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True Blood Season 6

Liza's Headband
#475True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 12:48am

Nope. It just set up what we all predicted last week. Ravenous lovemaking all night...until the kid walks in. True Blood Season 6

Agreed. Great cliffhangers all around. Very anxious to see what happens next for Jessica, Sookie, and - I can't believe I'm saying this - the Governor's daughter. Don't know why but she fascinates me. Maybe it's the actress. I thought she did a great job with a role that could easily be flat and boring.

Also, if we can trust what we see, I love how they just eliminated like five characters in one episode. LOL. I'll miss Nial. True Blood Season 6 But not those obnoxious fairy brats. Ugh

Liza's Headband
#476True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 12:50am

"I watched that scene but I really don't remember it."

There is usually at least one scene I skip. Tonight, it was Sam and Nicole. But I continued playing it just in time to see them begin kissing which, I assume, leads to raunchy sex. I'd expecting nothing less.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#477True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 1:12am

I wish they would just leave Terry alone for a while. Not every character needs their own problem for a show to be complex. I like Arlene (mostly because I like Carrie), but I'm fine with them being sidelined.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#478True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 10:27am

I really didn't like the implication last year that the ifrit was the cause of Terry's PTSD, instead of just his military experience itself. I feel the same way as you, Wynbish, in that I like the actress who plays Arlene a lot, but I don't need an Arlene/Terry main story. Although you KNOW Patrick's wife will be back at some point.

I was thinking last night that at least (for now) Sam's story is connected to the were story, so the show divides neatly for me into the vampire stuff (which I care about) and everything else (which I don't). Of course, dear LaLa is stuck in a story I don't care about - and seriously, he and Same had almost the exact same conversation last week that they had this week, about how LaLa wants to be there for Sam and Sam doesn't want him to be. How about that they give that child back to her family instead of him trying to make her his ward, when he's maybe known her a month (in show time)?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#479True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 12:37pm

Also, if Sookie and Ben can get in each other's minds, shouldn't he have already known she was on to him at dinner, or are we to assume she's got some kind of Bella Swan-like trap over her mind?

Liza's Headband
#480True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 1:13pm

Now, PRS, you know common sense and logic has to be conveniently thrown out the window at least once or twice every episode. Come on now. True Blood Season 6 Great point, though.

#481True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 1:17pm

"if Sookie and Ben can get in each other's mind"

I made up my mind early on that this supernatural ability is more like a spotty wifi connection than a direct link to all thoughts.

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Wynbish Profile Photo
#482True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 1:38pm

I still don't know why Alcide, as pack master, can't just rule that Emma stays out of the pack. Where did the Alcide go who helped Sam and killed Emma's dad? Is he still stripping in Florida?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#483True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 2:00pm

That was a great ending!


Wynbish Profile Photo
#484True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 2:24pm

Seriously though, Rob Kazinsky's regular English accent gives me the tingles. Hopefully, since his ruse is up, he can use it more often.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#485True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 2:32pm

He just gives me the tingles, period.

I'm curious to know why he spat out Rutger Hauer's blood. Maybe since he's half-fairy he doesn't like the taste of fairy blood?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#486True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 2:37pm

I thought at first he spit it out to save it but later on we learned that the blood turns into regular blood within seconds. So who knows.


javero Profile Photo
#487True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 3:20pm

There are still too many characters and plot lines to sustain my interest. As far as I'm concerned there have been ample opportunities to thin the herd and put the spotlight back on the vampires and the more interesting aspects of fae life.

What exactly was the point of teasing us with footage of a Fae civil war a few seasons back if it was a one-off? A further examination of Faeology would have been infinitely more interesting than the were-wolf/were-bitch/were-panther foolishness that's been forced upon us for what seems like a decade now. The were-pack has added nothing to the TV series whatsoever apart from giving Joe Manganiello (Alcide) a steady paycheck.

And as much as I like my personal fave Pam and her progeny Tara, they've become uber mean girls this season to the point that they're annoying potty-mouths. I found myself silently hoping that Erik would turn the governor's daughter just to get Pam's goat.

Sookie/Ben/Warlow/GrandPa Niall/Jason and Billith/Jessica/Erik/Willa are keeping the show from slipping under imo. I have zero interest in Nora, Terry, Arlene, Patrick's widow, Andy's jump-off Holly, Sam, Nicole, Emma, Emma's grandma, the were pack, or even LaLa at this point.

