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Donald Trump's Fatal Errors- Page 12

Donald Trump's Fatal Errors

madbrian Profile Photo
#275Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/11/17 at 3:58pm

Sean Spicer really stepped in it this time.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#276Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/11/17 at 9:13pm

I think we should save our outrage for real abuses, not stupid things that Sean Spicer said. The Trump administration is doing everything it can to distract us from its horrors, and it's apparently working.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#277Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/11/17 at 9:26pm

Spicer is symptomatic of this Administration.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#278Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 7:21am

It just boggles the mind why so many people are picking apart Spicer's words rather than Trump's war.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#279Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 8:03am

This is a distraction from real world s***.  An awkward statement for sure, but Hitler did decline to use chemical weapons in battle, and that is certainly where he was going with that.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#280Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 9:53am

It just boggles the mind why so many people are picking apart Spicer's words rather than Trump's war.

There are so many idiotic things happening simultaneously, people are discussing all of them.  It's not either/or.  It's all AND.  Just don't expect anything rational to come from Congress.  The only surprising move they have made was forcing out the health care reform bill, which was a no-brainer, anyway.  Unless a miracle happens in 2018 in the form of people actually turning out to vote, we're locked in to 4 years of Hell that will take 16 years to clean up.

Every time I see a post by a tRump supporter, I'm reminded how awful our country truly is.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

newintown Profile Photo
#281Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 11:42am

"An awkward statement for sure, but Hitler did decline to use chemical weapons in battle, and that is certainly where he was going with that."

Oh, really? You might want to bone up a bit on history before making statements about it.

"Germany used toxic smoke in the summer of '42 to clear caverns below Sebastopol, and in similar circumstances in Odessa in November 1941, and in May 1942 against Soviet troops in quarries at Adzhimushkay on the Kerch peninsula."

From Christopher Bellamy's Absolute War, Macmillan, 2007."

Updated On: 4/12/17 at 11:42 AM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#282Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 12:30pm

Did you fully read your source Newintown?  It's true they were used on a few occasions but were clearly not part of any war plan.  They were not used against the troops entering Germany from either front.  This, again, is a ridiculous discussion.  Upon googling "chemical warfare WWII" the first five pages are 100% Sean Spicer.... moving on.


newintown Profile Photo
#283Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 1:23pm

Oh, South Florida, you're every bit as bad as Trump and Spicer. You say "they were never used," and then faced with proof to the contrary, you backpedal and say "they weren't used that much."

Honestly - are you utterly unable to admit that you made a mistake?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#284Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 1:42pm

SF I reccommend you take a trip to the Holocust museum in DC and then come back and tell us about the use of gas during WWII.

And back to Trump, at this point I don't know how anyone is supporting this disaster...

Trump Brags About Eating the "Most Beautiful" Chocolate Cake During Syrian Missile Strike Decision

Then forgets which country he just bombed.

Recounting details about his decision to launch missile strikes on a Syrian air base last week, President Donald Trump took several moments during a Fox Businessinterview that aired Wednesday morning to enthuse about the "most beautiful" chocolate cake he enjoyed at his Palm Beach resort with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump was entertaining the Chinese leader at Mar-a-Lago when he ordered the military strike.

"I was sitting at the table, we had finished dinner," Trump told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. "We're now having dessert—and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen—and President Xi was enjoying it."

Bartiromo then said it was "brilliant" that the missiles were "unmanned."

"It's so incredible. It's brilliant," Trump agreed.

Then Trump appeared to momentarily forget which country the United States had attacked last week, naming Iraq instead of Syria.

"So what happens is I said, 'We've just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq, and I wanted you to know this,'" Trump said in the interview. "And he was eating his cake. And he was silent."

"Syria?" Bartiromo corrected.

"Yes, heading toward Syria," Trump said. He followed up by mentioning Xi finished his dessert.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#285Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 2:45pm

Erik, respectfully we all know how the Jews were killed, even Sean Spicer.  Newintown, I admit I was wrong the Germans did use gas against combatants.  I maintain it's issues like this that are distracting us from the real stuff.



newintown Profile Photo
#286Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 2:57pm

I think that, as adults, we have the ability to focus on all the aspects of the entire picture. Anyone who can't consider both the immorality of the bombing as well as the idiocy of Spicer (and several other current events) has an unusually limited mind.

Updated On: 4/12/17 at 02:57 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#287Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 3:20pm

You continue to make this an issue when so many other things are going on.  Give it up.



newintown Profile Photo
#288Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 3:22pm

I am neither "continuing" nor "giving up" anything. You, on the other hand, appear to have a sort of inexplicably pathological antipathy to this one particular story, which merely keeps the ball in play.

