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Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?

Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?

#1Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 7/3/09 at 3:03pm

I will be in London for one night. What musical should I see? I live in NY so I don't want to see anything I can see here. Is there a TKTS type thing for the West End? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Just_John Profile Photo
#2re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 7/3/09 at 3:14pm

I live in NY too and I visited London a few weeks ago. I saw four shows- Little Night Music, La Cage, Oliver and Sister Act. Since Little Night and La Cage are coming to NY I'd skip those. If your a Rowan Atkinson fan, definitely Oliver. If you like shows like Hairspray, Legally Blonde and Wedding Singer, you'd love Sister Act but I think Whoopi plans on bringing it to NY eventually.

Weez Profile Photo
#2re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 7/3/09 at 4:01pm

How about someone who lives near the West End?

My opinion is that the finest musical in the West End right now is La Cage aux Folles. I'd prescribe it on the NHS if I could, it's amazing. One presumes you're coming over the summer? Then you get Roger Allam - who is definitely on a par with the ridiculously amazing Douglas Hodge - as Albin, and Philip Quast - needs NO introduction, I'm sure! - as Georges.

If you're open to plays though, I'd recommend Arcadia before La Cage. Or War Horse, if you want a play that's heavier on the emotional stimulation than the intellectual stimulation. (Not that Arcadia isn't emotionally stimulating, but War Horse does NOT tax the brain AT ALL. XD) You'll never see more incredible horses onstage EVER.

#3re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 7/3/09 at 5:44pm

As someone who lives nearer to London than NYC (not that near, but I visit both cities as often as my bank balance allows!), I would second the view that you should see something which isn't officially scheduled to transfer (yet).

Priscilla is a huge favourite of mine because it's so much fun - not to mention spectacularly gorgeous to look at, features an award-worthy performance from Tony Sheldon as Bernadette and there's nothing else quite like it playing anywhere on Broadway (or probably anywhere else in the USA for that matter)!

Sister Act is also worth a look - once it hits its stride it is just a joyous event and Patina Miller is fabulous in the Whoopi Goldberg role.

Obviously it depends on where your tastes lie (camp musicals / straight plays / original productions etc etc) but I hope you get to see something you really love.

And to answer one of your questions: there is a TKTS booth in Leicester Square and it also sells discounted seats up to 7 days in advance. Website:

Seen some shows in my time....
Updated On: 7/3/09 at 05:44 PM

mybigsplash Profile Photo
#5re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 7/3/09 at 6:28pm

I Went to London Just to see this show. The Most critically acclaimed show in West End right now. The most phenomenal production I've seen in my life. And I too live in New York, and see everything. NOTHING I've seen in years even compares to the masterpiece and epic proportions of WAR HORSE. Downside is, Almost impossible to get tickets, but they do offer "day of" tickets without waiting in line.

Stephen: "Could you grab me a coffee?" Me: "Would you like that with all the colors of the wind?"

Mark_E Profile Photo
#6re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 7/3/09 at 7:36pm

Priscilla or Sister Act!!!!

I would have said La Cage but it is transferring next season, but Sister Act and Priscilla aint.

Jshan05 Profile Photo
#7re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/22/18 at 2:45pm

Hello all! I'll be heading to London at the end of March and wanted some recommendations on shows and restaurants near theaters! Some ones on my potential list are Dreamgirls, 42nd Street, Long Days Journey Into Night, Everybody's Talking About Jamie, and Amadeus. Any advice is helpful-thanks in advance!

Lot666 Profile Photo
#8re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/22/18 at 2:57pm

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#9re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/22/18 at 3:38pm

I'd skip Dreamgirls (boring production that just copies the Bennett staging for the most part), 42nd Street is a fun production but poorly acted and well, the "Grab and kiss a girl so she knows how to feel" stuff is uncomfortable now, but if you just want to see a giant chorus tap it's great. 

Jamie is a lot of fun and I honestly cried in it for as cheesy as it over-all is. This production of Amadeus is also great. If the Ferryman is still running I'd definitely see it!

Here's a great site that has TERRIFIC listings of shows by schedule (so I can easily plan how to see 8 shows in 5 days) and rush or lottery policies.

Megsamegatron Profile Photo
#10re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/22/18 at 4:20pm

I was just in London about a month ago, specially went to see Hamilton, but also saw Harry Potter (way easier to get tickets then NYC), Dreamgirls and Les Mis (guilty pleasure show). 

I loved them all! I bought Dreamgirls and Les Mis at the TKTS booths in Leicester (sp) Square the same day

VernonGersch Profile Photo
#11re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/23/18 at 8:26am

was just in london over the holidays and recommend the following

Everybody's Talking About Jamie

The Ferryman



if i was going soon id see - Girl From North Country. Girls & Boys, The York Realist

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#12re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/23/18 at 8:57am

I eat at The Gay Hassar at least once per visit.  Great Hungarian food and the atmosphere is terrific.  In Soho close to many West End theatres.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jshan05 Profile Photo
#13re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/23/18 at 10:27am

Thanks for the recommendations. The website with the days/times is super helpful. Thanks!

#14re: Any of you NY broadway folk have a London recommendation?
Posted: 2/23/18 at 12:20pm

Not a show rec, but I highly enjoyed the tour of The National Theatre that they give and it's really cheap, if I remember correctly. I wasn't sure going in whether it would be a waste of time, but I learned a ton and was able to check out areas I never thought we'd get to.
