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allofmylife Profile Photo
#275james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 12/11/06 at 5:43pm

Especially harmonica.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#276james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 12/11/06 at 5:48pm

I know I can be mean, but they really do get in the way.

So does filming. It's everywhere aound town. I love it when some PA is saying, "I'm sorry, you can't be here."

I'm like, screw you kid, and just walk through the shot. If they get crappy with me, I whip out my SAG or IATSE card and tell them that unless they want to pay me, then they should just back off. I just did it yesterday at my news stand. The owner thinks I'm a hoot.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#277james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 12/11/06 at 5:51pm

I think this would be a very interesting episode of one of those crime shows.

Neverandy Profile Photo
#278james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 12/11/06 at 7:01pm

An SVU Starring Steve Blanchard as James Barbour and Sarah Uriarte Berry as his Accuser!

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

allofmylife Profile Photo
#279james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 12/11/06 at 10:02pm

And James Naughton as his lawyer ("you're charging my client? The curtain went down but he didn't".) and Elaine Stritch as hers ("Oh give me a break, so she's blown everything but the light bulbs at Macy's, sex with a minor is illegal, Jack.")

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#280james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 12/11/06 at 10:13pm

I'd like to see Alison Fischer as the accuser... james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

robbiej Profile Photo
#281james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 1/3/08 at 2:27pm


Looks like community service is in the cards for somebody!

Little girls...little girls...everywhere I turn, I can see them.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#282james barbour prefers sex with 7th grade girls
Posted: 1/6/08 at 1:19am

At his plea bargain hearing last week, while sounding like a little school girl -- and we all now know his preferences there -- barbour responded to the charges without a trace of sincerity and remorse.

truly one of his better acting jobs.

shame there is no award for hoodwinking and mocking the legal process. perhaps he has set the precedent? ..."and the winner of the shammy goes to"....

i am not fooled by his nonchalance in the press, nor that of his beaten -- and over-priced -- defense team. birds of a feather, indeed.

sociopaths do not like to lose under any circumstance and will gaslight the world into thinking they have triumphed.

the fact is, he is an admitted child molester. no denying public record.

while on the topic of about his "loving wife" standing by his stupid does this pretentious ****think people are? will this woman awaken from her stupor someday? it's bad theater in every sense of the phrase.

it doesn't require a background in forensics to know that if he victimized one kid, he has victimized numerous kids. yes, kids. there's a pathology here.

if you've been following along, you'd know the press has already reported on another girl who won't come forward. kid was 13 at the time...

unfortunately, this is the story of the *only* victim who had the courage to come to forward. and no one but a victim can appreciate the gravity of this action. only another victim can know the damage that will never go away..the closure that will never manifest.

this demon took more than one childhood. and yes, 60 days doesn't even come close to repaying this, but it's a start. perhaps there will be more in his future?

the bloated ego and sociopathic nature of this pathetic animal denies him the ability to self-reflect, and therefore, renders him incapable of remorse.

he has committed these acts before, and will likely commit them again. the good news here is that he is now being watched.

his empty bravado and dullness of helmet will surely cause him to slip...

let's hope the public recognizes him for what he truly is and refuses to support everything with which he is associated...forever.

to the jay binders of the world (see the recent ny times article)...i say shame on are just as morally bankrupt as he, if you would hire him for anything ever again.

i can only hope the theater lovers at rikers clean him out as well as his super star defense team did.

now let's see...what skill can he parlay into prison currency during his stay...i know...let's put on a show...oh yes, nothing like grand broadway show tunes to lift the spirits in the morning showers.

kinda conjures up the image of zero and gene rehearsing 'prisoners of love', eh?

on second thought, over the next few weeks maybe he should learn to rap...

in a month or so, the world will have one less piece of trash walking about...if but for a short while...