The single biggest blunder on the part of the creative team was killing off Bill's maker Lorena, followed closely by offing Tara's former vampire lover Franklin. They could now get so much mileage out of those two characters. Imagine the implications of Tara abandoning Pam for Franklin now that Erik has all but kicked her to the curve. Also, would Lorena be able to compel Bill now after his being totally mind-****ed by Lilith? Perhaps, Lorena could have been Bill's salvation giving her what she wanted most out of life before meeting the true death.

Sorry for the long post. But, it's always been about the vamps & Sookie/Jason. Perhaps the other characters work in the books but they've been one distraction after another in the series.

PS: I was happy to see the Newlins confront each other.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/8/13 at 03:20 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#488True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 3:41pm

Since Franklin raped and traumatized her, I can't really see Tara wanting to get back with him, had he stayed alive - we've seen that Vampire Tara holds grudges as much as Human Tara did. Your hypothetical about Lorena is interesting, though. I wonder what she would have thought of Billith. I loved to hate her (sometimes I just hated her) but she always brought a unique brand of crazy to the proceedings.

I realize that my question earlier about Ben/Warlow spitting out Niall's blood kind of ignored that he killed Sookie's parents because he smelled Sookie's partially fae blood on a band-aid. So I'm back to not getting what that's about.

Jessica's going to wind up in the vampire camp because of what she did to Andy's kids. Speculation, of course, on my part, but we saw her there in Bill's vision and Jason and Andy talking about how the convenience store clerk may have been glamoured leads me to believe they'll see Jessica on the surveillance tapes and it will all be over for her.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#489True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 3:45pm

Do vampers show up on film?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#490True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 3:46pm

Never mind. Of course thu do since they're all over TV in Bon Temps.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#491True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 3:46pm

True Blood vampires do.

javero Profile Photo
#492True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 4:14pm

"we've seen that Vampire Tara holds grudges as much as Human Tara did."

Yep, but she HATED all vampires before being turned and she was the last human that Pam would have ever thought of turning. Flash back to earlier when Pam begged Erik to turn her because she feared growing old alone. Now, she's forced to take a back seat to Nora and Willa in turn. Tara's all she's got; take her progeny/lover away from her and there'll finally be room for her character development. Man, I'd love to see her get a spin-off with or without Tara.

I will always <3 me some Lorena. Some of her last scenes with Bill were gut-wrenching.

Sookie and Bill pursued a love that both knew had no future. His intentions were never really pure while she was hopelessly and naively in love with him at one point. Poor Lorena lost everything much too soon.

I couldn't imagine Erik spurning his maker Godric for a half-human/half-fae. To this day, I cannot get over Bill begging Lorena to release him. The maker-progeny bond is not to be taken lightly, at least that's the way the series built it up early on. I could see Lorena sacrificing her own life to rid him of Lilith just to make amends. That's how you let a lovelorn female character in literature, film, or tv die with dignity; not go out as a bat-shaite crazy chick who loved too much.

I get camp but there have been several missed opportunities to humanize the vampires a bit more. Despite being as corny as a bottle of Orville Redenbacher, The Vampire Diaries has done a much better job at creating multi-dimensional vampire characters imho.

TB had such huge potential.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Liza's Headband
#493True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 4:19pm

TB was doing well until Maryann. Also, I watched an episode of The Vampire Dates and was shocked by how terrible I thought it was.

Diffrent strokes for different folks, I guess.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#494True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 4:25pm

Oh dear Lord, if you were to combine Klaus and Eric... I don't think I could watch that. Could not handle that.

Updated On: 7/8/13 at 04:25 PM

javero Profile Photo
#495True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/8/13 at 4:48pm

"TB was doing well until Maryann."

That season was clearly the low-point of the entire series and there's a nexus between Maryann and Lorena, at least in my mind.

Both are examples of how NOT to write contemporary female characters for a tv series. Both Maryann and Lorena met their untimely ends because the writers either don't know jack **** about women period or thought they could get away with playing the emotional train wreck of a female card. Add Marnie to the mix as well.

The writers have consistently failed to make the female villains multi-dimensional, witty, self-reliant and intriguing like Denis O'Hare's Russell Edgington. Even last season's Salome had to resort to her feminine wiles to stand out. Now, we'll forever have the image of Lilith's bloody pubes burned in our memory banks.

On that note, I believe that Nan Flanahan was killed off too soon as well. Her character brought a certain amount of gravitas to the series. She was in effect replaced by a nelly queen vampire in the form of Steve Newlin who abandoned his wife and church. I don't recall it ever revealed just which vampire turned him either though he hinted at it being some lady vampire who didn't reveal her name.

