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Shootings! Shootings! Shootings! Today's and tomorrow's shootings!- Page 29

Shootings! Shootings! Shootings! Today's and tomorrow's shootings!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#700today's shootings
Posted: 9/10/15 at 4:00pm

Keep in mind it is the same hometown as the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom, Wanda Holloway.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#702today's shootings
Posted: 10/2/15 at 12:13am

Again Sanders is touting increased funding for mental health as part of the answer to this, that makes this devotee angry.


#703today's shootings
Posted: 10/2/15 at 9:59am

Bang bang shoot em up destiny.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#704today's shootings
Posted: 10/2/15 at 10:46am


If Bernie were REALLY a progressive, he would be campaigning on a platform of repealing and rewriting the Second Amendment for the 21st century.


He is more in the pocket of the gun manufacturers than any of his supporters will allow themselves to believe.



South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#705today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 6:22am

^SMH, you'll write anything.  Maybe someone should put up a list comparing donors to the relative campaigns.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#706today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 1:27pm


Clinton went even further on this issue yesterday than she ever has before:She criticized the Supreme Court for its rulings expanding the Second Amendment.


Rulings Pistol-Packin' Bernie supports 100%. 


This article from a pro-gun website complains about her ultra-progressive stance on guns:


All Clinton is doing is courting the most progressive elements of the Democratic base, which yearns for a candidate that will challenge the NRA and enact new gun control laws. 


 Clinton: 'Supreme Court Is Wrong On The Second Amendment'


True progressives don't support the munitions industry the way Bernie does.



Updated On: 10/3/15 at 01:27 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#707today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 2:09pm

You're going to have to back up with facts a few of your writings.


#708today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 2:59pm

Like you always do?   Ah ha ha ha haaaaa. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#709today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 3:20pm

I want to know, how much money is Bernie getting from the gun lobby?  Otherwise just shut the f up.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#710today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 3:21pm


Look at the links you've ignored in the Bernie/Hillary thread. I musta posted Bernie's votes in favor of the gun manufacturers two or three times.



South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#711today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 3:22pm

Without looking the same question remains PJ.




PalJoey Profile Photo
#712today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 3:32pm


Read it and weep. BERNIE SANDERS, GUN NUT: He supported the most reprehensible pro-gun legislation in recent memory


This bill did not protect Vermont citizens. It did not protect Vermont gun owners.




Why, Bernie, why? If you're so progressive on so many issues, why are you so "reprehensible" on guns?


And why do so many progressives turn a blind eye toward Bernie's gun nuttiness?



Updated On: 10/3/15 at 03:32 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#713today's shootings
Posted: 10/3/15 at 4:10pm

I'm at a point that I hafta think this is some kinda selection process of population control.

OR you really like killing each other.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#714today's shootings
Posted: 10/4/15 at 7:14am

You go on and on and yet produce no reason to believe he is in the pockets of the gun manufacturers.  Show me their donations to his campaign, explain to me why the NRA gives him a D-, or an F, I've read both.  Why should this one thing, as important as it is, supersede all the issues important to me that he blows Clinton away on?


darquegk Profile Photo
#715today's shootings
Posted: 10/4/15 at 10:40am

I'm not a Sanders supporter (the SNL title Human Lorax sums him up well), but don't socialism and anti-gun legislature sort of part ways ideologically? One would think a drive to reform with the former would likely provoke a theoretical violent response, necessitating defense.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#716today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 5:21pm

The Clinton supporters have nothing other than the theory she can win and bring the right kind of SC judges that are inevitably going to come about?  In the next 4 years?  No morality, no stick up for the poor, sad.



Phyllis Rogers Stone
#717today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 7:57pm

You're gonna have to be committed when he loses the primary.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#718today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 9:09pm


Oh,m stop with the Headband yapping about her supposed lack of morality. 


She's got plenty of morality and integrity and, in the end, she will accomplish more for the poor--and the forgotten middle class--than Bernie ever could manage to accomplish in his pie-eyed dreams.



#719today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 9:41pm

Hey kids, let's focus on the shootings (at least Bernie hasn't said "Stuff happens" yet), which this thread was created for:

11 year old boy charged with murder in the first degree over shooting of 8 year old girl.



Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#720today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 10:20pm

I don't even know how to respond to this story.  I keep reading it trying to make sense of it because the details are scant, but somehow this was a situation where an 11 year old had two guns at his disposal. The BB gun was probably his, right? That we still have BB guns in 2015... you think they'd have gone the way of candy cigarettes, but nope. It's crazy.  


I pity the kid, having grown up in a redneck family that consider guns a hobby, like reading or collecting stamps.  The parents are the kind of  people who probably forward the Facebook memes that joke about shooting their teenage daughter's dates or some other thing where the punchline is about someone is gonna get shot. This boy was almost certainly raised to believe that a gun is the answer to anything life throws at you and he was probably taught to fetishize them at any early age.  And these are the kind of people who post comments on those articles, never able to once examine the fact that a culture that fetishize guns will inevitably lead to tragedies such as this.  


I wish I go could say I'm going somewhere with this, but I'm just so defeated by it.  

Updated On: 10/5/15 at 10:20 PM

#721today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 10:23pm

The first article I read mentioned thoughts and prayers.  Thoughts and prayers!!!!!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#722today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 10:31pm

I'm thinking about praying!  Not thinking about it like I'm considering praying, I'm just thinking about what it's like to pray.  I guess I do kind of pray I'm never murdered by a gun, but this is America, so I could be murdered by a gun at any time, and it would most likely be by someone I knew! 

#723today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 10:34pm

It can happen here.  And nobody's going to do anything about it because stuff happens.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#724today's shootings
Posted: 10/5/15 at 10:40pm

When Jesus made America, he made with it a Gun Covenent. 
