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2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders- Page 3

2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#50re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 1:50pm

I love Daphne-Rubin Vega. I think she's a brilliant actress. After RENT, I thought she would just sort of fade away and pop up every now and then in roles she was type-cast into.

I am happy to see that I am wrong, as she is proving to be one of our finest actresses. She was fun (though still type-cast in ROCKY,) but totally brilliant in ANNA IN THE TROPICS. The woman can act - she's fierce.

I do agree, though, that she might not be able to pull off Fantine's songs. I'm pulling for her, but I will be waiting with baited breath...

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#51re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 1:51pm

Well, that's why I'm assuming they're going to lower the keys for her.
she cannot sing them in their original key.
Correction, she probably CAN, but I can't even imagine the atrocity that it would be. Down even one whole step would put them in a much safer place for her and let her roar.
And, I agree, she's quite the actress...and she really does tear her up material in her rock sets.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#52re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 1:55pm

JRB - why are you so sure that GG will run through the Tonys?

I hope it does, but the skepticism does have some validity. The show as it played Off Broadway didn't get great reviews, and its admittedly a tough sell, particularly to tourists who don't know or care who Chrstine Ebersole is, and probably won't facilitate extraordinary word of mouth. It really is a bizarre story about bizarre people: we have yet to see how it appeals beyond the largely gay, largely theatre elitist crowds who made the show a sell out at Playwright's Horizons.

If the show were to say open at 50-60 percent capacity, and lose money every week, I'm pretty sure it won't stick around seven months.

Why are people so doubting Vega's ability to pull over Fantine's material? You are acting like she didn't have to go into a room and audition with those songs to get the role...

Updated On: 9/14/06 at 01:55 PM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#53re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:03pm

I'm not doubting her ability really, I'm just nervous, I suppose.

Mainly because we've never heard her sing a power ballad like that before, and her voice is a huge departure from anyone's who has ever played Fantine before.

It's not that I think she can't do it, I'm anxious to see HOW it comes off.

I agree, MB. I don't understand how you can say that GG will definitely run through June. It will start previews in October, and the Tony's are 8 months away. Rave notices for Ebersole's performance will help, but it's a very tough sell. I just can't see it lasting.

And early buzz doesn't always do much to sell tickets. When ANNA IN THE TROPICS won the Pulitzer, it quickly opened on Broadway. Mixed reviews, sure - but with a fantastic cast. Admittedly, plays are harder to sell than musicals - but it still closed a huge flop. People just weren't interested.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#54re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:07pm

I understand that the advance is going well though I don't have numbers.

once gg starts previews, the tonys are in 8 months. the noms are in 7. i've been told that there is likely 9 months of theatre folk who will see this just based on the off bway reviews and awards. but you came to the conclusion of 7, so playing conservatively, i'd bet the show gets to at least the noms and the noms boost sales through the tonys.

I know that the producers believe in this show. they are likely to push through rough times (if there are any). and these are producers whose resumes include 'difficult'/art shows. I think they know the game.

and the show could garner better reviews after the revisions and there ARE revisions being made.

and besides--you know rosie is gonna promote it on the view. re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#55re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:11pm

MB, she's definitely an unconventional choice for Fantine. Surely you can see that! re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
But listen to her voice in practically anything she's sung. Her voice isn't made for that style of song or, more specifically, in that particular range. Lowered, I'm sure she's quite good and I'd imagine they lowered them in the audition room. Frankly, I hope they did. I'd be fine with her singing it a major 2nd down or so if she sells the crap out of it and doesn't blow her voice by the 2nd night every week trying to belt an E. In this day of every diva needing a high G, that doesn't do it for me and she could belt a B as her top note and sell it and be more than serviceable.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#56re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:12pm

I agree with everything you said, but I still think it will be an incredibly tough sell. I have my fingers crossed for them, but one can't help but be skeptical.

Jerby, how on earth could you "have been told" that there are enough theatre folk to see this to make it run atleast 9 months? That's something that nobody can actually know in advance.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#57re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:15pm

How bizarre is it going to be to see Ebersole doing "Revolutionary Costume" on The View!

I'm sad to say, I just think mainstream audiences are largely going to hate GREY GARDENS. It's just too wierd. The reality is most people don't find Edie and Edie appealing. I can't tell you how many people I've excitedly shown the documentary to, and most of them who aren't some how gay or tied to the arts just don't get it.

I think even if the show gets raves, it is going to seriously under perform. Even if it wasn't so bizarre, the average ticket buyer isn't going to want to pay 100 dollars for something so small.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#58re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:15pm

I'd have to say that Randy Graff's voice wasnt suited to Fantine either, imo. Loved her in everything else she's done, however. She needed to turn the brass down a bit as Patti did. I also hated Jacqueline Piro (when the cast was overhauled)...again, too brassy...she's dying for Chrisssake!

If Daphne can act it (I'm sure she can), no problems for her. I just think this revival feels like a stunt and wont get much love come awards season. Too soon.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#59re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:29pm

Agreed, MB.

Even Leavel's "As We Stumble Along" as performed on Regis & Kelly and The View came off as just bizzare, as did Martin's little side commentary. You can tell that the studio audiences were kind of like "Um...that's really weird." They didn't understand the song and WHY she sang it like a drunken spastic floozie.

And the role of the Chaperone is far less bizzare than that of Edie. I can't imagine what people will think of that when they see it on TV...

Hell, even when I saw Ebersole perform at the Drama Desks I was kind of like "Um...what WAS that?"

