I saw it last Sat. matinee. Although the cast had great energy, I felt the book was too silly (and dumb), it's almost an insult to the audience. But maybe it's a Bollywood style (to have a predictable story).
I heard the London script was different and there is no happy ending (meaning Akaash and Priya won't get married) and was more sincere. I think I would like that version.
My gripe is that this show has been too sanitized for the American audience. Akaash is from the slam, where people are called "untouchable." Well, unless they kept repeating "they are untouchable," you tend to forget because they don't look "untouchable" nor the slam is just a piece of cardboard and those people looked so clean and to the audience who are not familiar with the caste system, they would have been puzzled.
Three of my theatre goer friends will see it this Sat.. I'm sure they will be much harsher than me.
Well, thanks for sharing. My friends from San Francisco saw the exact same performance and they sent me a bunch of emails thanking me for telling them about Bombay Dreams in Sacramento. Well, as i said one man's trash can be someone else's treasure. Sorry you disliked the show. Was the theatre busy? how was the audience reaction, people gave it a standing ovation all the times i saw the show in Clearwater, FL.
I worked at the show last night (box office) and watched act 1. I have heard the london cd, but that was my only exposure to the show. I actually found it very entertaining!!! Quite different from things I have seen, but I liked it a lot. I will watch the whole show this weekend. Loved the dancing and the music is better than I remember. The cast is great too. My only problem was that I had a hard time understanding some of the dialogue....it was all so fast....and the sound system at the community center isn't that great. Can't wait to see the rest of it!!
The audience reception was good but no standing O, at least in the Orchestra section. I didn't dislike it, I enjoyed some songs and dance. But the story was too silly to get any emotiontional feeling from the show. At least I can say, it was better than Lestat.
I do think that the story of Bombay Dreams is silly, but i also think most musicals are silly as well. Many musicals have a boy meets girl story, and a happy ending.
Look at many musicals. Phantom, for instance, our longest runner. We love watching a man wearing half a mask sing about his ill fate. Kind of funny when you think about it, but its so great.
The plot of BD may seem a bit silly, but its fun and light and a great show!
I agree with AllforLaura.
Anastacia, did you ever get to see the entire show?
Bombay Dreams Tour Stars Perform in Dallas Benefit, 6/12
Thanks for this info muscle. I am still hoping that understudy and Dallasite Skie Ocasio will go on for one of the leads while he is here.
No problem Billy, in fact Skie Ocasio was amazing! he is the singer in the Wedding at the end and he can REALLY sing. I'd love to see his take on Akaash as well. But if you catch Sachin, he is great as well. Skie was very nice at the stage door.
Cast member Stephanie Klemons told me that the cast is very tight, they have been on the road since February and most of them are always in, though.
I keep reading that the the show is touring the UK soon. Think there will be some news just before Christmas.
hi there
the show is returning next year to the uk but on a national tour.I know there seems to be a lot of people in the states who hate this show(would bet my life that 80percent of the haters havent seen it)but i thought it was really good fun.The show did quite well over here and critics seemed to enjoy it enough.It wassnt a run away hit(and i think it was over hyped in the uk to much)but ended up been a great night out.I wish it all the best on its US tour and on the UK tour.
Absolutely, most of the Bombay Dreams haters haven't even seen the show. You guys must be excited about this upcoming tour in the UK. The tour in the USA is fabulous!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/20/06
Hey. That's not fair. Some of us like me saw the show!
i diddnt say all did i?
it just seems a lot of peopele on this board dont seem to have seen many of the shows there talking about there opinions seem to come straight from a review etc
My ticket for BD is the night of the Tonys. I have to try and reschedule my ticket, as I really do want to see the show. If I'm successful, I'll be sure to post a review.
Bret, you should go to Bombay Dreams and tape the Tonys and watch it when you get back home?
Chorus Member Joined: 5/4/06
I am so curious about the US touring production, i hope we get the mixture of the West End with the Broadway one the comming season.
Found this link with the energy of Rahman's music
I missed the production during one of our stays last year at the Broadway Theatre.
Therfore i am still hoping of seeing it someday
I know a production will premiere in Germany in 2007 and probably a Belgian tour, so fingers crossed.
Or else the possible Brittish tour can be an perfect option!
Swing Joined: 5/30/06
Bret - i agree with muscle - see the show, it is good fun, and then come home and watch the Tonys on tape!
Tnks so much for that amazing clip, beuk-et-moi!!!
Anyone seeing the show in Denver?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
You have might have liked the show in London, but the US version is different. I agree with the poster who said the slums didn't look slummy and the plot was too silly. I don't mean to say that the plot was simple - simple is okay. The Wedding Singer plot is very simple. But I thought the Bombay Dreams plot was really bad. It was more the acting than the script. A lot of it was too overdramatic and I didn't think the acting was all that strong. The set was okay at times, but I hated the stage hands moving everything. There were way too many people on stage sometimes. And the dialogue was hard to hear. But I liked the London CD. Just wish they didn't have to mess with stuff so much.
This Bombay Dreams crap doesn't end, does it. muscle, if you want to have a conversation with yourself, do it by yourself. We have you posting something, then you responding to yourself 3 or 4 times over and over. And what the heck is a tou of Bombay Dreams??
dude lighten up... if you hate the thread that much, just unsubscribe from it.