Updated On: 11/19/06 at 06:45 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i have some nice amy screencaps
i think i have to post them on photobucket first, though
and thanks mistress for the heads up! im just gonna change my icon now, haha
Broadway Star Joined: 4/4/06
Just ask LynchMob and see...it's her photo. And it makes an awesome avatar, so yeah.
Understudy Joined: 8/22/06
I see the old thread is over with but glad this new thread is started. I don't post much but read the thread and the people who post here are really awesome.
I am a Constantine fan, obviously, and know some of you don't like him. That's fine with me, to each his own. Your honest observations are great feedback to him, insights he can really use. No one can grow with just flattery all the time.
I want to see the Wedding Singer when it tours. If you know the schedule and have a url that lists the tour information, could you please pm me? I would really appreciate it.
From reading all your posts, I have learned to really appreciate the show and I love all the talk about the other actors. They sound wonderful. I learned a lot about them and if I get a chance to see them perform in a show, I will really enjoy that and I like knowing about them.
I am glad you started this new thread.
Updated On: 11/19/06 at 06:48 PM
ok, heres my ws photobucket album, i need to add more, i just havnt gotten to it yet, so u guys can keep checking, if u ever want any pic from it, go right ahead.
The Wedding Singer
woo! haha, i'm excited for this new thread
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
oh i didnt know LynchMob was on here!
well, i might ask then, if thats okay
this is going to be a good temporary icon, though
there was another proposal tonight.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/4/06
Hey, they're all cute anyway. I think I've told you before, but you always have the BEST avatars.
awwwwwwwwwwwwww, yay!!!!!!!! propsals make me soo happy! how was the show???
How badly do you want to be proposed to that way? Haha. If only I was older..and had a boyfriend.
heck yeah! another proposal
Broadway Star Joined: 4/4/06
Did anyone see the last post in the old thread...how in the HELL did that happen?
Oh, and yay for proposals! They're always so cute.
yea, how in the world??
I just saw that like a second ago. So obnoxious.
what the heck happened!
i was supposed to have to last comment on that thread! and then that loser's comment was after mine! now i don't feel special
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i need to go see it
and thanks for the compliment, mistress
and yeah, proposals make my life! on the forbidden site, i have a video of one from july :) it was the sweetest thing ive seen!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/4/06
To quote dancing, "as popular as Lestat."
EDIT: That worked better after XM3LX said "so obnoxious" but I think you know what I mean...
haha, theres about 3 vids on there from proposals. lol. i know 2 are the same, and then theres another, but idk, lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
wow, way to be immature, Allentown
and i was about to post the last post on there myself...golly
anyways, new threads are "awesome"
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this on the old thread, but on the Robbie Hart boards there's a thread for closing night gifts for the cast. If anyone wants to go over there and check the thread out and maybe help out with ideas here's a link. I think it's under the Fan Art section. http://robbiehart.proboards74.com/index.cgi.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
thanks! yeah, everyone knows that i am doing the painting for amy
and im giving her something else, but i wont say it in fear of it being stolen
hey, are there any crazy "Wed-Heads" out there that have transcribed the script for the Wedding Singer musical from a bootleg or they have it or know it by heart? i'd love to read it over and over again
PM or just post if u care...
I missed my chance! Darn.
TWSFan, please don't get this thread deleted by talking about bootlegs. Thanks.