The thing I love about this show is that the staging, choreography, and the stark sleek beauty of the show make it a timeless production. The show is a true Broadway classic, and every time I see it I am just in awe of the production. The onstage orchestra in the jury box, the black costumes, and crisp lighting just make it even more stunning in a completely different way than any other Broadway show.
Sorry to thread-jack, love the show btw, but I have a quick question. Is the character of Mary Sunshine always cast the same way or have they had people of colors or races in the role as well? Can't wait so see the amazing Roz Ryan as Mama again. I <3 her!
Look, I know a lot of people hate on the show, but I'm glad there's still a long running show on Broadway that relies more on acting, singing, and dancing than overblown special effects and sets.
Yes, the overuse of stunt casting can get a little annoying and they seem to be tossing pretty much anyone in there these days. I mean, c'mon...Christie Brinkley??? She's always been a gorgeous girl, but her only real acting job (National Lampoon's Vacation) didn't really require her to do much. Not that she was cringe worthy in that film, mind you, but I've just never thought of her as an actress. Maybe she'll surprise us?
It's still a great book with a great score no matter how many times they throw in a new celebrity to spice up the show. It's a crowd pleaser! Plus, it's a good, safe, alternative in case nothing else interests tourists on Broadway.
Apparently, Christie will miss several days of "Roxie" performances. Who will fill in for her on those days? Dylis Croman, Melissa Rae Mahon or maybe even Bianca Marroquin for a few more days? Just wondering... RC in Austin, Texas
Christie Brinkley Temporarily Sidelined
I'll be at her 2nd performance with my HS students. Boy I hope she's ready....a poorly performed Roxy could sink the whole thing.
By chance, is anyone catching the friday night show?
Dramamamma, are you in high school? You must be awfully young. from RC in Austin, Texas 7:23 a.m. 69 F
Not even close. I am bringing about 100 HS kids to NYC for the weekend. We go every year.
But that being said, there are gads of HS kids on this site.
I finally got some of the "Chicago" (the musical) songs on my MP3 player via My four favorite songs are: "Overture", "All That Jazz", "Nowadays" and "Hot Honey Rag." I'm thinking....considering the fact that "Chicago" is now the 5th longest running revival in Broadway history, would it not make sense to produce a new cast recording? As much as I like the four songs, it would be fun to have different artists render their voices and interpretations. Also, technology has improved greatly since the 1996 Revival Cast Recording. I'm thinking a new cast recording would be for the better. Thoughts? P.S. I'm (still) curious as to who will be "Roxie" on April 4, 5 and 7. Perhaps Bianca Marroquin might extend her stay for those days? from RC in Austin, Texas
I was just wondering about something. Whenever a show (like Chicago for instance) gets a famous/high profile performer, how does that impact the rest of the cast? I mean, do they possibly feel a little overlooked because they are not well known as the replacement/star? Or.. is it accepted as necessary and vital for a show's continued success? The reason I'm mentioning this is because a show like "Chicago" has many cast members who are obviously very talented, but may not be well-known as their top stars who are very much in the public eye. Just wondering... I'm definitely planning on seeing the "Chicago" tour when it hits Fort Worth...though I wish it would make a stop in Austin. We appreciate good theatre! from RC in Austin, Texas
This is one of my favorite "Chicago" videos that I found online. It is from 2009 and features Tom Hewitt with Charlotte D'Amboise. (
from RC in Austin, Texas
Tom and Charlotte in
I couldn't sleep and looked thru Telecharge about Chicago. They have a 9 performance schedule this week!! What the hey?
Sun.Apr.17 2:30PM
Sun.Apr.17 7:00PM
Mon.Apr.18 8:00PM
Wed.Apr.20 2:30PM
Wed.Apr.20 8:00PM
Thu.Apr.21 8:00PM
Fri.Apr.22 8:00PM
Sat.Apr.23 2:30PM
Sat.Apr.23 8:00PM
Does anyone know the reason for the extra performance? Is it for the Actors Fund or something? Just wondering.... RC in Austin, Texas
I just read that long time Chicago cast member Gabriela Garcia performed her last show today. Does anyone have any information on this? I believe she started around the time the revival began. The pictures of her last show are fantastic! from RC in Austin, Texas
Hello all. I found this interesting clip where two Chicago cast members are interviewed about the show. For example, I never knew that there are variations of the choreography for several of the numbers. Also, it was interesting to find out that there are two versions of "Nowadays" and "Hot Honey Rag" is the more nuanced and advanced version. The other involves a simplified version for those celebrity Roxies and Velmas who need basic steps for the numbers. Hmmm. from RC in Austin, Texas
Chicago Cast Interview
I found this Canadian review of the current North American tour of Chicago. (I can't wait to see it in Forth Worth, Texas on June 18th)...even if it's an 188 mile ride. It will be worth it! from RC in Austin, Texas
Chicago In Canada
Stand-by Joined: 5/29/11
I haven't seen this in years but it was one of the first shows I'd ever seen. When I went, Bebe Neuwirth and Brenda Braxton played Roxie and Velma, respectively. I was pretty young so I didn't know who Bebe Neuwirth was, I just recalled the advertisements and asking who she was, but I was so blown away by Brenda Braxton. I'd love to see it again, one of the best shows I've ever seen.
