Good Golly, this block feature works like a charm. I already have 10 posters that I will never have to hear from again. At peace :)
NGN Lemmie guess, all longtime posters?
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
Same goes for you.
No, I called N2NInNatesHead a turd blossom.
Oh sh!t....okay that makes sense. I got that b!tch blocked.
Updated On: 8/26/13 at 07:10 PM
And you can see their posts when you push reply!
I ain't looking...that defeats the whole purpose! Once they blocked..they blocked.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Finally got three posters outta my hair at long last!
for people who claim they are blocking others, you sure do mention them alot! lmao
It's almost as if someone farted, and then left the room before I came in.
~ theaterdiva...what a vivid...umm, analogy.
~ i'm so glad it's not scented!
~ bwahahaha!!
I smell potatoes...
I love how Diva who claims to use th IGNORE factor, really is checking, reading and responding to those they claim they ignore. thats 3 and counting! lmao
~ you smell potatoes?
~ what's *that* all about diva?
~ you okay?!!!
~ you hungry?!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Oh God, it is, Carlos! I never have to put up with those Debbie Downers, newintown and goldenshower again! Halleluyer!!!
~ bless rob for taking the time to re-instate it again
~ i hope he never, ever finds a reason to disable it again
I should have said potato farts, Carlos.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"~ i hope he never, ever finds a reason to disable it again"
'nuff said here all. Ignore feature is back, locking this as it's now off topic. Just a reminder, that personal attacks of all kind are against our policies.