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Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???- Page 3

Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#50Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/3/13 at 6:14pm

Carly... welcome to Broadway World, first of all. I've lost count at the number of "newbies" who have been picked on like so much carrion. BWW is like a box of never know what you're going to get. Give it time, you'll learn how to deal with people who are hyper-critical. It's not weird to give presents at the stage door. Mailing a gift is another possible approach. Either way, I'm sure the recipient will appreciate long as boundaries are respected.

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

#51Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/3/13 at 8:03pm

Can I just ask a simple question? When did all this start, this obsessive stage dooring stuff? It's reached absolute insanity - I've never seen anything like it. Gifts? I understand if you want to meet someone, although it's so insane now I can't imagine how actors put up with it. It just seems so nutty to me. Even fifteen years ago it wasn't as crazy as this - maybe it started with Beauty and the Beast? In days of old, there would only be a handful of people waiting at a stage door. No security. No nothing. In really old days of old, you could just walk in the stage door and ask to meet someone. I did that a few times in the 1960s here in LA. There was NEVER anyone at the stage door at our major theaters. I would be taken back to the dressing room of whomever I wanted to thank for their performance, and it was all very civilized and much nicer. It's SCARY now. And why?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#52Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/3/13 at 9:42pm

The Internet.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#53Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/3/13 at 10:19pm

Social media. There is a new phenomenon among people-they need to PROVE they were somewhere. They need to check in, post photos, and validate their existence. It's scary. It no longer tickles someone fancy to see a star walk to their car and just cheer. They NEED to be included, get a moment, get PROOF! It's voracious.

Plus with things like twitter, facebook and the internet actors are slandered if they don't kiss fans asses. It's grotesque. Plus facebook and twitter fuel rabid fans into thinking they have relationships with people Ripley has disappeared off FB since N2N as she couldnt deal with the poor boundaries of people.

Plus entitlement is at an all time high. I feel really bad for actors nowadays-every twat has a camera on their phone and feels entitled to a photo.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#54Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/5/13 at 12:12am

Pal Joey and Bettyboy, I'm sure that's absolutely correct. And I completely agree about the entitlement - there has never been a generation even approaching this one regarding entitlement. It really is all about them. It's not about the show or the actors, really, it's about them and how they fit into it all.

I think it was much nicer pre-Internet - you know, you'd just go see a show and like it or not, meet someone or not, and discuss with your chums or not. And it was about the show - not the merchandise, not stage dooring, not how many photos you can post. Sorry if I sound like an old fuddy-duddy but if this same thing had happened when I was a kid I would have said the same exact thing. It's kind of nauseating.

#55Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/5/13 at 1:30am

I can't answer for everyone in my "nauseating" generation, but what you guys are saying does not match. Sure, the way our generations act are different. But the only reason I stage door and want to even give this gift in the first placers only to show Alison and the rest of the wicked cast how much they have helped me. I won't go into detail, but it's a lot. I'm not doing it to just be involved in the show.and the whole reason I would ask for a picture would be so I can remember the amazing time I had even more than I normally world, and also how sweet the performer was to take that picture. I am NOT entitled tO one. If they say no to a picture, oh well. I still had an amazing night at the show. So if my generation's ideas are different than yours, be an adult and grow up. Who cares.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#56Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/5/13 at 7:01am

carlyrachel, you seem like a wel-adjusted, educated and NICE person ! The comments about the crazy, entitled people clearly DON'T apply to you and to other normal and sane people of your generation ! But I'm sure you've seen cases like the ones mentioned, that probably annoy you, too !
Also, sometimes, here on BWW, a comment can lead to another, more general discussion about things, that doesn't necessarily apply to the original subject or poster, so don't take offence.
I think you are great, I LOVE how you seem to respect and adore Theater at such a young age and it is really nice to have your point of view here ! Just develop a thick skin FAST and you'll do fine here !!!! Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???

#57Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/5/13 at 9:18am

But BWW is SO educational. When I was a newbie, I was taught a lot of new things, like what "stfu" means.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#58Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/5/13 at 5:53pm

At the stage door most chorus boys are bottoms. Hope that helps someone.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#59Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/5/13 at 6:27pm

What bk said.

And Betty, don't judge everyone by yourself.

jv92 Profile Photo
#60Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/6/13 at 12:27pm

"When I was 15 I gave Nureyev a sterling silver coke straw. And then he died."

LOL. I just had to respond to that.

And re: stagedooring-- Look, it's amusing and "cool" to say "I saw Patti LuPone and she signed my program!" when I one is 12 or 13, and I can't say I didn't stage door in my youth. But as the years have gone on, I've actually been sort of creeped out and annoyed by the autographed-obsessed, celebrity-obsessed fangirls and blue-haireds.

And it doesn't stop at the stage door. Sondheim was at a preview of PASSION at Classic Stage I went to, and these two teen girls were having a mild freak out nearby afterwards. (I'm glad they were freaking out over someone brilliant, though.) But when I saw them reach for their programs and pens, I had to say something. I know SS doesn't do the "autograph thing" in public, so I told them, "Y'know, he really doesn't sign autographs. You're probably better off telling him how much you like his work and he'd appreciate that."

And that's what I think is important-- rather than telling someone "You're fabulous. I worship you.", and begging for an autograph, talk about the work. Because for most people, it's about the work, isn't it? And you don't get a chance to do that at the stage door, I think.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#61Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/6/13 at 1:10pm

I do agree that the younger you are, the less weird it is to give an actor a gift. When I was 18, I cut off my eyelids and gave them to Scott Bakula at the stage door of Romance/Romance to let him know I never wanted to stop looking at him. If I did that now, it was just seem creepy.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

lovebwy Profile Photo
#62Broadway Stage Door Etiquette... is this weird???
Posted: 6/6/13 at 1:15pm

I've got news for you Carley- you're right- the stage door IS a place for 15 year olds. Any grown man or woman who waits around after a performance to see an actor exit the theater is a bit nuts.

Don't let these bitter queens get you down. ENJOY and LOVE the theater for all it's worth.
