Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I didn't notice the cut, but I very well could have hallucinated. They had a warning beforehand that said there was language and this was only appropriate for "mature viewers." Why would you have that and then censor?
Did this show recoup?
No, I don't believe it did.
Glad to know it wasn't just me.
This song is so pretty.
But they didn't censor "For Christ's sake"
Matt Castle just said "Christ" without being censored...
barbara walsh totally got gypped out of a tony nomination Updated On: 2/20/08 at 09:27 PM
I love that Raul has to stand on the block when he stands next to Matt Castle.
frogs. Its like how you can say god, and damn but if you put them together it gets censored. its really pathetic attempts by the FCC to appease religious nut bags.
Yeah. Jesus Christ is bad, Christ isn't. It's the same way. You can say "ass", but if you say "asshole", they bleep out the "hole" part. The rules for censorship make no f*cking sense.
Did anyone get the "mature audiences" warning before the show? I didn't and had Christ bleeped, but Emcee had the warning and it wasn't bleeped. Maybe there's a correlation.
"son of a bitch" and "kiss my ass" got through. How about a running tally of what gets censored and what doesn't lol
I can't lie, I'm underwhelmed. I wish I had seen it onstage. I love the book scenes more than the songs actually. I really don't like when John Doyle makes the choice to have them not touch, such as the wrestling match between the one couple whose names I can't even remember for some reason.
ADORE Raul though.
LOL.... and they can say all this? oh pbs and the FCC....
I really don't like when John Doyle makes the choice to have them not touch, such as the wrestling match between the one couple whose names I can't even remember for some reason.
... do you understand why he made that choice? It's pretty key symbolism to the entire point of the production.
Maybe the bleeping is done by your local PBS station, according to local tastes.
I'm watching WHYY out of Philadelphia. So far only "Jesus Christ" has been bleeped. Everything else has gotten through.
I didn't get any language/content warning before mine, though they did call it "Sex in the City on Broadway" or something stupid like that...
Yeah, I was thinking maybe it's regional, but it's still weird that they'd let it through sometimes and not others.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Em, please explain (to me, at least) the symbolism.
Probably to make a comment on the lack of intimacy. I'm sure the choice is supported and reasonable, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Well God Damn just went through uncensored here in New York (not unexpected)
"God" in front of damn just got bleeped, followed directly by son-of-a-bitch unbleeped. so irritating. I'll by the DVD just to avoid that crap...
They just bleeped "Goddamn" in the song. Maybe they just don't beleive in cursing while singing here in glorious Oklahoma.
"they did call it "Sex in the City on Broadway" or something stupid like that..."
Yeah. It was to the effect of "Before Sex In the City, there was Sex In the City on Broadway, Stephen Sondheim's acclaimed "COMPANY!" blah blah.."
I love that Raul has to stand on the block when he stands next to Matt Castle.
...It's not as though he has a contract stipulation that the entire cast must be shorter than him. He spends most of the show on the block; it has nothing to do with "having" to look taller next to Matt Castle.