I just see Orfeh singing the line "YOU DON'T KNOW!" and somehow trying to riff it up. Idk.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/5/04
I'd LOVE to see Rachel York take on the role--whoever brought that up, random--but I like your thinking. I have yet to see Rachel York do anything less than brilliant on stage.
I'm not sure what Kelly2 means by saying that Kaitlin Hopkins has the voice Ripley lacks since Ripley gives a brilliant vocal performance in NEXT TO NORMAL. Her voice never fails to blow me away. Not only does she have a fantastic voice but she sure knows how to act with it, the way she uses her voice to portray Diana's complexities is one of the many reasons why she won the Tony this year. And Alison Janney couldn't be more wrong for the part in a film, and she would have to be dubbed.
I think Toni Collette (who had her own rock band at one point--or still does) would be simply spectacular in this show. I don't think Amy Spanger's acting (at least judging from the workshop tracks) is at the level required for the show to work, not to mention the fact that she might not be able to sing the score 8 times a week.
Someone that hasn't been mentioned that I think would work is Andrea Burns.
I think Sarah Uriarte Berry would be fabulous.
I don't really like the idea of Sherie Rene Scott taking over, if she ever thought about taking a replacement role. I just listened to her "Didn't I See This Movie" and I found I don't really like Sherie's voice. Though I do love her Ursala. I think Orfeh is a poor choice. And she would be the same size as Natalie. Orfeh is tiny. But I do like the Julia Murney suggestion. I saw her in Wicked (tour) and loved her. Where can I find a recording of her "So Anyways?"
Add: Also Sherie sounds completely bored in the Feeling Electric demos. I saw her in Little Mermaid and she seemed bored there too. Was she bored in DRS? I wonder if she would eventually become really bored Diana.
Love the Toni Collette idea.
Though she's played a character similar to Diana in one important way already, in the film "The Night Listener," based on the Armistead Maupin book.
"I'm not sure what Kelly2 means by saying that Kaitlin Hopkins has the voice Ripley lacks since Ripley gives a brilliant vocal performance in NEXT TO NORMAL. Her voice never fails to blow me away. Not only does she have a fantastic voice but she sure knows how to act with it, the way she uses her voice to portray Diana's complexities is one of the many reasons why she won the Tony this year."
I mean that I'd like to see someone who can act with their voice without missing half of the high notes. I'm sorry, but I've seen Ripley in N2N four times now, three times off-Broadway, and once on, and not once has she been able to hit the notes without cracking. And no, I'm not talking "acting choice" cracking, I mean embarrassing, notes that were meant to be sustained, but her voice gave out midway, CRACKING. I don't deny that her acting in the show is brilliant, or that her Tony was absolutely earned, her performance is incredible to behold. But to say that it is a vocal masterpiece or even close to being a "brilliantly sung" performance is disingenuous, in my opinion. What I mean, to further clarify, is that I have seen the brilliant and sadly underrated Kaitlin Hopkins in MANY shows, and not only is she a fantastic actress (who, yes, knows how to act using her voice), but she has a commanding stage presence and the grasp of dark comedy necessary to tackle a role like Diana.
Also, re: Allison Janney? I don't think I danced around the fact that vocally, it is probably out of the question for her, but I believe that in a non-musical adaptation of the story, or if she were dubbed, her acting in the part would be outstanding. Not sure why you don't think physically and presence-wise she wouldn't fit.
Understudy Joined: 4/12/07
I actually would love to see someone else in the part. I thought Alice Ripley was okay, but her voice was shot and she sounded terrible when I saw it. I was not blown away by her performance. I'm a huge Julia Murney fan and would pay top dollar to see her in this!
Understudy Joined: 7/6/09
Hmmm, I don't think I like the thought of Janney in this role at all. Vocally, it's a bit absurd, and even simply acting-wise, I just don't see it. I'm not sure I've really been emotionally attached to anything she's done, and that's, well, clearly a necessity in the role of Diana.
Moowithme, just curious, but have you ever seen any of The West Wing? I thought her storylines as C.J. were incredibly well-acted and created an emotional bond between her character and the viewer (based on the response to Janney in this role, clearly I'm not alone).
Janney could never in a million years sing this role, but she would act the hell out of it. Don't judge her acting based on the nonsense in 9 to 5. Go watch The West Wing, a show that she received 4 Emmys for, and you'll see what an incredible actress she is.
To put the 4 Emmys in persective, The West Wing was on for 7 seasons. Janney won an Emmy for more than half of them (and frankly, should have won her 5th for the final season).
Double post. Updated On: 8/13/09 at 11:31 PM
If this is ever a film, I vote Toni Collette.
For stage, I think Carolee Carmello could make an interesting Diana.
WORD, adamgreer, she was completely robbed of that fifth Emmy, especially considering how much of the show she carried in the last season.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/7/05
I'm with you, Parks. Rachel York's voice is so expressive because she's such a strong actress.
I haven't seen the show yet (SO want to), but I love the score. I've heard Ripley and SRS, and hands down Ripley wins IMO.
Could Liz Callaway handle it?
WORD, adamgreer, she was completely robbed of that fifth Emmy, especially considering how much of the show she carried in the last season.
My favorite moment of that final season was when she found out Toby had leaked the secrets about the shuttle. She didn't say a word, but for a good 30 seconds, there was nothing but SILENCE. The emotion Janney was able to convey with just her face was incredible. That moment, knowing what you knew about the relationship of those two characters, was possibly the most heartbreaking in the show's history.
But, I digress.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
The idea of Daphne Rubin Vega makes me shudder. I'm not a huge fan of her in the first place, but her as Diana is an awful idea.
But, I am LOVING the Toni Collette suggestion. If she can handle the vocals, book her immediately.
Adamgreer, that moment is honestly breathtaking. Her entire storyline with Danny, especially in the last few episodes, really hit home for me too.
Back on topic, Carolee Carmello would be really interesting, she's got a great instrument too. I'm still thinking about what Orfeh would bring to the table though. I would never have thought of her in this role, but it really would be a force of nature performance, I have no doubt, though...and I'm sure I'll get stoned for this, I think she can afford to be choosy enough about roles to only originate them from now on.
Emily Skinner. I'm completely kidding with that, but when I think Alice I think Emily. In actuality, I agree with Julia Murney and maybe Orfeh. Also, this just popped into my head, but what about Sara Ramirez?
Andrea McCardle would be perfect. And if Haven Burton looked at all the role, she'd be incredible. I just want to see that girl star in something. :]
2 Words.... Polly Holliday!
Haven Burton would also need to improve her mediocre acting skills and look about 10 years older. Saw her "star" in Legally Blonde and was not at all impressed. Don't really get the hype with her. She's got a killer voice, but she doesn't seem "star quality" to me.
Understudy Joined: 7/6/09
Have to admit, I have not seen much of the West Wing, although I saw a few episodes here and there and was not overly impressed. I'm basing my opinion on the other shows I've seen her in: Away We Go, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Juno, 10 Things..., and of course, 9 to 5. I'll admit that I enjoyed her in each of these, but would not have put her on my list of emotionally raw actresses. Although, if her performance in West Wing was as incredible as you are saying, I could stand corrected.