Finally some pictures from the tour posted on BWW.
Im seeing it in Atlanta, anyone else?
Saw it tonight, all my friends liked it, they said it wasn't the best show but they all were entertained during the show. The audience although quiet during the show, had a very enthusiastic reaction at the curtain call.
I saw you at the stagedoor!
I was really impressed with the show. I saw both the London and Broadway productions, and now the tour. I can't believe how different the show has been with each incarnation.
Sandra Allen is incredible. Go see the show for her. The rest of the cast is rather incredible as well, but Ms. Allen DEVOURS the scenery in each and every one of her scenes.
I couldn't believe they didn't get a standing ovation. I was shocked.
It's true, I have seen the show 8 times and this was the only time i didn't see a standing ovation at the end. The reaction in New York and in Clearwater, FL (tour) was a lot better. You should have said hi! I didn't think you were a BWWer.
I will be seeing it next week in Toronto. I will let you all know how that goes. :)
The tour sounds great. I have my fingers crossed that this show tours the UK. It was a hit here so it will make money if it does. But with Merchants Of Bollywood on the way, it needs to get a move on.
I saw "Bombay Dreams" on Thursday night at Atlanta's Fox Theatre and really enjoyed it. The highlights for me were the big company dance numbers. One could see the incredible effort put in by the company to execute these lavishly choreographed songs. The costumes and sets were also highlights. The show started slowly, but really began coming together nicely in the second act. The ending of Act 1 is disjointed.
I understand that the plot of Bombay Dreams has been simplified for the tour, but I think that it is one of the weaker aspects of the show. I really don't subscribe to 'dumbing things down' for tours as they make their way to the provinces outside of New York. We get it.
Sandra Allen was strong as Rani as was Reshma Shetty in her role as Priya. Relative newcomer Sachin Bhatt exuded enthusiasm in the lead role of Akaash. Good stuff! Christine Toy Johnson tried a bit too hard in portraying the over the top Kitty. Overall, I'd give the show a "B". I was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Bombay Dreams - and really had a fun time at the theatre.
Updated On: 8/13/06 at 05:08 PM
That's great, I enjoyed this show a lot too seeing it in Atlanta. Such a great cast!
Just when i was thinking about yummy english muffins, Glenn drops a line =)
I talked to Skie Ocasio(Akaash u/s) after the show, and he told me he went on six times during the tour.
muscle- I think you need to get your little ass in this show.
I don't want to be an actor.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Haha, Im all grown up, but i am in college, i am still unsure of what i wanna do in the future. I wanted to be a theatre director, but not sure, i think i want to be in the medical field.
What do you want to do Phantom?
Ps= Bombay Dreams is playing in Tina's town.
Any Canadian fellow?
Toronto anyone?
The tour opened in Toronto Wed Aug 16.
What a mess of a musical!
Only one performer, Sachin Bhatt as Akaash was any good.
There are one or two pleasant songs but nothing amazing. The lyrics (by Don Black) are overly simplistic.
At least the sets were good.
The man responsible for this mess? Andrew Lloyd Webber!
Seems he discovered that more people were watching Bollywood musicals than attending his shows (poor guy) so he decides he can make a fortune by hiring someone to write a Bollywood stage musical. Does he think audiences are so stupid as to want to watch a cliché-ridden poorly performed musical that is neither funny nor terribly entertaining? Does he actually think this is a good or even passable musical?
How long are we going to allow him to continually insult our intelligence??
Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!
I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on
If you don't like ALW, why do you go to see his shows? The problem is that you expected high art, and Bombay Dreams is entertaining, and it has interesting storylines, such as Priya not wanting to do another Bollywood musical and show the real Bombay to the world, I actually think that the fact that there was an Indian musical on Broadway is a triumph itself. I am not a fan of all the shows that ALW produces, I was bored by Cats and Phantom when I saw them, then other shows such as Bombay Dreams, Joseph, The Woman in White and Evita really captivated me, and touched me very much.
I went to see BOMBAY DREAMS because I do theatre reviews for local publications. Also as a theatre fan I want to see everything ad I went in with an open mind, having read some positive comments about the show here. Also, I cannot comment on the relative quality of a show I have not seen.
I have seen hundreds of shows. BOMBAY DREAMS is very near the bottom of the list. Not as bad as SUNSET BLVD or Barry Manilow's hideous COPACABANNA, but pretty bad nonetheless.
