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"Aida" - 7/9/04

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#125re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 1:43am

oh no!! Oh No! OH NO!! .. haha i am cracking up SOOOOOO MUCH right now. lol that made my day. seriously.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#126re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 5:50am

Queen Muppet wrote:

Once again, I have to agree with testing1232 (we agree too many times... SCARY!). Deborah has a great voice, very husky almost which I like, but Heather's voice is mind-blowing and totally unique. I have heard voices like Deborah's dozens of times before ... she is nowhere near Heather.

*Um, Heather's voice is unique? I guess you've never heard Yolanda Adams. She and Heather sound very much alike. I think Heather Headley can sing her ass off but I don't think she's "better" than Deborah. And to say that Deborah Cox is nowhere near Heather is utter foolishness. These comparisons need to stop, especially considering Heather had months to prepare for the role. Deb is a newbie to the Broadway stage and she has been amazing in the role of AIDA. I'm so sick of the negative remarks. And it's all due to the fact that Heather is long gone from the role. Get over it! Deborah Cox is AIDA.*

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#127re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 7:27am

Woah! Calm down... no need to cry about the fact that I have the opinion that Heather is in a different league. You don't need to get all upset about it. You have your opinion, I have mine.

And yes, I think Heather's voice is unique and Deborah is not even close and if that makes me a fool, then so be it!

QM (who is not even a big Heather fan but liked her as Aida)

PS. Thanks for pointing out that Deborah is currently playing Aida. It might have slipped my mind otherwise :)

'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

crp2000 Profile Photo
#128re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 8:45am

C'mon guys - no fighting...let's all just agree that Deborah Cox is the sh!t and move forward!! re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

And by the way - this is suppose to be the new DEBORAH COX IS A SUPERSTAR THREAD - not the Adam "I Can't Poop" Pascal thread.
Please, don't force me to start "Adam Bashing". LOL!

-for those who have no sense of humor, i'm kidding...kinda!-

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#129re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:00am

HA HA! Very good.

Why don't we create a new Deborah Superstar thread and leave this the Adam worship thread? I already told you what the penalty for any constipation jokes was!!! But well done for seeing the show on Saturday and please let us know what Adam's voice sounded like (careful!!!)

QM (who never said Deborah was cr*p!!!)

'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

crp2000 Profile Photo
#130re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:25am

"who never said Deborah was cr*p!!!"

LMAO! Okay - i set myself up for that one!!

#131re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:56am

This has pretty much been taken over as an Adam worship thread. Deborah must go elsewhere, I'm afraid.

Yes, you guys lost me last night. :P Sorry, but I've been running on something like 4hrs of sleep a night for the past couple weeks and it was catching up to me. And crp, Adam-bash away, it's fine, I'm very good at ignoring what I don't want to hear. re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#132re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 11:33am

"I'm so sick of the negative remarks. And it's all due to the fact that Heather is long gone from the role. Get over it! Deborah Cox is AIDA.* "

Wow, I re-read some of the posts and i cant say they are really negative. The point of threads and message boards are posting our opinions. And frankly, talk about if Deborah is a good Aida/equal to Heather/better than Heather/is a superstar or not ( re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04 crp lol) is nowhere near the spectrum of the constant "Idina/Kristin threads." Heather is the original Aida. Anyone that follows (well no one else since its closing) will be and is expected to be compared to her. She DID have months to prepare for the role. And that adds to the fact that she is hard to compete with. I may be wrong - if i am correct me. But since she spent so long working with AIDA's creators, she probably has the best idea of what the character is like, therefore her sucessors in the role should look into her performance to get ideas to model? - not a carbon copy of her perfomance though. Also remember that Deborah has had several months performing in this show, so its not like she is 2 weeks into it.

No one is saying that Deborah is UNtalented. because she is. Many of you know i am not all for "stunt casting" because i have a hard time seeing the part/role and only see the "pop star." This is my personal opinion. Yet, i remember telling my friend the other day after seeing Deborah in it again that if she walked in off the street and auditioned and not been a 'name'i would have given her the part. BUT I prefer Heather's performance of Aida better that Deborahs, plain and simple.

Can't we critique anymore? We arent allowed to give our opinions? As i remember it was crp2000 who resorted to 'making fun' of Adam Pascal's portrayel of Radames. Which by the way, i am not offended at all - which is why no one complained. because we know we are all allowed to state our opinions and we know its all in good fun! Just my .02!

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#133re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 1:43pm

Thread bump!

