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Chorus Line

ElTico68 Profile Photo
#25re: Chorus Line
Posted: 2/17/05 at 8:56pm

My kind of thread!

This show literally changed my life as a kid. I knew the music, then saw the movie. I didn't grow up in this country, and US musicals don't get performed there (Costa Rica). Anyway... I moved to the US in 1988, and two months later I went with my bf to NYC from DC to see the show. We slept in the car 'cause we had no money for a room!

I performed it once in community theater and played Paul. Wow!

I am currently in rehearsals, I play Bobby. Alas, it's been very difficult (there's a rant somewhere in the OTB). The director has wanted to "make it her own", and even though I have no problem with people doing different choreography/staging, I would hope they would understand the underlying meaning of the show. It's not a bad production, but she's totally and completely lost track of what the show means... i.e., and I know I'm being picky, she has the line at the back... all the action happens in front of the line! The Montage (my favorite number) is a total mess. Anyway... stopping the rant right now. STOP IT!

Bobby's been great fun to meet, especially because I have never played funny on stage.

Happy, smile! Sad, frown! Use the corresponding face with the corresponding emotion! - Kate (Meg Ryan), French Kiss

ElTico68 Profile Photo
#26Revival Question
Posted: 2/21/05 at 11:46am

At rehearsal last night (see above) someone said that they read the revival was being updated, i.e., lines and choreography. All I've read is that they're re-staging the original pretty much exactly the way it was. Can anyone let me know who's right?

Happy, smile! Sad, frown! Use the corresponding face with the corresponding emotion! - Kate (Meg Ryan), French Kiss

perfusion Profile Photo
#27Revival Question
Posted: 2/21/05 at 12:25pm

With the new movie musicals being made nowadays maybe they will remake the ACL movie "the right way".

Eileen2 Profile Photo
#28Revival Question
Posted: 2/21/05 at 2:45pm

I loved it and was lucky enough to see the original production twice before it closed (unfortunately it closed early in my days of going to broadway). I don't think there's a song in there that I don't know by heart. In college I had to do an audio essay, cutting music together, etc. and I did it on ACL.

I'm torn about it coming back to broadway as it's such a classic and I'd hate to see them change anything and I don't know how they could bring something new or better to the production.


JMT314 Profile Photo
#29Revival Question
Posted: 2/23/05 at 1:01am

Amazing show! I can't wait for 2006!!!

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#30Revival Question
Posted: 2/23/05 at 8:35pm

I hope they also incorporate Cassie's song from the movie "Let me dance for you".

#31Revival Question
Posted: 2/23/05 at 8:48pm

You've absolutely GOT to be kidding me, MTVMANN. I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic.

There is no reason to have The Music and the Mirror AND Let Me Dance for You -- especially since LMD4Y is the updated, bs, 'lets focus on zach and cassie's relationship rather than the actual storyline of the show' song. M&tM is FAR superior, IMHO.

And yes, the movie was horrible, but you have to give props to Vicki Frederick as Sheila who, let's face it, should have reprised her role as Cassie in the movie.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...
