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AMERICAN IDIOT is not a jukebox musical!- Page 2

AMERICAN IDIOT is not a jukebox musical!

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#25AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/5/11 at 3:11pm

True the material comes from two albums, but they're related works. I remember getting the album when it came out and thinking, 'This is a rock opera...a stage show.' I then remember reading very shortly after that that was the band's intention. I would not consider it a jukebox musical. And I would have given it the Tony for Best Score.

Taryn Profile Photo
#26AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/5/11 at 3:58pm

I don't really follow Green Day at all, but even I remember the album being called a rock opera when it came out, and hearing talk about it being inspired by The Who and other conceptual work.

#27AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/5/11 at 4:33pm


you are corect... it was bandied about as a ROCK OPERA....

it IS.a rock opera...

i don't know the history of the "petitioning" or lack thereof...

but, generally, speaking  PUNKS DON'T PETITION...

they just ROCK !!!

this is on page 4 of the PUNK guidelines...

(sigh) i will MISS my IDIOTS... tough month...


Barney Stinson
#28AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/5/11 at 5:06pm

Look, it's obviously a jukebox musical. It's just that some ahole jammed $10 worth of quarters in the jukebox and kept selecting freaking Green Day songs.

I might punch someone if they did this in a bar.

#29AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/6/11 at 2:51pm

violence is NEVER the answer !!!

i am not sure if you are joking or you REALLY believe it is a jukebox musical...

i sort of explain why i disagree on my blog....

if you were just kidding...

violence is STILL not the answer !!1


newintown Profile Photo
#30AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/6/11 at 3:54pm

It doesn't really matter what it is, kids, except a (partial) flop. Some people liked it, some didn't, and it lost money. That's all that really counts.

I thought it was a loud, boring mess about banal nihilism and humorless self-importance, but it's OK if you like that sort of thing.

#31AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/6/11 at 4:03pm

Jesus Christ Superstar was not originally intended for the stage. Webber has said this in numerous interviews and it is detailed in his biographies including Andrew Lloyd Webber His Life and Works by Michael Walsh. It was meant to be a concept album in the same way that American Idiot and Tommy are concept albums. The concept album for Evita was indeed a cast recording made to drum up investors. If American Idiot is a jukebox musical, so too are Jesus Christ Superstar and The Who's Tommy.

Barney Stinson
#32AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/6/11 at 5:36pm

Well, I was kidding about punching someone. Wouldn't do that over them being an ass on the jukebox.

And I read your blog . . . all I can say is that you didn't really make any sort of case at all. Just because you like the music doesn't mean its not a jukebox musical. Especially since pretty much all the songs were playing in, you know . . . jukeboxes for years before anyone wrote a book. Concept album, fine. Rock Opera? False. As you say, it'snot a matter of opinion, it's a fact. It's a jukebox musical.

I just don't understand what so wrong with that? Doesn't make the show any better or worse. If you love Green Day, you'll love AI.

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#33AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/6/11 at 5:49pm

Of course, it could be a rock opera and a jukebox musical, and many people have used the former label for both the Green Day CD and the Broadway show. To be honest, though the relevant terminology is far from clear and standardized, I'm not sure how you could reject out of hand the notion that American Idiot is a rock opera.

But you're right, these are all questions of language use rather than important facts about the show itself.
Updated On: 4/6/11 at 05:49 PM

#34AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/7/11 at 6:33pm

well, i want the relevant terminology standardized !!!

how do you we begin the standardization process ?!


KylieS Profile Photo
#35AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/7/11 at 9:53pm

It's clearly not a jukebox musical! Haters! Jukeboxes went out of fashion way before Greenday. It's an iPod musical.

#36AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 12:43am

A jukebox musical is a musical with pre made songs correct ? Well they were also out of an album it is a jukebox musical. With a loose story attached. The really great thing is that it has a an excellent set and lighting which both won tonys. Jukebox does not mean bad I think Jersey Boys one of the best musicals ever written is an example of this.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#37AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 12:48am

It's not an insult, but it IS a jukebox musical. "A jukebox musical is a stage or film musical that uses previously released popular songs as its musical score." American Idiot falls into that category. Whether or not the songs were initially intended to be a show or whatever, they were played on the radio for YEARS. They were mainstream far before American Idiot was put together. Thus it is a jukebox musical.

steveshack Profile Photo
#38AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 8:21am

I agree that it is NOT a jukebox musical.

It was constituted as a narrative, and all those days I jogged around listening to the original album, I always saw a show in my mind long before they pulled it together and made it a stage show.

I define jukebox musical as a bunch of unrelated songs from disparate sources that are shoe-horned into a narrative for which they were not written.

Forgive the personal reference, but I'll use, as an example, both of our musicals, The Last Session and The Big Voice: God or Merman? Both were written score-first around a theme/narrative I had in my mind. Jim Brochu then took the songs and created a book around the songs, and nobody ever questioned whether these works were musicals.

The fact is that musicals can be written in a variety of ways. In this case, American Idiot's songs cohere to one another. They were always a part of a larger vision, even if Green Day didn't have that book "written" when they wrote and recorded the songs.

Calling this a jukebox musical is a back-handed slap intended to denigrate the piece itself. Rock of Ages is a juke box musical. American Idiot was always a part of a singular vision.

Living in the Bonus Round Updated On: 4/8/11 at 08:21 AM

#39AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 9:16am

no no no not at all . It is a juke box musical . Jersey Boys has a vision a book but it is still a jukebox musical.

steveshack Profile Photo
#40AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 11:41am

American Idiot's score was intentionally written around a single coherent theme and intended to function as a larger overall statement. The musical adheres to this vision and serves the material as it was originally intended.

This is not the case with Jersey Boys.

newintown Profile Photo
#41AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 12:12pm

Horse, mule, horse, mule.

#42AMERICAN IDIOT is a jukebox musical!
Posted: 4/8/11 at 2:10pm

That's really interesting to read that JCS was never supposed to be staged. I guess that's why the show isn't very good but the music is awesome.

I tried fighting this 'American Idiot is not a jukebox musical!'-battle for a while when it was approaching it's opening dating on Broadway last year and it IS a fine line. Kyle4, you need to take your finger off the caplocks and go find something better to do than going on a tirade about something that will never determined.

Everyone here knows that Billie Joe has the JCS logo tattooed on the inside of one of his arms, right? He didn't know what it was from, he just liked the picture. I think that's kinda cool.

Oh well, have fun duking this out, guys!
