"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
Wow- so many questions...ok, so these are the ones that I can answer off the top of my head:
Fav Disney princess: Belle
Fav flavor of jam/jelly: I only ever eat grape, (I know- boring), except for the apricot and/or strawberry that Sarabeth's serves- mmmmmm.
Fav book based on film: you mean book turned into a film, right? The Silence of the Lambs- possibly the only movie that I like even more that i like the book it was based on. That and the third Harry Potter movie.
Fav eye color: Anything except brown. Can you guess what color *my* eyes are?
My strongest talent is: I have a serious ability to retain pop-culture knowledge. Trust me when I say you want me on your "scene it- the dvd game" team. :)
My favorite place to hang out on Saturday morning is: in my bed- I am all about sleeping in on the weekends.
If you want to talk to me, you should: if online, you should NOT speak in internet shortcuts- liek i no, its liek kewl and whatevs, srsly, but just no, mkay? In person 'oh, I don't read for fun, in fact I haven't bought a book since I got out of school' is the most recent conversation killer that I can remember hearing from someone, so don't say that.
Favorite drink? vanilla vodka + diet coke.
Something interesting you did over the weekend: went to the Tony rehearsals for the first time.
When was the last time you did something and then thought "that was a complete waste of my life"? If not for the company I was keeping, who are all awesome, watching the Tony Awards on tv last night. :)
And then these were the ones I had to think on...
I am: X in a state of constant renovation
I used to: know a lot more about the world. I don't mean 'knowledge' like current events knowledge, but just the older I get the less I seem to know about life.
These five words best describe me: artistic bored questioning sarcastic bibliophile
What is a memorable thread/conversation you have participated in on BWW? I think my first post ever was in a Wicked thread wayback in the day, so that's always fun to think back on. Hmmm- oh, hating Babel in the "Babel is the best movie ever" threads, I like those too.
What do you like to do in the summer that you don't do during other seasons? Everything- swimming, laying outdoors, getting out of work when it's still light out outside...I'm thinking about getting a bike now too- I think the last time I owned a bike I was 12, but it just seems like a very NYC summer thing to do. Oh- and eating ice cream! although who am i kidding about that...I'm that person who likes to eat ice cream when it's like 30 degrees out too. :)
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?
What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?
If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab on the way out?
If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?
What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try?
What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given?
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
Ok, can i change that to 5 shows you love/5 shows you loved least? :)
5 shows I love: Avenue Q The Color Purple (haven't seen it since LaChanze's last, though) Les Miz (first show I ever saw) The Great American Trailer Park Musical (I loved this show! Also my first exposure to Orfeh and Leslie Kritzer. Still so bummed that I didn't get to see it more before it closed.) Talk Radio
5 shows I loved least: The Wedding Singer (sorry y'all- and I even went back a second time!) LoveMusik (*great* performances, but I was so bored by the way it all pulled together) Butley (sorry- revival, Nathan Lane, etc.- it did nothing for me) Sealed for Freshness (ok- this play I actually hated) * fifth show to be named later, as soon as I think of it*
Show I am bummed that I never got the chance to see, to see if it would have made my hated list or not: In My Life (I really wanted to see what all the fuss was about.)
Since Shameless did give me all that money and all...
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year? Seeing as much theatre as possible, for the least amount of money, with friends who are even greater theatre-goers than I am.
What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you? I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. :)
If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab on the way out? Assuming my roommate does not need rescuing, I would like to think that I would be calm and level-headed enough to grab my go bag...in reality, I would maybe grab my purse and one shoe and the fourth Harry Potter book.
If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be? I think people in real life think that I am a lot more level-headed and together than I actually am.
What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try? Paragliding.
What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given? I get great gifts all the time- someone gives you an extra comp to a show, or an invite to a movie screening, etc.- I love the little things. As for giving gifts, I got a friend of mine his current job, I think that's pretty good...ok, so he hates his job and wants to quit, but I got it for him. :)
I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
Thanks, Taz, I thought we needed a little more cute and cuddly today.
Anakela, I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue too. What else ya got?
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
Anakela, I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue too. What else ya got?
Oooh, a challenge! Hmm... oh- I'm weirdly double-jointed. Technically I think it's called hyperflexible or hyperextension or something? But it is pretty cool. :)
What would be your perfect day. If I didn't have to pay for any of it: I would take the day off from work, sleep in a little, go to a matinee of one show and an evening performance of another sitting in orch section house seats of both, stopping off for a frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity and a stroll through Central Park between the two, (or else taking the train to Brooklyn and walking back into the city while watching the sun set over the Manhattan skyline between the two- depending on the time of year), and then ending the night with my best gays at Marie's Crisis singing all of those showtunes that they hate playing there, ie La vie Boheme from Rent and such. And some cupcakes from Magnolia.
And I would also buy one of those spray paint art paintings that those guys in TS do, because I think they're cool and have always wanted to own one, especially if someone else is buying, so why not.
Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke. It was Diet Vanilla Coke, until they stopped making it!
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla, but with some kind of chocolate pieces- cookie dough, chips, syrup, etc., not just plain vanilla.
Cats or Dogs? Dogs.
Hey- did you give Stephanie J. Block these questions in that video question thing on broadway.com?
Which character from a play (musical or straight) do you most identify with? Why?
Kate Monster from Avenue Q. With a little bit of Pippi from Trailer Park Musical thrown in- not so much the sleeping with married men Pippi, but moreso with the "Make Like a Nail" anthem. And I don't know why so much with the Kate Monster- all I know is the first time I saw Q and she sang her parts of "Sucks to Be Me," and then "Fine Fine Line," I was all 'this is *my* life!' A puppet is living my life. :)
"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
So I am still the celebrity for the rest of the day, right? yay! :)
But then when it's my turn to nominate the next person to be the celebrity I want to nominate i_heart_roger_bart, who (I don't think?) hasn't been picked yet.
Someone who loves the Dixie Chicks nominating a Bush lover?
"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
What was the highlight of the evening for you Ana?
"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
Did you enjoy the Tony Awards last night? I think I actually enjoyed sitting through the rehearsals that morning more than watching it on tv that night- the fake winners at the rehearsals were def a lot more fun.
What was the highlight of the evening for you Ana? Two: Audra's performance, because I just love her. And David Hyde Pierce's win, not so much because I thought he deserved it (because I didn't), but because that was the only actual surprise of the evening.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
I'm guessing i_heart is more of a main board poster.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson