That's not quite what happened. I didn't mean to seem like I was yelling, I just dont think you know how you came acorss. Really, re-read what was going on.
Regardless, happy celebrity day.
I'm kind of glad my computer booted me out of the chat before I caught on to too much of the drama!
Okay. So, I am going to bed and won't be able to get to a computer until about 3 tomorrow. So, I guess I will announce tomorrow's celebrity.
But you can still talk about me, of course, until 10!
Haha! I am so full of myself!
Okay. The celebrity of the day for June 20, 2007 is...
For always being cooperative and nice on the boards. For always contributing something in his posts. For being funny. For loving Patti. For being there in chat those few times I have been there.
Be my friend always!
Happy posting, all. Thanks for this day. It's been super fun. Thanks for the questions. They have been great and fun to answer. I'll remember this day always! I respect all of you!
Enjoy yourselves!
Thank you, Anna.
And yes, it was dramatic.
Woo-ho Rav!
(Can I say that yet?)
UMM. I dunno. Wait till 10 tomorrow... I guess.
I'm a little lad (well, lass) who loves berries..and CREEEAM (excpet I spell it creme in real life.)
thank you for sharing Anna.
you are quite welcome.
Are we allowed to start questions for Ravipoo?
Not officially until tomorrow at 10:00 after Shamey changes the thread title. I adore ravi! i'm so glad she's CotD.
me too! I'm excited!
you were a great CotD too btw Anna
yay!!! I love my lil Ravi!
I love you all btw (well at least some of you), I just suck at asking questions that would be appropriate for this board!
aw thanks except I forgot the rules and didnt wake up early enough to crown a new one! But the decision ended up being a good one.
Okay. It does end up that I was able to get on briefly for about 5 minutes. Sorry, but good luck!
My reign is officially over in about 36 minutes!
Have fun and answer some good questions. I'll ask some.
Thank you again, jordangirl!
Being a celebrity is so much fun!
Congrats, Raviolisun!
Woo-hoo! Yay for Ravi!
What would be your perfect day?
What is your favorite theatrical experience?
What posters from this board would you most like to meet?
Coke or Pepsi?
Cats or Dogs?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Yay Ravigirl!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/05
Aw, thanks everyone! I love you all, too.
What would be your perfect day?
Wake up in the morning, eat at Noah's Bagels, then catch a matinee. Have lunch at Greens in SF, then somehow get back to New York, because that night is the opening night on Broadway of the new show I'm directing. Oh, and then party all night.
What is your favorite theatrical experience?
I don't get to see many non-community theatre, but I would have to say, the first time I saw Rent was pretty major. It's what got me into theatre, and I was emotionally drained by the end.
What posters from this board would you most like to meet?
All of my Avatarians, of course! But really, there's probably only one or two people I wouldn't want to meet. I'm very fortunate that everyone is nice to me.
Coke or Pepsi?
Neither. Sprite!
Cats or Dogs?
I'm allergic to both. :/ But I like dogs.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?
What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?
If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab on the way out?
If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?
What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try?
What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given?
Even though you changed your av, I still love you.
If you could hold one BWW poster while Patti Lupone kicks them in the head, who would it be?
Yay Rav!
To add to Diva's question: And why?
YAY for Ravi! One of my favorite avatarians!
Which character from a play (musical or straight) do you most identify with? Why?