RE: Vampire Diaires...the actors are so young and inexperienced that I struggled to get into the series at first until I teleported myself back 30 yrs in time and remembered just what high school was like. TB has a maturer cast I sort of expected more.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/8/13 at 04:48 PM

#496True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/11/13 at 3:50am

I've been wondering about certain traits/actions by Ben/Warlow, as well.

It was odd to see him drain Niall's blood by spitting it out, not drinking it. I deduced that it may be because Warlow is a fairy first, then was turned a vampire, and Niall is fairy, too. And Ben/Warlow states all the time how his darkness and light sides battle each other all the time. So, being a hybrid, perhaps he cannot, or will not, ingest the blood of another fairy. (That doesn't explain how he destroyed all the fairies at the fairy club, though we don't know if he ingested their blood or just drained them and spit their blood out, too. After all, Niall found pools of blood in the club, all over the floor. A true full vampire would drain a person or a fairy and not leave a drop, and they've stated as much, over all the seasons.)

Also, when Ben was at Sookie's house for dinner, she laced the chicken with colloidal silver--it clearly did not have an effect on him. And--did anyone notice--he ATE the dinner. Chicken. Wine. Vampires cannot EAT FOOD that humans eat, only blood.

So, this leads me to believe that the "rules" are blurred for him because he has pieces of both fairy and vampire in him. He walks in daylight for having the fairy blood by birth. He is a unique...person. Ben/Warlow has stated on the show, and Kazinsky in interviews, that everything he says about feeling lonely and misunderstood, for being ostracized by fairies, vampires, and humans, is true for this character. This was how he and Sookie bonded. However, it's tough to figure out if this sentiment and connection truly struck Warlow when he finally met Sookie, or if he's still playing her because he wants to...well, we don't know exactly WHAT Warlow wants with her, do we? Does he want to kill her? Marry her? He was "promised" to her but "why"...well, that's the big question this season, isn't it? He didn't have to hunt her because she walked right up to him in the woods when she sensed an injured person in there, in Ep. 1. (That's similar to how she met Bill, too, and he DID lie to her and plant himself there, though. So that question exists for me, too.) Anyway, well, hey, after appearing in the portal as a skeevy, evil, bearded, hat-wearing baddie, now he's clean-shaven and hot, and they connected and he...likes her, and she liked him until she figured out he was Warlow and so far has kept it from her. So...guess it looks like this Sunday she confronts him and hopefully he'll answer her question, "what is it about me...that you WANT?"

As for bringing up Lorena being a bat-****e vamp lady who didn't die with dignity...well, she *never* had any dignity. Why should she die with any? She was a vengeful bitch from the start. This isn't the writers' fault; this is how she was written--and killed off--in the books, too. And as annoying as the Maryann/maenad plot of S.2, it was annoying and out-there in the book, too, so those early seasons and characters did play pretty close to the original plots and character traits. And I'm not even one of those people who bitch about "wah, the series has strayed so far from the books!" It's interesting to see the changes, in my opinion, as it's a different medium. That said, it's equally interesting to see how they retain some character traits and plot lines from the initial first couple of books and corresponding seasons of the TV show. It's a bit of an over-think to say "the show doesn't know how to write compelling female characters." There have been plenty. You want to complain about that...go watch any failed sit-com on NBC or something. :)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#497True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/14/13 at 10:40pm

Hot damn, Warlow is a sexy beast

I doubt Eric will kill Pam, and the preview indicated that because Eric teases gay vampire Steve Newlin, she doesn't kill him.

Pam in therapy was amazing.

Why couldn't Sookie just blast Lafayette? She blasted Jason once, and he's fine. It's not good storytelling when the Sookie-may-drown cliffhanger was also in the preview for the episode. In the season-long preview, she buries something/someone in this outfit. Don't kill Lafayette. Kill Terry. He'll be happy.

javero Profile Photo
#498True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 9:24am

"Pam in therapy was amazing."

Kristin Bauer van Straten is uber sexy in even prison blues. That was one helluva of a performance. I love her cat-like movement on screen. Her body language reminds me of that of Tina Louise.

In addition to their acting abilities Alexander Skarsgård and Kristin have a physicality and presence that makes them completely own each scene that they're in. Thanks to Lilith this is the first season in which Stephen Moyer' Bill isn't completely overshadowed by Alexander's Eric. And as fond as I am of Rutina's Tara, Pam soars over her in their scenes together.

On that series Eric & Pam have always been the cool kids that everyone either wanted to hang out with or hated due to rejection.

Somebody please put Terry out of misery already!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#499True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 10:34am

That really was one of the best episodes of the show in maybe the past 2 years. It just shows how much better it is when they choose not to do 7 different story lines in that one hour and just focus one one or two.
