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True Blood Season 6

#350True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/17/13 at 9:07pm

For some reason, my reaction last night was that I hated her. I guess because now that The Authority plot line is gone then she should be too. Then again, I don't feel like watching the Phantom Lilliths either.

I cut the show slack too, and am used to things happening in only the first and last 7 minutes of each show. I had kind of a feeling Andy's kids were going to grow up real fast. Obviously they'll be dispensing with them quickly, but I hope Andy gets scenes with them. I like Andy a lot.

Also, I lust after Arliss Howard, who I have a hunch is going to turn out to be who we think Rutger Hauer is playing.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#351True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/17/13 at 9:16pm

Oooh, interesting. I hadn't even thought of it.

I am kind of over Pam and Eric being at odds. I get that it's been like two weeks in show time, but this is the third season where things are effed up between them. I know she's all pissed she never knew Eric had a sister, but until they invented that character last year, I'm pretty sure Eric didn't know he had a sister, either! It's weird how last year they started turning vampire "families" into the equivalent of human families. I know that Godric was lover, brother, father, et al, but until last year, I'd never have thought a vampire would have referred to his or her maker as "father."

Updated On: 6/17/13 at 09:16 PM

#352True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/17/13 at 9:25pm

Speaking of show time, as Sookiestackhouse gets all misty about the simpler times, exactly how far back is she thinking, 15 months or so?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#353True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/17/13 at 9:32pm

I think the first three seasons together barely encompass a year, if that. There was that twelve and a half month time jump in the fourth season, so yeah, 15 months sounds about right. Maybe two years, tops?

Updated On: 6/17/13 at 09:32 PM

#354True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/17/13 at 9:35pm

She has had an intense several months!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#355True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/18/13 at 12:22pm

Haven't we all?

New vlog from Jessica!
The Family Business

andiwillfollow Profile Photo
#356True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/18/13 at 4:52pm

I'm betting they are going to kill Jessica off soon - she doesn't look remotely close to 17 anymore. Just sayin'.

Meanwhile Eric looks younger. I think it's the hair.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#357True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/18/13 at 5:00pm

Shrug. When I watched her vlog I actually thought how she still looks so young. I'm willing to suspend disbelief about inevitable aging process that the humans playing vampires can't avoid. Bill looks about ten years older than he did in season one and he was supposed to have died at 30.

This video is hilarious. The Arlene sounds just like her when she says "Terry."
Puppet Recap: Ketchup with the Hot Dogs True Blood S05

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#358True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/18/13 at 6:27pm

Yeah, it never occurred to me to worry about the age thing.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#359True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/18/13 at 7:22pm

Love the vlog. Deborah is gorgeous.

#360True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/18/13 at 9:51pm

Samantha Stephens didn't age once in eight seasons. Neither will baby vamp Jessica.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Wynbish Profile Photo
#361True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/19/13 at 12:15am

I just realized that Sookie knew Eric has a sister before Pam. Ooh, if she found that out...

Wynbish Profile Photo
#362True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/22/13 at 11:10pm

Bump for the new episode. Speaking of a good bumping, Sookie's new love interest debuts tomorrow night.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#363True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/22/13 at 11:48pm

It was an exciting week for me, True Blood-wise, because after about three years of nagging, I finally got my brother to start watching. We watched the first episode together and he took it with him and has been plowing through it. I'm always glad when I can spread the word.

I figured out that barely five minutes were devoted to werewolf crap in the premiere last week. Would that every episode followed its lead.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#364True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/22/13 at 11:59pm

It was a horrible five minutes, too. I love Joe, but I could do with just seeing him in Magic Mike, if the werewolf scenes would thin out.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#365True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 12:03am

I just will never bring myself to care about this Ricki character.

Liza's Headband
#366True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 2:12am

wynbish and PRS - you both seem devoted fans like me. Would love to know which season has been your favorite thus far? I know the premiere season is what everyone loves but I enjoyed Season Three the most.

jasonf Profile Photo
#367True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 9:07am

I finally got to watch the premiere yesterday. My wife won't watch it when it's on because one of the first season episodes gave her nightmares. It was a pretty good premiere. As I've said repeatedly, when the focus stays on Bill/Eric/Sookie/Pam/Jessica/Jason I'm good. I don't care about Alcide, I like but don't care about Andy and Arlene, I barely care about Sam.

I do wish they'd fix the formula of the show so more mattered than five minutes at the start and end of episodes.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#368True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 3:00pm

I kind of agree with you about Andy and Arlene (liking them, but not caring about them). I'd still rather watch them than any of the weres, for sure. I sort of like Sam the character, but I just can't be bothered to care about this shifter stuff any more than I can about the were stuff.

Liza, I don't know what my favorite season is. I came a little late to the game (I started watching the first season right when the 3rd season premiered), so I did the first three seasons back to back, making it feel like one long super-season. There were some duds in that triptych (including Maryann and the werepanthers, to name only two), but the show gave me so much to love, like Jessica, Nan, Russell, even Tara (who I have always loved as much as she's been the bane of many a fan
s existence).

Speaking of Tara, I wonder if we'll get a Lettie Mae appearance this year. I did love when she wandered into Fangtasia last season.

Liza's Headband
#369True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 3:02pm

"Liza, I don't know what my favorite season is. I came a little late to the game (I started watching the first season right when the 3rd season premiered), so I did the first three seasons back to back, making it feel like one long super-season."

PRS, that is exactly what I did. word for word. Too funny. I thought Maryann was the worst. Couldn't stand her. Did not work for me, personally

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#370True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 3:05pm

She was less annoying to me than I think she was to people who had been watching week-by-week from the beginning, because I figured they'd be on to someone new by the next season and I did each season so quickly. But she was pretty awful. But if we're rating hate, I'd still take her over Crystal and the Werepanthers.

Liza's Headband
#371True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 3:12pm

Did not like the Werepanthers but I personally like the actress who played Crystal. So it was a no brainer for me. And I was actually rooting for her FOR Jason since he did genuinely like her for, like, two episodes before she went crazy and all that.

Anyway, can't wait to see tonight's episode. Here we go!

Wynbish Profile Photo
#372True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 6:28pm

First and second season were decent. Third season was my favorite. Russell's masterpiece. Eric and Pam's last normal season (who can forget Blah, Blah, Vampire emergency, Blah?). I liked all the cracks it put in Bill and Sookie.

Marnie was good in the fourth season, and I was a sucker for Amnesiac Eric for a little while. The only good thing I took from last season is vampire Steve Newlin.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#373True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/23/13 at 10:06pm

Well, it was an improvement over last week, but what isn't?

Deborah is the MVP. Her fear when Bill inhaled that lady. Her prayer, with it's inclusion of Hoyt.

I love how the government figured out contacts to stop glamouring, and didn't think vamps could fly.

I wish LaFayette had something to do. I mean, I know how addicting Chopped is, but get in the game more, bro

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#374True Blood Season 6
Posted: 6/24/13 at 1:32am

Minimal werewolves again, so yay on that.

I laughed at LaLa and Emma playing dress up. I agree that he needs more to do.

Anti-glamour contacts were clever, too.

I felt so bad for that blood lady. I know Jessica meant well, but man, she should have seen that coming. Why didn't everyone have the bleeds, though, if they were up all day? That used to be a thing. Nora should have had the bleeds and Jessica, too (although I guess we can fanwank that Jessica is somehow immune to stuff by being in proximity to Billith).
