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Cheno as Dusty Springfield

AdamJ Profile Photo
#0Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/11/05 at 11:27pm

Anyone see this pic yet:

I think she looks adorable...

<<<<< How cute was Johnny T in High School? No, you can't ask how I got that picture :-P
Updated On: 5/11/05 at 11:27 PM

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#1re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/11/05 at 11:33pm

Very adorable. There's no question that she's insanely talented, but I hope she can pull off a serious acting role like this.

#2re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 2:08am

Not to mention that Dusty's voice was not *anything* like Cheno's. Totally different. I cannot imagine Cheno singing those songs, as Dusty. Not unless she gargles with whisky for a few months first. re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#3re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 3:30am

This astonishes me. Talented as she most certainly is, I can see nothing in Miss Chenoweth that could possibly make her right for this role. As a huge Dusty fan since her heyday, I just don't see any resemblence either physically or vocally. Dusty's vocals would have to be dubbed because her voice was a unique gem and as unlike Kristen's as night is to day.
Updated On: 5/12/05 at 03:30 AM

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#5re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 7:33am

Not to mention that Dusty's voice was not *anything* like Cheno's

After they cast Renee Zellwegger as Janis Joplin, I have stopped being surprised at miscastings.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#6re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 9:05am

Kristen is SO wrong for this role! Orfeh would be ideal vocally.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#7re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 9:26am

Poppy, I'm going to stop you right there while I retch into my trash can.
What is the deal with the kewpie doll girls playing ridiculous, grungy, dirty women? Are they just trying to shed their images?
Granted, I think Kristin looks amazingly like Dusty in that photo...but Renee? As Janis?!?!?!

#8re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 9:42am

She is going to have to go down some very dark paths to play Dusty.

That is if they put Dusty and not some pretty picture of Dusty on screen.

Dusty had some big problems. She was a cutter for starters which is why she always wore long sleeves.

Read her biography.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

#9re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 10:41am

Some gay men like Bette, some gay men like Cher, some gay men (Jeebus knows why) even like Babara.

This gay man LOVES Dusty.

I also like Kristen. Alot actually, but she really can only play one type of role - the big breasted kewpie doll. Heck even on "The West Wing" it is Glinda goes to the White House. I just cannot see her do Dusty.

I am not even sure who'd I want to play her. Though in projects like this it proberly would be best to go with an unknown.

DBillyP Profile Photo
#10re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 11:00am

Nothing like judging a performance before it happens...

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#11re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 11:05am

Billy, normally I agree with your sentiment. But here we're talking someone with a high pure soprano (and an admittedly amazing belt) playing a well-known star with one of the most distinctive husky, "smoky" voices ever. I'd like to hear from the trained singers out there who know both Kristen's and Dusty's voices. Is it conceivable that she could recreate that sound? Perhaps this is all a tempest in a teacup and the plan is for her to lipsinc the originals (as Jamie Foxx did in Ray). But even then, it doesn't seem that even acting-wise this is a match made in heaven.

#12re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 11:13am

I think this has been drilled into the ground. Let's talk about this when it comes out. anything is possible. You're asking people on a board who don't know Kristin from Adam what she's capable of doing. Just because you see what a performer has done, even repeatedly, doesn't mean that's all they can do. Wait and see. And was for vocal changes you need only look at Phylicia Rashad In Gem of the Ocean. She's damn near unrecognizable in appearance and voice. It's much lower than her speaking voice. This my friends is called acting. So, let's wait to see Kristin act. It's not fair to start saying she's so wrong and she'll suck when you haven't seen her in it yet.

DBillyP Profile Photo
#13re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 11:19am

What Jazzy said...

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#14re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 11:22am

I'm totally willing to give her the opportunity, especially since I know OF Dusty Springfield but not well. That said, I cannot seriously think they'd have Kristin re-record Dusty's songs as I don't feel she could ever re-create that vocal quality.

Feathah Profile Photo
#15re: Cheno as Dusty Springfield
Posted: 5/12/05 at 12:24pm

It's the vast difference in the quality of their voices that has me confused. She looks stunning in that photo and I believe she has the acting chops for it. Definitely looking forward to seeing this.

Back to the Janis Joplin thing real quick (because Janis is my all-time favorite) - actually I think Renee can do it. She has a real roughness to her voice at time and I doubt she'll do any singing. The Janis films (there are 2) keep getting shelved anyway. So we'll see. Personally I think the ultimate Janis would be Lili Taylor.

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace)
