Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
If it is just about race and not about minorities then it should count for all descents, so no more all American girls voicing an Arabian Disney Princess (Jasmine), or no Asians for that matter, no more Americans playing people from Swedish descent in films just because they are blonde, no more American actors playing Dutch people (like in Titanic), but only hire real Dutch people, and I could go on forever.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 05:17 PM
and I could go on forever....
But please don't...okay?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
No, you just face the facts and shut your gap.
You cannot just make up rules for one race and then ignore others. This rule is not an "exclusive deal" for black people you know.
If you don't want to compare it to other minorities, like gays, that's fine, but don't ignore each and every other race.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 05:38 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
What facts? Like newintown, you pretend like you're actually saying something of substance, but you aren't.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 05:39 PM
Dave19: ¡Callate la maldita boca!
Put that in your Google translate and figure it out....
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
Speaking of Spanish, no more roles with a Spanish background for Americans. If you keep hanging onto you theory.
Quite silly, isn't it?
And for the record, I don't need Google translator, because I speak 5 languages fluently and Spanish happens to be one of them.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 05:52 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Still waiting for those facts that were mentioned but never appeared...
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 05:53 PM
I'm fluent in two languages but Spanish is not one of them. I thought that said "Shut your Matilda mouth" but it does not say that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
The fact that there are more races than African-American and that you have double standards if you don't apply your theory to all of them.
The fact that that is quite hypocritical.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
You're right. There are more races than African-American. And if you think I'm not aware or don't acknowledge that, then you are even more stupid than you pretend to be.
But if you have any facts pertaining to this discussion, knock yourself out. I won't hold my breath, though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
I hope you understand that your views on this matter are the exact ones that keep the race-separation in tact?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I don't. You'll need to explain how.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
And try to refrain using the words "chicken wings" or other words that invoke stereotypes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
Then focus on the subject a bit more and try to think and you will understand.
And as I said in another post, that was an example, not to be taken too seriously. "They got mad" was the point, in case you missed it. If it was about the French I would have said baguettes and if it was about the Germans I would have said bratwursts get the point.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 06:15 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Yeah, see, I already posted lengthily on this a few pages back. It would seem that the focus problem is yours. All you're doing is proving you either have nothing of substance to say or aren't interest in an actual discussion about this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
No you are just offended too easily and that keeps that negative judgements intact. I can use the words chicken wings, baguettes, bratwursts, tacos, or even pink nail polish if it's about gays (which I am) whenever I want. Being offended by it is a choice. Deciding to maintain the separation is a choice.
Getting over it and choosing not to care is a choice.
Think about that.
You can claim that African-American people are a sad minority till the day you die, but eventually alle the kids that have 1 white parent and 1 black parent will not be very happy with people like you. They just want to be human. And to be seen that way. Teaching them that they should feel bad about it and should have their own roles and should have their own set of rights that keeps this in tact is actually quite disturbing.
Have you heard of the word "reciprocity"? As long as the world keeps having reactions like yours and some of the posters here, african-american people will keep on having the same reactions on that and the rest of the world will keep on seeing the big separation.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 06:31 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Again, you're not really saying anything, and since no one (least of all me) called anyone a "sad minority" you've simply again proved you have nothing to say, having to resort to retorting against points that no one has made.
But yeah, it's a choice to to be offended by racist comments, just like it's your choice to make them. Why you want to cling so proudly to that is beyond me, but you seem happy with the terrible way you paint yourself on here, so go ahead and knock yourself out.
And if someone with one white parent and one black parent is unhappy with "people like me" I hope they'll tell me. Until then, they'll live on in your anecdotal nonsense.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 06:36 PM
Have you heard of the word "intact"?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
Thank you Jay! Always nice to get some help improving my languages.
"You can claim that African-American people are a sad minority till the day you die. . . Teaching them that they should feel bad about it and should have their own roles and should have their own set of rights that keeps this in tact is actually quite disturbing."
Can someone cut and paste Phyllis's statements to this effect? I can't find them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
Phyllis, get over yourself.
There is nothing racist about chicken wings. Why are you so keen on looking for things that are racist? I eat chicken wings all the time. You don't help any African-American by going around on the net saying that they should really care about a chicken wing remark.
And please read my 06:31 post again. If you don't understand the power of "reciprocity" than I guess you are just one of those people who doesn't understand.
Just like the people that keep on bringing food to their already 300 pounds mother because they love her so much. The idea of helping her in another way is more loving in my opinion but feel free to have your own.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 06:51 PM
Are you quite mad?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
And please read my 06:31 post again. If you don't understand the power of "reciprocity" than I guess you are just one of those people who don't understand.
Have you heard of the word "reciprocity"? As long as the world keeps having reactions like yours and some of the posters here, african-american people will keep on having the same reactions on that and the rest of the world will keep on seeing the big separation.
So as long as I point racist comments people will still feel the need to be racist or, more globally, as long as racism is acknowledged by those who find it distasteful people will feel even more entitled to be racist?
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 06:55 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
No, as long as you search for racism in general comments, I think you are going the wrong way, and you're not helping anyone.
I guess what it comes down to is this:
Do you really want to make the world more colorblind? Or do you want to keep on hammering on the differences because it was so bad once?
I think people should grow into caring less about the differences and you are not helping them.
If and when I make a remark about it, like in a joke, my only goal is to remind people that they are focussing on the differences too much. A good sense of humour and a good sense of perspective can help you a lot in life.
If I hear a gay joke I can cry and scream about it and make it much more negative than the one that made the remark even intented, or I can CHOOSE to laugh about it and not care and show some character as a human being and make the person that said it realize that I am more than that.
But the last thing I would want is YOU telling the one that made the remark that he shouldn't have said it, because it's so sad for me. That makes me really question the image you have about me. Or, in this case, to stay on topic, the image you have about African-American people.
Updated On: 1/15/13 at 07:04 PM