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CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's "Star Performer of 2005"

CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's "Star Performer of 2005"

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#0CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's "Star Performer of 2005"
Posted: 7/5/05 at 11:42pm


This month's Leading Man column has awarded my HERO Cheyenne Jackson the honor of "Star Performer of 2005." Thanks to Wayman Wong for once again pointing out that being gay does not have to be a handicap to a talented star such as Cheyenne.
For those of you who don't know about it, every month Wayman's wonderful Leading Man column features interviews with up and coming Broadway actors. It is a monthly must-read!
Wayman deserves special credit for having interviewed openly gay Broadway/NYC performers such as (in no particular order):
Brian and Ted Farley
Seth Rudinsky
Cheyenne Jackson
Jai Rodriguez
Tom D'Angora
Christopher Sieber
Justin Daniel
John Tartaglia
Tom D'Angora
John Barrowman
and others.
Wayman seems to have a unique knack of putting his subjects at ease, and that extends to talking about their orientation in a relaxed and open manner. Though I'm guessing that a number of his subjects probably feel that any discussion of their sexuality must be off the record, a gratifying number of them see this "revelation" as nothing more than one aspect of their lives. Wayman deserves great credit for this!
July's column features not only Cheyenne (bottom pic) but an interview with out actor Perry Ojeda (top photo).
Thanks Wayman for bringing the very handsome Mr. Ojeda (of Broadway's On the Town) to our attention. And thanks Perry for one of the most brilliant quotes I've ever read about being a gay actor. Perry says, "I want to play the gay roles. When I was a kid, there weren't beautiful, handsome and talented men who were out, like Cheyenne Jackson and Christopher Sieber. I hope I can be part of this wave of out gay artists. But unless we all come out as a community, society will keep demonizing us." Bravo Perry! If only more performers (and they know who they are) would see their orientation as a blessing rather than a curse. I hope to see and hear a lot more from Perry Ojeda in the future.
Let's all give three cheers for Wayman Wong!
And once again, CONGRATULATIONS TO CHEYENNE on being this years "Star Performer of 2005"!!!
If you haven't read this month's column yet, here's the link below.

THIS MONTH'S LEADING MAN COLUMN Updated On: 7/7/05 at 11:42 PM

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#1re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's "Star Performer of 2005"
Posted: 7/6/05 at 1:08am

Updated On: 7/7/05 at 01:08 AM

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#2re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!
Posted: 7/6/05 at 5:33am

I'd like Wayman's "Leading Men" column a bit more if he would occaisionally showcase those talented 'out' actors who don't look like A&F models.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Corine2 Profile Photo
#3re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!
Posted: 7/6/05 at 8:52am

Wayman is a great writer and a nice guy.
A bump for the one and only Wayman.
re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:01am

And he also does lovely interviews with straight men, or men who aren't out. re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#5re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's "Star Performer of 2005"
Posted: 7/6/05 at 2:34pm

MasterLcZ, Wayman has definitely featured non A&F looking gay actors, but they might take offense if I named them. On the other hand, it's the handsome leading men types who are taking the biggest risks in being out. A Nathan Lane will always be cast, regardless of whether he is openly gay. It's important for America to see that handsome leading men can be gay, and as Cheyenne does so brilliantly in All Shook Up, play romantic hetero leads. Actually, it is important for America to see how many of us are gay, and happy, and proud, and as normal as blueberry pie (to quote Nellie Forbush.)
Updated On: 7/7/05 at 02:34 PM

SamIAm Profile Photo
#6re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!
Posted: 7/6/05 at 7:49pm

Esglr: I have to disagree with you about actors like Nathan Lane being cast regardless of whether they are openly gay. In our society (especially TODAY'S society) those who are gorgeous hunks will always get a lot of attention and even if people are bigoted against you because you are gay, they are more likely to look the other way because you are great 'eye candy'.

Whereas an actor like Lane struggles to get 'leading man' roles because people who are not the classic Adonis are not seen as sexy or attractive (though many of us find them that way). Hollywood and Broadway powers do not seem to want to take a chance on those guys.

Think of the last time you saw an average Joe in a leading man role (gay OR straight). I frankly think it takes more guts for an average guy who may not be gorgeous, who may be a bit overweight, or who is too tall or too short to fit the 'mold' -- to come out because they already have the stigma of not being a model type. And NOW (after coming out) they are also faced with people who don't necessarily look at gay men favorably.

Until we can look at the entire package (brains, sense of humor and talent) and nominate our leading men based on all of their qualities -- not paying so much attention to looks or youth, we are guilty of crossing the line into subtle but nonetheless real bigotry...even if WE are gay too!

Haven't we all met someone who is undeniably and powerfully sexy and ISN'T a model type? What was it that attracted us to them? Think about it. It isn't all in the packaging, guys!

"Life is a lesson in humility"

#7re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!
Posted: 7/6/05 at 7:51pm

I didn't read all the controversy, but yay Wayman.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#8re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's
Posted: 7/7/05 at 3:25am

Not everyone is right for the romantic leading role. Until very recently, the only actors who came out were character actors, and it's often said: "Well, they can come out because they won't be cast in romantic parts." That's the case with someone like Nathan Lane, who probably has sense enough not to go after a Tom Cruise/Keanu Reeves/Dennis Quaid type role. Though his coming out was an act of courage, which I salute and respect, the truly gutsy gay actors are the Cheyenne Jacksons, the Christopher Siebers, the Robert Gants, because the prevailaing "wisdom" is that audiences won't pay to see a gay man play a romantic lead, but they won't mind if the leading lady's best friend or the hero's accountant is played by a gay actor. These are the actors who are daring the casting people to continue to cast them in the roles they would easily get if they hadn't come out. So once again, CHEERS to Cheyenne Jackson and Perry Ojeda and to Wayman Wong for giving them a chance to be open about themselves in his column.

Updated On: 7/7/05 at 03:25 AM

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#9re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's "Star Performer of 2005"
Posted: 7/7/05 at 11:29am

There are two interviews with Cheyenne at

Both are great reads!
Updated On: 7/7/05 at 11:29 AM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#10re: A Salute to Playbill's Wayman Wong (and Perry Ojeda & Cheyenne Jackson!
Posted: 7/7/05 at 12:22pm

Are you saying this isn't Wayman Wong's salute to leading men he'd like to sleep with? Nothing wrong with that!

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#11re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's
Posted: 7/7/05 at 3:11pm

Wayman's column is one of the few mainstream venues where performers can feel free to be out about their orientation and even their relationships. That's reason enough for its existence. I continue to look forward to each month's installment!

Updated On: 7/7/05 at 03:11 PM

#12re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's
Posted: 7/7/05 at 6:37pm

John Barrowman is gay?

Jesus Loves You... Everybody else thinks you're an idiot!

adamnyc Profile Photo
#13re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's
Posted: 7/7/05 at 7:55pm

Way to go Wayman!! Excellent choices, especially Cheyenne!

"I want to tell you that Elvis would be proud." I said: "Priscilla, if I get 100 bad reviews, it won't matter because of what you said."

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#14re: CHEYENNE JACKSON is Wayman Wong's
Posted: 7/7/05 at 7:58pm

John Barrowman, gorgeous and talented and openly gay!

George67 Profile Photo
#15John Barrowman
Posted: 7/14/05 at 8:08am

There are several more articles in the Press section of his website.

webmaster for (the official site)
