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True Blood Season 6

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#525True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 3:50pm

It's my understanding (which is subject to correction) that the actor whose character is going to die did want to leave the show, so I ain't gonna hate on her or him for that.

I survived the staking of Nan Flanagan. Fans of ______ will survive, too!

Updated On: 7/15/13 at 03:50 PM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#526True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 3:55pm

You know that gif where the cat keeps knocking stuff off the table and says "F*CK this. F*CK that. F*CK it all. F*CK this in particular." I feel like that about this issue.

Liza's Headband
#527True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 4:12pm

"Off-topic: was Rutina preggers during taping? She's shown no skin this season and it seems that she's as covered up as Anna was all last season to hide her baby bump."

I will see if I can find the article from a couple of years ago discussing this very topic, but Rutina has been quoted as stating that she refuses to film nude scenes of any kind. If you recall, she always had a bra on or some kind of top in her sex scenes with Franklin and the boxer girlfriend. I do believe we see her bare back at one point, after that sex scene with Sam (Season 4?), but that's it.

The only reason this stands out to me is because she has gone on record numerous times stating that it's part of her contract to refuse any scenes with nudity. She has also expressed discomfort on multiple occasions about filming her sex scenes on the show. I respect her for openly voicing her feelings on the matter.

ETA: I'm assuming this is what you meant by "skin" or if you just meant that she has been dressing conservatively this season. And no, she was/is not pregnant. There were rumors but she has denied any kind of pregnancy. Updated On: 7/15/13 at 04:12 PM

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#528True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 6:17pm

Anyone know the guy Terry was talking to at Merlotte's? He looks a lot like Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

E.Davis Profile Photo
#529True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 6:18pm

I barely survived the staking of Nan. I have a pretty good hunch of who is leaving based on the writing of this weeks episode. Character Development always means death. Just look at The Walking Dead as a prime example.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Wynbish Profile Photo
#530True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 7:29pm

Clyde, his name is Gideon Emery

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#531True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 7:40pm

OMG I am the dumbest person alive. He's Deucalion on Teen Wolf. Love him! I didn't recognize him without the blindness.

True Blood Season 6

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah
Updated On: 7/15/13 at 07:40 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#532True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/15/13 at 8:37pm

I don't follow Rutina Wesley obsessively, but I follow her Facebook and I haven't seen any mention of her being pregnant. Not that that definitely means she's not, of course, but that never crossed my mind.

#533True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 1:03am

I enjoyed True Blood: The Flintstones Edition. Looking forward to True Blood: The Jetsons.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#534True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:29am

So, um...*who* is the major character who supposedly will be killed off, this season? I've heard rumbles the last few weeks, but mostly from here, not anywhere else on the 'net. Where is this rumor coming from, then?

So, we have Terry in a non-sequitur subplot, suddenly wanting to die. (Is it him? He's never been a particularly "major" character, anyhow. And btw, does anyone think it's weird that Terry, a victim in the books and on the show of PTSD, suddenly got mostly over it after getting married and having Mikey with Arlene? And btw again, we haven't seen Mikey since like two seasons ago, yet this season they've consistently had the entire family in the same room with the fairy girls.) I have a feeling it's not him, as nobody would be all that broken up about him leaving one season before the end. (That said, a friend of mine went to school with him, so I'm proud of Todd Lowe strictly by association.)

Jessica's been suddenly getting all god-fearing, which we haven't seen her do since she was human. She goes from teen human to worldly teen vamp within the span of a year or two, in show years, and all of a sudden she has a conscience, after being ravenous like "all" TB baby vamps when they're reborn? Is it her?

Is it Rutina Wesley, because now that she's a vamp they aren't even giving her particularly good storylines to fit that attitude of hers and she might want off the show, already? She only says "I ain't gon' take this ****!" every other episode or so, and that's it for the 'tude. And now she's in the internment camp saying she doesn't believe in the devil the way her mama did, looking more like human Tara than vamp Tara, consoling and hugging Jessica? Anyone think these vamps are acting more human, this year? Even Eric is, with his dichotomous concern for Willa since he made her, yet Alex has this dead-eye look that still makes him stay in character...

...But I digress. Is it Bill? Warlow has to "kill Lillith," who is currently embedded in Bill, so unless there's some kind of exorcism, the presumed "baddie who needs to be killed by the end of the season" may have to be Bill. But you kinda can't kill Bill. Unless Steven Moyer wants to just go on directing more TB episodes.

Again, I have read no other rumors of the "major character dying" other than here, so it's fitting to post these questions, here. It's not a spoiler, it's all speculation, IMHO.

More Warlow and his believable devotion to Sookie, please. How interesting. That said, if he's a 6000 year old fairy-vampire full of self-loathing and "wishes the vampire race extinction," why didn't he just let himself get caught or killed, or stake himself, during that time? He could have let himself have the true death. After all, the contract he entered into with John Stackhouse, Niall's brother, was only something like 100 [TB] years ago. He had no reason to know and wait around for that. (And, btw, if Niall's entire family was massacred when he was 4, in 3500 is Niall only 3 generations removed from Sookie as her great-great-grandfather, and how was his brother even around to sign the contract if the entire family died except for toddler Niall? Things that make me go "hmmm" more than Anna Camp's rescinding Jessica's invite to Jason's house.)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#535True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 8:51am

It's not a rumor. It's been all over the internet that someone is supposed to die this season. It was all but confirmed in EW magazine and it's been on several sites. I think Vulture actually named the character. I'm sure someone will PM you if you really want to know.