Here's a review of the Des Moines, Iowa stop of the "Chicago" tour. from RC in Austin, Texas
Chicago in Des Moines
Hi. I'm not familiar at all with Terra C. MacLeod (touring Velma) or Tracy Shayne (touring Roxie). For those of you who have seen them, what do they bring to their respective roles? Just wondering.... RC in Austin, Texas
Hello all. I had a blast in Fort Worth to see the current American tour of "Chicago". The cast was amazing! Terra C McLeod is an incredible "Velma Kelly". She was sexy...tough..and totally mesmerizing in her role. Dan LoBuono played Fred Casely. I recognized him from some of the Chicago online videos. Daniel Gutierrez was especially captivating as the Bailiff. He was gifted in more ways than one. I wasn't familiar with Tracy Shayne, but she was a good singer and dancer. The cast was very nice at the stage door, which had to be moved inside because of the 100+ degree weather. from RC in Dallas (Austin).
i saw the original production of CHICAGO in 1976, the week of the TONY'S awards, when it did not win one TONY...GWEN VERDON and CHITA RIVERA were the co-stars of that original cast, with JERRY ORBACH as well...but just weeks before i came to NYC to see CHICAGO, as well as A CHORUS LINE and PACIFIC OVERTURES, Gwen Verdon had a leg injury and was projected to be out of the show for up to 10 weeks...they got LIZA MINELLI to do ROXIE...and that is who i saw in CHICAGO...LIZA MINELLI and CHITA RIVERA...even though Ms. Verdon was not in the cast i was truly excited seeing LIZA on stage instead...being a huge fan of her...i loved the show and was over-whelmed with excitement that both CHITA and LIZA were on stage together in this BOB FOSSE classic...
Wow, have an amazing history with "Chicago". I'm wondering about something. I read somewhere that Brenda Braxton is acknowledged as the most prolific "Velma Kelly"... in national tours and on Broadway. Who would you say is the person who has portrayed "Roxie Hart" the most times (on tour & Broadway). My guess would be Charlotte D'Amboise. Thoughts? from RC in excrutiatingly hot Austin, Texas guess is ANN REINKING...she even played ROXIE near the end of it's original run, and then of course helped restage the even more popular revival...and i may have dementia (g) setting in because i looked up CHICAGO in wikipedia and it said GWEN had throat problems and that is why LIZA took over the role for a i remembered differently..but honestly i did actually see LIZA perform the role...and even got the chance to tell LIZA that i saw her on Broadway doing ROXIE...she seemed thrilled that i mentioned that to her...
Oh my goodness! I found this fantastic clip of Bianca Marroquin doing a medley of "Chicago" songs/dance routines. It is from a Univision show (Mexico) from 2010. The prolific "Roxie Hart" actually does a bit of "Velma Kelly" with "All That Jazz". Then, she does "Roxie". Finally, she ends with "Hot Honey Rag", along with two male dancers. (They would bring in new male dancers during the song. ) She is A MA zing! from RC in Austin, Texas
Bianca Marroquin Doing CHICAGO
I have tickets for July 14th, a Thursday matinee.....who are in the leads then?
I found this link about my favorite male character in the 1996 revival of "Chicago"--- Jim Borstelmann. from RC in Austin, Texas
Jim Borstelmann
Hello. Has anyone seen Charlotte D'Amboise as "Roxie Hart" in her current run? How would you describe her interpretation as Roxie? Obviously,she is an incredibly talented person. But, since I've never seen her do the role in person (just varied video clips), what is it about her singing,dancing and acting that is just so out of this world? from RC in Austin, Texas