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Neverandy Profile Photo
#175how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/7/06 at 6:27pm

7 pages and our first wicked reference!

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

MotorTink Profile Photo
#176how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/7/06 at 6:29pm

Well, at least you admit it!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#177how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/7/06 at 7:15pm

while the post i cited may have been speaking to prison in a general sense, i was speaking to the specifics of this case. let's remember we're not talking about a mountain boy raised with no shoes in buckskin breaches who was taught that it was ok to bang his baby sister but an accomplished actor who's written two television pilots and three feature films and is a graduate of hofstra university on long island with a degree in acting and a minor in philosophy. to pretend that he doesn't know that what he did was wrong or to imply that he needs to be educated on the matter is ridiculous to the point of being surreal.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#178how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/7/06 at 9:57pm

Sorry, Stephanie, but I stick by that statement. If this guy were a bank teller or a janitor or an accountant, there would be NO defense of him whatsoever here. He would be absolutely dismissed as a disgusting perv criminal.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#179how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 1:20am

He's toast
even his co workers
say this could be true
and he has a "wife"
who has not spoken up yet.

Updated On: 12/8/06 at 01:20 AM

Neverandy Profile Photo
#180how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 12:49pm

I can't wait to see when they recast Lancelot in the Camelot tour he was going to do.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

#181how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 1:48pm

Okay, I've been lurking on this board for years and the fact that this is the message that got me to join sort of saddens me but I have to say something....

"I often feel that the "rape card" is abused, and takes away from women who have actual had to experience it. When you are just easy and then cry rape later to make yourself feel better about it is disrespectful to yourself and more so to those that are telling the truth."

First of all Stephanie, and I ask this is all seriousness, do you know anyone who has been raped or violated in anyway. I am willing to venture not because you would not refer to it as the rape card? What exactly does that mean. The very reason that women do not come forward is because they are scared to death of the entire process and that they may be dubbed as easy. And believe it or not more often than not women do not come forward.

Second of all, regardless of how the complaining witness acted the law says it is wrong. You may not agree with the law but the law is there for a reason. And putting the complaining witnesses behavoir in question is WRONG.

And to address that she waited 5 years. So what? The law gives a statute of limitations....And contrary to what we see on TV or in the movie the police departments do not issue arrest warrents or set court dates willy nilly...they've got to have some evidence. And if the girl was just looking for money or fame she would have filed a civil case (where money actually gets awarded and where the burdon of proof lies in the defense)

Sorry for this long sort verbal vomit but I just had to get it out.

Switz78 Profile Photo
#182how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 2:24pm

Updated On: 12/10/06 at 02:24 PM

#183how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 2:29pm

It's interesting that someone is presumed innocent (by a jury) but never found innocent.

You are either Guilty or Not Guilty but never declared innocent.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#184how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 2:31pm

Interesting point there Keeka

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Neverandy Profile Photo
#185how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 2:43pm

Go back to the article and read what he has admitted to doing. Seems a little weird, Right?
Think about the answering machine messages.
Remember the (then) 13 year old who has come forward after the statute of limitations has run out.
Think about all the people who have worked with the man who have been expecting this.
It seems amazing to me that he hasn't accepted some kind of plea.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

#186how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 2:50pm

I imagine he hasn't accepted a plea for a few reasons. First of all it hasn't gone to trial so that may not be an option yet. Secondly, the state might really want a conviction thus not be offering one (thinking back to the article). Or he just wants to stretch out his time prior to becomeing a convicted sex offender.

#187how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 2:58pm

BTW, I think the man is guilty. I was just pointing out that in our lovely criminal court system you are found either GUILTY or NOT GUILTY but never found INNOCENT. A cop friend of mine says NOT GUILTY is another way of saying we think you are guilty but just cannot prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. I cannot see what they defense could introduce as reasonable doubt as he has actually admited to it....just my thoughts.

Neverandy Profile Photo
#188how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 3:02pm

I could tell Keeka, thanks.
You are probably right. But I think that the plea deal might be in the offing. Especially since the article says that they have disclosed the answering machine tapes to the defense. If they are as damning as the prosecutor describes then I wouldn't be surprised.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#189how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 3:03pm

I was wondering about a plea myself.

Maybe he likes seeing his picture in the paper, for whatever reasons.

#190how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/8/06 at 4:20pm


Sorry to hear that happened to you.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#191how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 2:46am

I DO know someone that was raped by a family member multiple times during her childhood. And she is deeply disturbed by the act even as an adult, and I do believe she never told anyone until it was too late.

I was NOT saying the "rape card" in response to those who HAS been raped. I was saying many girls say they've been raped when really they had sex willingly. THey feel putting the blame on the man is the easy way out of being considered "a whore" or "easy". This is what I have a problem with. They are part of the reason why women who have been raped have such a problem coming out with it, because they fear people will think they are making it up and they feel that it is really their fault.