Again, it's a very tough sell.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#60re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:36pm

Audra performed a number from MArie Christine on Rosie's show that just left me thinking, "well, there's one show I wouldn't mind missing."
and I say that with deep regret. It's unfortunate but true that we make those decisions based on that one viewing. I'd prefer they have Ebersole sing something in that fabulous voice of hers (before she goes all character as in "Revolutionary Costume) and let people hear that voice.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#61re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:40pm

Revolutionary Costume on the Drama Desks was the highlight for me.

I agree that this wont be most people's cup of tea, but then why oh why are they going to do it in the first place? I respect all of your opinions, so why would they bring such a certain failure to broadway? So Ebersole could win a Tony?

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#62re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:44pm

I believe the creative team truly love the material and thought the sell out engagement at Playwrights might have indicated there was an audience for it outside of a not-for-profit arena. But yes, the whole reason the show is transferring is because of that Ben Brantley quote about Ebersole giving one of the finest performances ever in a musical.

Is it foolish to spend millions of dollars on a Broadway transfer based solely on one performance? We'll see.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#63re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:55pm

Many shows have come to bway with less going for them, to be sure.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#64re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 2:59pm

But have they turned a profit and run until the Tony Awards?

I think GG will be very similar, box office wise, to this year's SWEENEY.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#65re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:08pm

My comment simply meant that many have wasted fortunes on shows that shouldnt come to broadway, for whatever reasons.

I would've said that the score was a problem as well, and to most ears it may be...but now that I have the recording, it gets caught in my head and I cant get enough.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#66re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:09pm

it was something someone smart said to me based on their experiences. there is no fact or guarantee involved in that number--same as mb's guess at 7 months. as if any of us know for certain what will happen. I just have more educated guesses on my end as you can imagine.

and while it's delightful to sit around and speculate, I really wouldn't presume to know the producer's exact motivations. the musical was included in the best plays series--and that was pre rewrites. there's another possible reason. perhaps this show SHOULD have a chanc at bway.

if they had started in boston or the west coast, would things be greatly different?

I hear way too much 'why would anyone be so stupid to produce something risky on bway' from some of you. they are smart people who completely understand what's up. don't pretend to know more than they do. don't pretend that you can put yourselves in their shoes. that's something i'm really starting to learn from bww discussions. the difference between truth and what many of us surmise can be quite vast.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#67re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:10pm

I think it will be even less.

SWEENEY boasted a score that many recognize as one of the greatest scores ever written for the theatre, by one of the greatest theatrical composers. It boasted a star, and a gimmick of sorts with John Doyle's actor-musician approack. SWEENEY had a huge fan base already built in - which is something that GREY GARDENS can't really say. Sure, it has it's fans - but not to the extent that SWEENEY does.

SWEENEY made it's money back - and I don't think that GREY GARDENS will.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#68re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:10pm

Anyone know how much it cost to capitalize this production? I'm just wondering if it'll be fine posting Sweeney numbers.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#69re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:14pm

"I hear way too much 'why would anyone be so stupid to produce something risky on bway' from some of you. they are smart people who completely understand what's up. don't pretend to know more than they do. don't pretend that you can put yourselves in their shoes. that's something i'm really starting to learn from bww discussions. the difference between truth and what many of us surmise can be quite vast."

If I am included in this, my question was legitimate. I am not a producer, and the motivations are interesting to me. It seems you have some of the answers, Jerby. Please enlighten.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#70re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:15pm

But GG is going to be a more expensive show to produce, Bway. It has a larger cast, musicians in the pit, costumes etc. It might make SWEENEY's average weekly gross, but it surely won't have SWEENEY's same low break even costs...

Correction: I think GG and SWEENEY had the same cast size, but GG will still be more expensive to run week to week.
Updated On: 9/14/06 at 03:15 PM

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#71re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:16pm

Well, yeah, which is why I wondered about it being ok if it posts Sweeney grosses weekly.

#72re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:17pm

I also believe that Grey Gardens is going to have a tough time of it at the box office. Given the mixed reviews and the odd subject matter, it strikes me as a particularly hard sell to anyone but hardcore theatre fans. I just don't know how the show can be marketed to a mainstream audience and wonder if there are really tens of thousands of people out there -- which is what every show needs to survive -- who are willing to spend $110 to see it.

It sorta reminds me of the situation with SOUVENIR last season, which was another show that had a soldout run off-Broadway, extended multiple times and featured a critically acclaimed performance by a veteran award-winning actress (but not a star who is a big box office name) at its center playing a very eccentric real woman from the past. As is the case with GG, the play itself got very mixed notices, but the producers decided to move it to Broadway anyway on the strength of the raves the lead actress received. Well, as we know SOUVENIR struggled at the box office and never was able to find an audience, closing after just a couple of months. I predict that GG, which costs about 5 times as much to run as SOUVENIR -- with its cast of two, single set and no additional musicians -- is going face a similarly difficult time attracting an audience (especially during the dead months of January and February), but I wish it well.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 9/15/06 at 03:17 PM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#73re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:19pm

Jerby, I really hope you weren't referring to me. If my posts have, in any way, led you or others to believe that I don't think they should take the gamble, that's absolutely not my intention.

I am a HUGE advocate for bringing new, fresh, and exciting musicals to Broadway. After last year's debacle of a season for new musicals, it's more appetizing than ever.

So although I am crossing my fingers for them and hope that they succeed, I just can't help but speculate - and I think that's fine.

It just really brings back memories of CAROLINE - and I hope it doesn't suffer a similar fate.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#74re: 2007 Leading Actress in a Musical Tony Nominee Contenders
Posted: 9/14/06 at 3:24pm

God forbid it suffer the fate of Caroline, which deserved far better, too.
