Is Dare To Sing working oddly for anyone else? I got on the page and a bunch of odd WARNINGs or something came up all over the screen. IT wouldn't even let me get to the forum OR log in. Does anyone else have this problem?
Swing Joined: 1/9/07
Does anyone have the "It Takes Two" background track? The audition that I have is being moved up five days, making it impossible for me to get the karaoke CD in time. I'll post a recording of me singing it. Thank you so much!
My school just got done with a production of Little shop. Here are a few clips of me as Audrey
I finally did it. Debt paid.
Soapy Sings "Don't Cry For Me Argentina"
Me singing Lily Allen's smile....I just did this on garage band with my microphone thats in my power book so it's not the best quality...would love feedback!
Smile by me!
Today, I did an a capella version of Marc Broussard's "Gavin's Song" and for some reason there are pops in it every now and then. Other than that, I am pretty proud of it. My last a capella venture during BWW IDOL didn't go so well, so I hope I made up for by this one. Let me know what you think.
Spidey Sings "Gavin's Song" A Capella
I just recorded this. Let me know what you think.
Spidey sings "Patience" From the DREAMGIRLS movie
Here is me singing Johnny Lang's "Still Raining." Hope you enjoy!
Spidey sings "Still Raining"
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/05
i love your voice erika. and they way you sing in french, he he
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/12/04
Very nice work, Timmer!
Spider: Thanks so much! I'll go listen to your latest in a sec...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
The most recent videos on my channel are from my recital a few days ago. It wasn't my best, and the balance is off, but you get the idea:
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
I'm using this for an audition tomorrow. What do y'all think?
Alone in the Universe
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
My very own parody of a song you all know and love (or hate):
I'm Oversinging (Climb Ev'ry Mountain)
"Something's Coming"
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
One of my favorite songs, that I never thought I'd be able to sing due to a high note that I can now (barely) hit.
Music of the Night
I'm bored so I made this :) haha it's part of Scott Alan's "Never Neverland." I know it's horribly overdone but I don't have many instrumental tracks on my iTunes. Anywho. Not the best but here we go :)
Never Neverland
A song from BOY FROM OZ
"I Honestly Love You"
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/05
This was from a revue performance I did as part of a NYU grad course about a year and a half ago. Yes, I seriously BUTCHER the words. Mea culpa.
Bali Ha'i
I suppose I can post this here...
This is live audio from my second to last show of EVITA a couple months ago, with a slide show of pictures from the number....keep in mind this is from a community theatre production and I am much harder on my faults than any critic could ever be...still, it was a blast to play Che all the same.
I did make an attempt to fit in an ode to Mandy at 3:54. lol
EVITA ~ And the Money Kept Rolling In (In & Out)
double post
Updated On: 12/19/09 at 11:14 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/30/05
This is me singing both parts of Pretty Women. It's very rough and needs to be refined but I'm glad I did it.
Leading Actor Joined: 8/17/07
Here's a few of me singing Christmas Eve at an event here in Vegas. Froze my ass off haha.
O Holy Night
My Life Would Suck Without You
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Falling Slowly
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/14/03
I'll share....
If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...