Can we just all try to get along? Some people love Adam, some don't, some people love Deborah, some don't. But they're there no matter what, so let's just make the best of it.

hawkeyemania Profile Photo
#134re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 1:47pm

sorry... I am a Aida newcommer, was Heather the original Aida. I recently saw Aida with Deborah and thought she did a very good job.

In the words of Mr. William Morris Barfee, "In my whole life I have only been able to breathe through one nostril and today is no exception!"

#135re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 1:49pm

Yes, Heather was the original. Do you like Adam? This is a very important question on this thread. :)

hawkeyemania Profile Photo
#136re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 1:53pm

I saw Will Chase not no comment, tho I like the CD, but Will did a great job, and is a nice guy. Iwould say the Deborah sounds better than heather, but that is personal preference. I liked it a little more smooth sounding.

In the words of Mr. William Morris Barfee, "In my whole life I have only been able to breathe through one nostril and today is no exception!"

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#137re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 1:59pm

Great post, GirlinTheFrock.

I didn't mean to offend anyone when I said that Deborah is nowhere near Heather. It is MY opinion.

Others critisize the way one of my favorite performers sings. Instead of getting upset you try to see the funny side of it (although crp2000 is SO dead :))

I believe everyone said that Deborah had a great voice, some people don't think she can act that well but I don't think anyone really bashed her.


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

#138re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 2:12pm

Sorry for jumping off the deep end. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We can all agree to disagree. re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

crp2000 Profile Photo
#139re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 3:02pm

The first time I saw AIDA, I remember sitting down before curtain call and seeing that annoying little playbill insert fall out informing me that Schele Williams would be performing in place of Heather Headley. I swear, the whole audience gasped!! We were all looking forward to hearing why everyone was raving about this Heather chick - who by the way was also in People Magazine listed as one of the year's "50 Most Beautiful People". I even had my magazine ready for her to sign!!

Well, Schele Williams came out and BLEW ALL OF US AWAY!! I recall her receiving several standing ovations and seeing the bulk of the orchestra line up outside to get her autograph and APOLOGIZE for the remarks made before hand...unfortunately, it was a matinee performance and she never came out.
To this day, I still view Schele Williams as "my AIDA" simply because it was her performance that got me hooked on the show.

Just wanted to give my girl Schele her props because she can definitely hang with the best!!


Updated On: 7/15/04 at 03:02 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#140re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 4:45pm

Oy vey.

Obviously there are Adam fans here. Obviously crp doesn't like Adam. Obviously some people don't like Deborah Cox. And you know what? Fine. But can we NOT argue? Can we refrain from threats of "Adam bashing?" It's so childish.... the people posting on this thread are all Aida fans, so let's just relax. This thread was so much fun last night.... let's not fight. And crp... who left you in charge? Start another thread if you must have a "Deborah Cox worship thread." You're welcome to state your opinion, but please... don't do it by spoiling our fun.

*steps off soapbox*

So TheGirlinTheFrock!! I'm so happy I could make you smile last night! Diiiiiiiiiiiva!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/15/04 at 04:45 PM

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#141re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 5:04pm

Emcee, Undiscovered, insomniak, TGITF, NNY - you guys crack me up. Looks like you had a blast in the early morning hours. Wish I didn't have to get up 5AM, so I could have fun, too! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with tonight.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

crp2000 Profile Photo
#142re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 5:40pm


I think you've been taking my posts waaaaaaaay too seriously!
!Big Hug! - just for you.
Updated On: 7/15/04 at 05:40 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#143re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 5:46pm

haha, we do try, bdwaygirl. Where are those crazy gals, anyway? Ah, I guess it's a teeny bit early for the party just yet.

crp, it wasn't really just *your* posts I was talking about... I'm just sick of the fighting on this board (in general). Honestly, it just isn't something we need to be getting at each other's throats for. My mother tells me Adam sounds "like a dead horse," so say what you want. You're entitled. *Hugs*

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#144re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 6:58pm

Oh, I'll be up tonight just for you guys! And I'm so glad we've al apologized and made up. Hugs all around! Yay for Aida, Adam and Deborah love.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#145re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:24pm

lol, is it party time yet?!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#146re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:26pm

Well, it's early. I may be in and out, I haven't decided if I'm going to finish the Godfather now or later.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#147re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:28pm

haha, that's okay. I think it's just you and me right now anyway. We've got to wait for the others. re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#148re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:31pm

OT- how do you get avatars? I have an idea for one.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#149re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 9:36pm

check your pm's.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