The link below confirms that the showrunner said a major character will die. There are no other spoilers, but it does speculate who will die (which is in line with who most people think is the one that's going to die).
True Blood Season 6 Spoilers: Brian Bucker Confirms Major Character Will Die Updated On: 7/16/13 at 08:51 AM

Liza's Headband
#536True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 9:09am

Your speculation is all for nothing, seeing as it has already been widely circulated who dies this season. Google is your friend!

javero Profile Photo
#537True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 9:11am

Has Sarah Newlin's vampire sister ever made an appearance in an episode?

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#538True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 9:46am

I enjoyed True Blood: The Flintstones Edition. Looking forward to True Blood: The Jetsons

Warlow can make my Bedrock any time he wants

#539True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 12:09pm

Indeed, Wynbish!!

Thanks. I read the link. First I've heard of it (guess I've been busy working and having life, and stuff). It doesn't make any sense. But man, that would be a blow to the show, for sure, if it came to pass. I wouldn't mind if someone PM'd me about it, if they think it's that much of a spoiler (considering it's supposedly "all over the internet").

Also surprised that no one responded to any of the other thoughts I included in that last post. I'm not usually one to get hung up on inconsistencies in this show, because there's usually a good reason, somewhere in the chronology, but that Ssra Newlin un-inviting Jessica thing was certainly notable.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#540True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 12:22pm

(guess I've been busy working and having life, and stuff).

And kinda being a dick, too, huh? I wasn't implying you should have known because it was all over the internet. I was saying it because you said like three times you only heard about someone dying on here and seemed to be implying it was a BWW-based rumor.

And no one probably responded to you because no one probably read what you wrote. I usually don't, but today I did and I totally regret it!

Updated On: 7/16/13 at 12:22 PM

#541True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 1:42pm

Um, no.

What's with the attitude? Can only the three main posters on this thread actually participate, now, all of a sudden? I'm not the one being a dick, here. Just doing what people do on message boards--share raves and reviews and pose questions about a common interest and discussion possible solutions to what's been presented. Thanks for being so welcoming. I don't see any thoughtful comments next to your name...just lots of bossy know-it-all-ness and judgment and now name-calling of strangers. I'm sure there's another thread for that. This one is about the little fantasy show on HBO called "True Blood," so I'm looking for conversation about *that* only. Thanks.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#542True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 1:51pm

If you say so. I'm not saying who can't and cannot post. I was just offering a suggestion as to maybe why no one responded to you (which you yourself brought up). And really, having taken the time to read your posts, I think my theory is a sound one. But you should check your own posts for their tone if you really don't think you sounded like a dick, especially on a thread that's supposedly "about the little fantasy show on HBO called 'True Blood.'"

Updated On: 7/16/13 at 01:51 PM

artscallion Profile Photo
#543True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 1:58pm

Did we know before this week that Lillith is not God? It struck me when she was in Bedrock and said something about "God told me you would come" (or something like that) Was I under the wrong assumption? Is she more of a vampire Eve and I just got confused?

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

artscallion Profile Photo
#544True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:00pm

Also, they had some serious design/sewing skills in 3500BC.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#545True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:05pm

Bill had a dream/vision about her, where she said (hilariously reverentially) something like, "The only god is god." It does sort of open a weird Pandora's box, though. If Lilith did exist and was indeed the first vampire, does that mean that she WAS created by god?

But that all felt lie a retconning of last year, when Lilith was God. Now, it's like the Authority was worshiping the equivalent of Adam and Eve, which is pretty silly.

Updated On: 7/16/13 at 02:05 PM

Liza's Headband
#546True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:10pm

I believe it was earlier this season where Nora established that God had created Lillith. She was basically the vampire equivalent of Eve and Jesus Christ meshed together... LOL.

"But that all felt lie a retconning of last year, when Lilith was God. Now, it's like the Authority was worshipping the equivalent of Adam and Eve, which is pretty silly."

But Phyllis, wasn't the bible translated incorrectly? Everyone did legitimately believe Lillith was this Vampire God but it wasn't until this season when, thanks to Nora, she made the discovery that it was actually God who created vampires..? I'm referring to the Fangtasia scene in episode one or two, by the way.

It was just never very clear.

javero Profile Photo
#547True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:13pm

I'm told that there are those who believe that Lilith was the first wife of the biblical Adam, Eve's predecessor. My understanding is that it's steeped in Jewish folklore but I'm hardly an authority on the topic.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/16/13 at 02:13 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#548True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:19pm

Nora found that passage that said "the people lead Lilith to the sun" and said it was supposed to read "the progeny lead Lilith to the sun." I don't remember her saying there were any other mistranslations.

I'm going from memory right now, but I thought the vampire bible said God created Lilith first and then created Adam and Eve for her to feed upon, but they still worshiped her as though she were a god and not a prophet. I dunno. I'm starting to confuse myself. And of course, until Bill drank the blood and became her/absorbed her/whatever it was still unclear if Lilith had ever really existed or not.

EDIT: Yes, there is a Lilith in Jewish folklore.I think she's alternately a demon and the first wife of Adam. Ostensibly this is where True Blood got the inspiration for the character, but like I said, if Lilith does exist, does that mean Adam and Eve did, too?
Updated On: 7/16/13 at 02:19 PM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#549True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 2:19pm

I think the story is that Lilith was created from the same earth as Adam and therefore refused to submit to him.

(In folklore, that is; not necessarily in the world of "True Blood.")

Updated On: 7/16/13 at 02:19 PM
