Loving all the Troll apologists. She joins BWW and starts a completely unnecessary thread just to pump up A-Fed and downgrade Clay. I call her out on it and everyone jumps to the troll's defense. Typical BWW bullying behavior.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
Please point out the part where I "pumped up" Anthony Fedorov. I mentioned his name and said I liked his production better. That wasn't entirely because of him, or even mostly. The NSMT production was, as a whole, a more well-rounded production, with a stronger cast. Also, there was the fact that I really enjoyed seeing this show in the round, and this one is in a traditional theater.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
And aren't you doing the same exact thing you're accusing me of? Is that what it's about? Are you projecting?
Broadway Star Joined: 2/8/07
"Unnecessary thread" ? But I thought that reviewing shows one has actually seen is what BW is all about. Mikers, did you actually see the show ?
An unnecessary thread? She had an opinion on a show that's been discussed here. You don't like her opinion, so you jumped all over her.
If she's a troll, what is her point? Usually, trolls either totally bash or totally adore. Dblue did neither.
And post FB from self proclaimed Joseph-fans that can't even spell doesn't PROVE anything. Dblue is entitled to her opinion and entitled to post it. You need to grow up and no one is bullying you.
Unnecessary because there are already 2 other threads about Clay in Joseph on BWW, but no she had to start a new one just for her little troll review because it deserved it's own thread and she needed the attention because she's just that important.
Updated On: 8/4/13 at 08:48 PM
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
Which has what to do with anything? I posted a review so I started a thread for said review.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Mikers is right. The internet is running out of space. Won't you do your best to conserve this precious national resource?
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
I almost feel sorry for people who have nothing better to do than sit around defending celebrities who don't know them, don't care to know them, and never will.
She needed attention. Ok, the funny thing is, IF that's true YOU are the one giving her all the attention. Go listen to an Aiken cd and calm down.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
Yes, I'm desperate for attention, so I post a review of a show I legitimately saw, using a screen name rather than my own name, in a venue where it will be forgotten probably in a matter of hours. Sounds like a great vehicle for attention.
"Claymates" have always been like this. Clay is infallible in their eyes, so there's no point trying to use reason and logic. I just wish they'd let the adults have a reasonable discussion about the show with the negatives AND positives without having a hissy fit. If anyone else has seen it, I'd be curious to hear their thoughts.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Clay was also screamingly heterosexual in their eyes, a point they would defend until your death.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
"Claymates" were actually part of the reason I was hesitant to see the show in the first place. Thankfully, the place was not overrun with them, and the few I did meet were very nice. So I guess it's just the internet ones that are raving psychopaths.
"I almost feel sorry for people who have nothing better to do than sit around defending celebrities who don't know them, don't care to know them, and never will."
You're trying to deflect some blame on me but it won't work because I never said one word in defense of Clay.
I called you a troll for registering just to post a negative review. Nothing will take away from that truth.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
Except it's not a truth, because I didn't post a negative review. So... there's that.
And you're right, you didn't say "one" word in defense of Clay. You posted every puppies and rainbows review of this show you could find. Which is essentially the same thing, just lazier.
Updated On: 8/4/13 at 09:00 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I read the whole review. It isn't a negative review. It is mixed-to-positive.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
And yet, my pants haven't burst into flames. Imagine that.
Anyway, as with any live production, I think it's always best to see it for yourself if you're interested. I've never put much stock in reviews, and if you don't agree with mine, I encourage you to do the same, book a trip and see the show for yourself. Just because I didn't think it was the most glorious production ever to grace the stage, doesn't mean you won't.
"And you're right, you didn't say "one" word in defense of Clay. You posted every puppies and rainbows review of this show you could find."
To date they are the only reviews by actual reviewers for actual media by critics who are not fans of other idols who have played Joseph.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/8/07
Mikers, why don't you post your review of the show ? Surely you must have seen it since you have such strong opinion about it.
Mikers, you're not taking into account that most of us who are fans of actors can enjoy other people in the same roles without a problem. Claymates don't seem to be able to do that, but most people are pretty comfortable seeing different interpretations and not being obsessively attached to one person's performance.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
Other Idols having played Joseph has no bearing on my opinion of this show. Even if I had never seen the show before today, my review would have been the same, minus the line about how I think other actors have played the role better. Which I do, and that has nothing to do with who I am or am not a fan of. I've seen Anthony do things I didn't like too, and because I am a realist and not a raging psychopath, I am not afraid to talk about it. No performer expects anyone, even their most die-hard fans, to like 100% of their performances.
Stand-by Joined: 8/4/13
Kelly2, my point exactly. I did greatly enjoy Anthony's performance in this show, which was three years ago. I'm over it. He's moved on, and so have I. If I had thought Clay had outdone Anthony in the role, I would gladly have said it. I didn't, and I'm not going to post a glowingly positive review when I didn't feel that way, because that defeats the purpose of posting a review in the first place.
Any time one of you talks about the mythical Claymates, as if they are an army of clones, it makes me laugh. I can't take anything you say seriously after that. I just can't.