Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
So I just got back. Amazing performance. Saw Laura for the first time. She was very enjoyable. I don't totally remember everything about Tina so I don't have much to compare. Constantine - I didn't think he was bad at all. I enjoyed him too. Kevin was there today, and I was extremely happy. My friend and her mom loved the show and her mom cried during the proposal. During the proposal when he was trying to say it someone screamed "say it already!" Somehow I need to see it one last time before it closes. And I got a program! Yay!
Updated On: 11/19/06 at 07:29 PM
I missed the proposal by a day!
awwwwwwwwww, YAY!!!!!! and im glad you enjoyed laura and constantine! and yay for the proposal. seriously, i love proposals!! did everyone sd?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
I'm lost sd?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
stage door
glad you had a great time! yeah Laura! and how was Amy?
and yeah proposals! i plan to propose to my wife someday like that...too bad TWS wont be around then
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
double post, double the not fun... Updated On: 11/19/06 at 07:36 PM
oops! sorry, dancingthrulife, i didn't even notice i mentioned it! i take it nobody has the script?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Oh unfortunately I am deprived and have never stage doored in my life. That needs to change but won't until parentals dont get in the way. Amy was amazing as always. I want someone to propose to me like that one day! And then go backstage because I'm deprived of that too.
haha, thanks pat. boo for double posts
Going backstage was nuts. So much fun. I hope you get to do all of that one day, ikm.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Me too. My first goal is to get my parents to give in and let me stage door!! I want to write fan mail to someone.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
no problem, stacey haha
and ikmbway, yeah, dont worry about the stage door thing- i didnt stage door shows till like the 10th show i saw in New York :P but you should sometime, the few cast members i met the last time i saw the show were very nice!
and yeah, i'm also hoping to go backstage! maybe my painting and other special gift could accomplish that, haha. i would be too scared to ask myself!
Eeek, I couldn't ask either! I was afraid enough to walk through the door when I went, I definitely wouldn't have asked first.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
I'm way past my 10th show mark. I'm closer to 15 I think. I'm goign to count now!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i dont know what i should do. i really want to, and i think they would allow me if i asked, but i would just feel rude. im just trying to write as many nice letters and emails, and giving Amy the gifts, i just hope some cast member might ask first.
im really hoping...
YAY! Another WS thread *giggles* I am so going to cry when this show closes But it'll live forever and it's still got about a month, right
LOVE the pictures
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I never ask. I find it terribly rude. They're people and they have things to do. I only go when it's offered to me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
I think I want to write to Kevin. I never know what to say though. I want something kind of interesting because I'd get bored of I love you and your great. Nice to hear but nothing great. Maybe I will use my paintshop skills and make like cool Wedding Singer themed paper. I don't know.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
btw, i was referring to going backstage when i said that in my other post ^^^
er, im frustrated...
I would NEVER ask. I'm too shy, first of all, and I'd feel rude.
ikm- Kevin will like whatever you send, I'm sure.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i wouldnt ask either. about the backstage thing. yeah. im done talking about that.
but wow, im tired, i need to leave now
exams tomorrow...
bye everyone
nice to see a new thread
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Good. I think I will write to him. The one time I wrote fan mail I never got anything back =/. I guess I'll try again with Kevin. If I didn't miss any, I have seen 14 shows but by next weekend it will be 16. Then there are 2 more shows I'm seeing so in 4 months it will come to 18.
Who is that I need to ask if I want to take/use pictures off of this board: ??
I'm confused *lol*
Tina Maddigan is more amazing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Yay for the seccond thread
ikm: definatly write to Kevin