which I did.

Yes, we are finally back in school. Temps are going up to the 60s this week, so there should be some good melting action, finally.

#788Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/2/16 at 10:40am

In Nebraska they called a snow day last night for today!  Mooney - Mrs Brd will likely be managing a store in the mall near your sister.


gettinhep Profile Photo
#789Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/5/16 at 10:26pm

Companies around town are becoming positively theatrical.  In the last little while I have spotted vans for a florist named Bialystock & Bloom and for Sweeney Todd, a medical waste removal firm!

'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

#790Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/10/16 at 12:41pm

Missing three funerals to go on a college visit with C17.  

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#791Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/17/16 at 11:50am

Hey kiddles!  What's shakin'?

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#792Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/18/16 at 1:22am

I hope things are well with everyone!

I'm okay, except for this annoying head bug, stuffy/runny nose. It has to end soon. Has to.

formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16

#793Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/18/16 at 7:36am

'Morning! Geez, seems like forever since I've been here! I'll blame work, winter storms, the flu, work.....


Hi there, former Jbarafan! Love the new screen name (though I did love GJ's name, too).Stuffy? Winter allergies or cold?

NYadgal Profile Photo
#794Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/18/16 at 10:18am

Ditto.  Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!

Hi to FD - love the new avatar and name.

And, ditto to the annoying cold that's going around.   I started to get a tickle in my throat yesterday and I'm fighting it with everything I've got!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#795Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/18/16 at 1:29pm

I am also stuffy and slight cough. Not the hacking that I have been hearing on the train.  We have 50's tomorrow.

The recent college visit - total bust.  Delayed due to stomach bug and then a complete rejection by C17 of the school with the most && offer.  

FD - my mother was a daughter of a farmer, but he was a drunk.

Updated On: 2/18/16 at 01:29 PM

Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#796Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/19/16 at 3:35am

Bluemoon, maybe all of those!  Some of the time I can't breathe through my nose, some of the time it's dripping like a faucet, and over the past day in addition to the sneezing bouts,  I've added barking like a weasel to the mix, no doubt similar to what brdlwyr has been hearing on the train. Addy, keep up the fight!


I guess it could be some mild form of flu. (I had the flu shot.)  Hubby and son had a touch, but they get over things faster than I do anyway. I hate to sound like an old person, but lately it seems that, in sucession, afflictions have been dealt to just about every bodily orifice, some of which I didn't even know I had before. j/k


Midst of all this, we're having to transfer apartments mid-April  - at the same place - due to renovations they're doing, and I've been massively decluttering. Want to get that done before the packing starts.


brdlwyr, sorry about your mother. This is probably way TMI, but ... my dad was a periodic alcoholic, I think it's called. Long spans of soberness or light drinking, followed by a bender was sort of the pattern.  Dysfunctional family indeed, lots of drama at times, but he was never anything other than a good dad to me.

formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16

#797Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/19/16 at 9:17am

FD - sounds like a seasonal allergy to me (can you believe the state won't give me a medical license?). Both my husband and I get the stuffy, drippy syndrome every winter. I suspect the heating system harbors dust, mold, etc.

Add me to the list of "adult children of an alcoholic". Dad almost lost his job and his family before he finally took steps towards sobriety - a goal never fully realized. People are complicated - never all good or all bad.

#798Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/19/16 at 10:50am

I do not recall ever noticing my mother "drunk" - she loved to have an occasional gin and tonic and bubbly with Mrs. Brd. In our family we have two recovered through AA. My brother quit drinking the day he buried his wife whose death was hastened by pills and booze. My sister with cancer i assume is still drinking. Her boyfriend that "beat her" reported that before her diagnosis she was drinking 15 beers a day. I have another brother who is a functioning drunk.  4 out of 10 - not too bad.  Still higher than you 20% cancer rate! 

My daughter is having her adenoids removed at 20 - definitely the cause of many of her sinus symptoms! 

Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#799Can The Adults Please Smoke? 38 and FEELING GREAT!!
Posted: 2/20/16 at 2:49pm

I think it is allergy related indeed. I drank some TheraFlu (I think) hot green tea honey lemon concoction before bedtime last night, and I think it has made my coughs and nose-blowing more productive.
 I'm a night owl way too often, but went to bed around midnight, and except waking up briefly maybe twice, I slept until about 11 AM. So can't say I didn't get any sleep.  Still feel kinda draggy today, but think I'm gonna live.

"People are complicated - never all good or all bad."  Amen to that, Blue!

I still have my adenoids and my tonsils and most of my right mind, I think.

formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16
