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"Best Musical" 2007 TONY Contenders- Page 12

"Best Musical" 2007 TONY Contenders

Weez Profile Photo
#275'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/18/07 at 6:53pm

What? Are you somehow implying that Michael Cerveris and Donna Muprhy won't be wearing fishtails and heelying their way around the stage?! 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#276'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/18/07 at 6:56pm

No, but I can imply that they should be. I mean, if ever there were a musical worthy of those talents...

I also really like the use of "no duh."

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/18/07 at 06:56 PM

StephenSondheimWHOO Profile Photo
#277'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/18/07 at 7:43pm

This is a very funny thread, and its got me me new 2 least favorite posters!!

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#278'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 12:15am

ok lizzy and aladdin we know you r the same person...the jig is up. go do a disney show at some theater camp and be off with you, beofre some drops a house on you too!

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

folkyboy Profile Photo
#279'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 1:40am

the fact that this person has an Aladdin user icon should've given their sentiments up right away.

#280'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 10:29am

LOL you guys are so pathetic, we are completely different people. Ya know I am an aspriring stand-up comedian and you are just giving me so much great material! "both appreciate Disney - MUST BE THE SAME PERSON!!!" haha this is the funniest thing I have read in a while - thanks for making my day. I must leave - reality and the demands of a normal social life are calling. But I will be back if I have a writer's block = )

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#281'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 10:33am

no...lizzy you made my day with your comments

lovinlife2 Profile Photo
#282'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 12:02pm

legally blonde needs a nom, it was excellent.

#283'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 12:07pm

Yeah Lizzy, talking about disney musicals on a broadway message board makes for excellent stand up material.

roseinthewinter2 Profile Photo
#284'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 12:08pm

THAT'S standup comedy material? eesh.

"And no, I'm not addicted to crack (unless you count showtunes as 'crack' and then clearly, I am a lost cause)." - Donna Lynne Champlin

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#285'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 2:43pm

efff you lizzy you piss me off. gio back to 7th grade.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#286'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 2:52pm

Hahahahahaha that's all I'm saying because 1.) By trying to argue you are only putting yourself down to her level and 2.) You act tough and mature yet you can't spell words like before and go; not to mention bad use of phrasing like your, "beofre some drops a house on you too!"'s someone. I don't think she needs to go back to 7th grade, I think you do so that you can work on your grammar a bit. 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders

Updated On: 2/19/07 at 02:52 PM

roseinthewinter2 Profile Photo
#287'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 5:15pm

as if this whole argument is about grammar. (and YOU complain about this post being off-topic.)

"And no, I'm not addicted to crack (unless you count showtunes as 'crack' and then clearly, I am a lost cause)." - Donna Lynne Champlin

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#288'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 5:18pm

Aladdin, just so you know, it's spelled grammar. 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#289'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 5:19pm

Hahahaha well I never said that I didn't need to work on my grammar. 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Updated On: 2/19/07 at 05:19 PM

#290'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 5:22pm

Yes well I am not the only one who helped contribute to getting this thread off-topic. 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Updated On: 2/19/07 at 05:22 PM

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#291'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 6:01pm

i love this thread! We should have like a board full of lizzya9's comments

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#292'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/19/07 at 6:17pm

^If we had that there would be no more intelligent shows people would go see. Everyone would be seeing Mary Poppins unfortunately.

#293'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:48am

Donna Marie Asbury in Cinderella 2007
Susan B. Anthony in Seussical
Donna Lynne Champlin in " I'm da bomb giggity"
Sarah Uriarte Berry in Mary Poppins
Telly Leung in Rags to Riches
and of course
Lala Robbins in " Everything and then some"

roseinthewinter2 Profile Photo
#294'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/20/07 at 8:32pm

hahahahaha... what??

"And no, I'm not addicted to crack (unless you count showtunes as 'crack' and then clearly, I am a lost cause)." - Donna Lynne Champlin

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#295'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/20/07 at 9:53pm

"It doesn't always lead to suicide..most of the time people get help for it...if you've known anyone who slits their wrists you would know it's to realieve pain"

Oh how teen-angsty! It reminds me so much of high school in the mid-80s, when Morrissey was SO COOL.

Um, actually the person I knew who slit their wrists did so to kill themselves and they succeeded. Grow up. You can relieve pain with Advil or Tylenol or a heating pad or breathing/exercise or many other ways that do not potentially lead to death. What you are saying is nothing more than a "cool" way to get attention and brush it off with a lame justification for injuring oneself. You know, if you cut off your head, you'll probably relieve some pain as well. You'll be DEAD, but you won't be in any pain.

Why not promote something useful rather than propogate some ignorant adolescent attention-seeking harmful blather and trying to pass it off as some sort of superior nugget of elitsit knowledge?

It's not funny. It's not cute. You could have just apologized and that would have been fine, but don't try to pass it off as a common remedy.

Oh yeah, and if you can't be sensitive to the fact that most people equate the act of slitting their wrists with suicide, then either you need to get out more, or you seriously need to reevaluate your interpersonal skills.

I'm just sayin'...

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#296'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:08pm

Mister Matt, we have already discussed what I said and I did apologize in case you were to busy by typing this post to not notice the "Well then I'm sorry.."..sorry about your loss..I never said I was trying to be cute by it and after I typed it I knew I would get critisized for it because only my friends know the inside joke behind it so again I am was stupid on my part knowing no one would get it and that they would all preach out about how its wrong to make a joke like that so again sorry..

roseinthewinter2 Profile Photo
#297'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:39pm

1. "Well then I'm sorry..." is a pretty flippant "apology."

2. You and your friends have inside jokes about slitting your wrists? 'Cause that's not morbid or disturbing in any way.

3. So you know, it wasn't only what you said. It was that you continued to defend it (your remarks, cutting). You were getting up on a soapbox just as much as the people who argued against you, whom you criticize.

"And no, I'm not addicted to crack (unless you count showtunes as 'crack' and then clearly, I am a lost cause)." - Donna Lynne Champlin

#298'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:46pm

"1. "Well then I'm sorry..." is a pretty flippant "apology."

2. You and your friends have inside jokes about slitting your wrists? 'Cause that's not morbid or disturbing in any way.

3. So you know, it wasn't only what you said. It was that you continued to defend it (your remarks, cutting). You were getting up on a soapbox just as much as the people who argued against you, whom you criticize. "
1.) Typing seems arogant sometimes, but it wasn't meant to be
2.) Exactly again you wouldn't understand anything about it
3.) Ok got it not going to do it again...there now that's put aside this whole thing can be forgotten because it's just sad if someone won't drop it, it was a stupid remark that everyone is just going to have to continue their lives from it
Updated On: 2/20/07 at 10:46 PM

#299'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/21/07 at 11:11am

MISTER Matt...i am sorry...i am so so sorry...