Also, in response to the "forcing" of actions. I suppose I can't say it is true for all, but I know that at 15 years old if a man had told me to give him head, I would have laughed in his face and gotten my ass out of there. She wasn't physically threatened. And if seduction was the case, is seduction not something you can overcome as well? As far as I know about seduction (and I'd like to think I know a lot about it, lol) if I'm successfully being seduced it's because I want to be and if I'm not interested there is no amount of seduction that can be used to make me do sexual actions.

What you all have to understand is I HAVE MY OWN OPINIONS ON THINGS. I'm sorry you think they are wrong, but that is your decision and I must respect that, too. Please stop trying to act like I'm a 12 year-old fan girl who has no life experience. I am most certainly not.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#192how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 3:02am

Mmm...I don't know how to take to this one, folks.

I feel for the man because well, what if nothing of the sort took shape? What if the media's just spinning another story? I don't believe it...It sounds too far-fetched to me.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#193how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 3:39am

What the hell is happening in this country? Between stories like this and all the horrific treatment which seems a cross between stalking and assault that stars are being subjected to by the scummy papparazzi, the media has become so, so SO defiled and cheapened. Now here we are judging a man who hasn't had his day in court AND the woman who is accusing him as if it were sport. Hell, even I got carried away in this two or three pages back.

It was so effortless to join the mob.

And that scares the heck out of me.

This is such a tragic situation no matter who is telling the truth. Let's move on....

Neverandy Profile Photo
#194how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 10:14am

Even if she had sex willingly he is still guilty.
Why would she need to "Put the blame on the man to get out of being considered a whore or easy" when it is five years ago?
The fact that she was a 15 year old girl who probably was completely enamoured that a Star Broadway Leading man was at all interested in her is the issue here. He took advantage of that fact. There are plenty of young girls (much younger than 15 I am sure) that would do the same thing to Jusitn Timberlake. And if that happenned he would be guilty too.
Keep in mind that the law is sometimesprotecting minors from two different threats-The Pedophile who is sexually gratified by engaging in sex acts with children, and the minor themselves who lack the judgement to keep themselves out of inappropriate situations.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#195how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 11:01am

This is just one more thing though, not necessarily THIS situation, but this is just one more thing that people find excuses for.

I shot someone because I play violent video games.

I'm overweight because McDonald's is addicting.

The reason we live in a cynical world, with people like myself that don't always believe which one is the "victim" is because we also live in a world where no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

Marlothom Profile Photo
#196how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 11:28am

I think that the "good" thing that can come from all this is, if any, is that there may be some more parent control in the theatre community. As a teen, first dealing with my sexuality, I worked in casts with many older men whom I became close to due to the stage in my life. Thankfully, they were very respectful and were there to talk to, only. I can't imagine what would have happened if they had other intentions.

I am not saying the parents are too blame here, I think that the fact that JB cannot show he did NOTHING WRONG right away (she did not come to my house, she did not lay on my bed, I did not kis her) is a deal breaker for me. I am saying that I hope parents of theatre kids now realize the mixture of age groups in this community and the need for these parents (who sometimes want nothing to do with theatre) to be more of a presence.

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."

allofmylife Profile Photo
#197how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 11:48am

Here is the problem. WE know absolutely nothing about this case. We are a collective group of theatre enthusiasts who have done nothing to investigate this situation. We are not the police, the courts, child welfare. We just a bunch of ordinary people who have read a few articles on the internet and jumped to all sorts of conclusions.

And don't start to say we're like a jury because if all that has been "proven" on this site was what a jury sees, I would vomit in utter fear for the jury system.

This man has not had his day in court and this woman has not had hers.

We should just note the accusation and let a jury of twelve hear the facts and make a decision.

One of the biggest problems with the internet (or one of its bigest advantages - you choose) is that it allows every a**hole in his basement to slather his opinion on the web.

I am one of those a**holes and so are all of you.

And what bothers me even more is I know that this site will be quoted by some reporter somewhere as "people in the industry are saying..."

And suddenly we have gone from spectator to part of the problem.

I guess what I am saying is, let's let the courst decide this and spend our time debating the relative merits of Wicked.

Marlothom Profile Photo
#198how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 11:56am

On another note, this may be one of the few times the question, "Did you like the revival of Sondheim's "Assassins"? May be asked in jury selection.

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."

allofmylife Profile Photo
#199how can you not get it?
Posted: 12/9/06 at 12:16pm

On another another note, George Trow has died. He was one of the creators of National Lampoon and strangely enough, his entire career seems to have been shaped to pour some light on this situation. Trow believed in the concept of "informed confusion" which is what I believe the world now suffers from.
There is no "newspaper of record" anymore. Variety is not the "voice of the industry" Nobody knows anything anymore but everyone is ready to act as an expert. It's "the context of no context." We don't have all the information but we're ready to pass judgement.

Let's cool it. And read George's obit at
Updated On: 12/9/06 at 12:16 PM