And again, I must say, that it's certainly an idiotic notion to say that one can't talk about this if they also talk about that. Unless, of course, you believe that your mind is only capable of grasping one topic at a time and that everyone else's mind is similarly limited.

Updated On: 4/12/17 at 03:22 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#289Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 6:15pm

newintown said: "And again, I must say, that it's certainly an idiotic notion to say that one can't talk about this if they also talk about that. Unless, of course, you believe that your mind is only capable of grasping one topic at a time and that everyone else's mind is similarly limited.


This is exactly what I was going to say. We are all surely able to focus on multiple things at once  


kdogg36 Profile Photo
#290Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 6:32pm

newintown said: "I think that, as adults, we have the ability to focus on all the aspects of the entire picture. Anyone who can't consider both the immorality of the bombing as well as the idiocy of Spicer (and several other current events) has an unusually limited mind"

With respect, it seems like quite a few people are parsing Spicer's words on this board, while you may be the first one to join me in clearly condemning the bombs.

ETA: That may not be true. But there's been a lot more chatter on here about Spicer's gaffe than the bombs. Certainly, in the media, there's been much more condemnation about Spicer saying what he said than about Trump getting us into another war.


Updated On: 4/12/17 at 06:32 PM

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#291Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/12/17 at 6:42pm

I mean... based on the overall media reaction, it seems like intervening in another country's civil war is the least controversial thing Trump has done. Isn't that kind of sick?

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#292Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 7:20am

newintown said: "And again, I must say, that it's certainly an idiotic notion to say that one can't talk about this if they also talk about that. Unless, of course, you believe that your mind is only capable of grasping one topic at a time and that everyone else's mind is similarly limited."

My mind is limited.  Limited to important things not garbage.  Newintown, Captain Greer, I recommend you unclutter your minds with useless information and start to worry about our planet and children.  Sean Spicer misspeaks about chemical weapons, this is serious, really!


newintown Profile Photo
#293Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 8:04am

Again, South Florida (and I know that this seems a very difficult notion for you to grasp, so maybe you could make an extra big effort) - there are those among us, not a few, who really can, in a given moment, consider a lot more ideas and issues than you seem to find possible; we also like to determine for ourselves what is "useless" and what is relevant.

But thanks for the attempted Thought Fascism! Maybe you will find your way to be satisfied editing your own thoughts and words, rather than telling others what to think and discuss. Maybe?

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#294Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 8:58am

Again, Newintown ( and I know this seems a difficult thing for you to grasp, but make an extra big effort),  discover what's important in the world, and then come back and chat about something that matters


newintown Profile Photo
#295Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 9:06am

Well, you're clearly unable to get it. Not that that's a surprise...

Good luck with that telling everyone else what is worthy of consideration thing. Not that it'll ever work out for you.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#296Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 9:08am

Again, Newintown ( and I know this seems a difficult thing for you to grasp, but make an extra big effort),  discover what's important in the world, and then come back and chat about something that matters

Like advice regarding the Hamilton cancellation line?  You posted about that yesterday.  Is that something that matters and is important in the world?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 4/13/17 at 09:08 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#297Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 9:30am

The problem isn't this one remark by Spicer. The problem is that Spicer consistently tells blatent lies from the press briefing podium. Consistently. It's just another example of the bigger problem.

javero Profile Photo
#298Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 11:49am

Changing lanes...

U.S.-led coalition accidentally bombs Syrian allies, killing 18 (WaPo)

U.S.-led aircraft accidentally bombed friendly Syrian forces fighting the Islamic State in northern Syria on Tuesday, killing 18, the Pentagon said Thursday. The April 11 bombing marks the worst confirmed friendly-fire incident in the nearly three-year-old war against the terrorist group.

I don't recall Trump holding a press conference to provide updates.


#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

javero Profile Photo
#299Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/13/17 at 1:19pm

US Forces Drop Massive Non-Nuclear Bomb in Afghanistan (FoxNews)

U.S. forces have dropped what is known as the "mother of all bombs" in Afghanistan.

The device is the largest non-nuclear device in the Air Force arsenal, Fox News' Jennifer Griffin reported. It was dropped in Nangarhar Province, an eastern area near the Pakistan border.


I can no longer keep up.  First, the quasi-strike in Syria (which I supported); then, the friendly fire there that resulted in the deaths of 18 Syrian allies; now. news of the mother of all bombs dropped on a target in a mountain in Afghanistan just before Sean Spicer's daily press briefing in a few minutes.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