The story ideas you cited are all excellent, but they are all wasted here. We are cheated out of seeing Priya's vision of "the real Bombay." The story is overly simplistic to the point where there is no tension. Worse was that it gave a distorted view of the way Bollywood films are made. What little I learned about the films and their importance and popularity was contained in the press kit: Nothing in the show itself.
The opening night audience laughed at Sweetie's final lines, and though there was enthusiastic applause for the performers, no one stood and the end and there was a general lack of enthusiasm in the air.
If you like the show and find it entertaining that's great, but if that is the case I suspect you have not seen very many musicals. If you had, there is no possible way you would consider this a great or even a good musical.
Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!
I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on
I saw Bombay Dreams on Broadway, thought the music was great - something a bit unique and different. The story was pretty familiar and simple - but overall, it was an entertaining. Will it set the world on fire? No. Is it the greatest theatrical event that will be an Encores concert in the future - No.
But this constant bashing, this condescending attitude of "you must not know what a good musical is", at the very least is pathetic. I happen to love Sunset Boulevard. I also happen to Love Sondheim's "Passion" as well as "Light in the Piazza" - Showboat and King and I, I fell asleep and Urinetown I was bored with.
Does the fact that I've seen a lot of stuff make me an expert? No - At the end of the day, all of this is subjective.
frontrowcentre2-- you hated Bombay Dreams - fine - we got it. Why keep pouncing on muscle (and those who agree with him) with such negativity?
Chernjam, I totally agree with you. I totally respect frontrowcentre's opinion, but there is no need to question another person's (namely muscle's) sensibilities, taste or depth in doing so. Apparently, seeing alot of musicals makes you condescending and mean from the example given. I too saw BD in Toronto and had a great time. The music, dancing, costumes and energy were great. It was also fantastic to see so many from the Asian community in the audience and they did seem to love it. I thought cast was enthusiatic and warm. To each his own.
I, too, love Sunset Boulevard, and I have seen alot of theatre. I don't believe there is a need for or room for condescention on this board.Everyone's opinion is valid. It's great to disagree but no need to insult.
I'm glad that frontrowcentre is a theatre critic for a publication, but his mean remarks show his character and that is pretty disheartening for someone who claims to have an open-mind. Just because someone has seen alot of theatre, means nothing-it means they have seen a lot of theatre. It speaks nothing to who they are, which is ultimately so much more important.
And I want to give props to muscle for telling me to see the show with such enthusiasm. That boy truly loves theatre and advocates in such a sweet way for a show he loves. That is what love of theatre is all about. I wouldn't have seen the show if it werent for him. I enjoyed myself a great deal.
PS Sandra Allen is a DIVA. I luv her!
I have seen a lot of theatre, since 1993, I've been an avid theatre-goer, anyways frontrowcenter, it is great that you were open minded and decided to see the show. But also you have to think that the show is not Wicked, The Lion King or Mamma Mia and a lot of people won't give the show a chance based on your evil review of this show. That's why i ignore most critics, such as yourself.
But i am glad that you are brave enough to express your opinions on the board, that is indeed admirable, and most of the critics indeed were not fair to this show and this hard working first rate cast. I agree to disagree about the review, but i admire your willing to discuss it on here.
Also, keep in mind many reviewers like to be provocative. It makes people talk about them and gets reactions. By spewing venom, a reviewer might stand out from the endless sea of people who put their opinions in print. In my opinion, it just makes a person look crass. I mean when it all comes down to it, who cares what one person thinks? Especially someone you don't know or care for.
"And I want to give props to muscle for telling me to see the show with such enthusiasm. That boy truly loves theatre and advocates in such a sweet way for a show he loves. That is what love of theatre is all about. I wouldn't have seen the show if it werent for him. I enjoyed myself a great deal".
Those words are truly touching Bettyboy, i created this Bombay Dreams thread, because it seemed like no one cared about the show on this website, so i felt that as a fan of the show and of musical theatre and entertainment, in general, it was my duty and i feel that because of your words, my duty has been fullfilled. I might rebump the thread a few more times when the show closes in Seattle, WA. But i feel like my work as a fan and as a Broadway explorer has been done. This show was truly groundbreaking and opened doors for a different culture. Feel free to post any reviews of the show in Seattle or Toronto or anywhere.
Katie2 posted:
Well, yesterday I saw Bombay Dreams at the Fox in Atlanta. It was excellent! The dances were the most amazing thing in it and the songs were just so much fun to listen to. We saw the people that played the characters when it opened on broadway and all of them were amazing. If you ever get a chance to see this show, you should!