Curious as to some of the ad-libs used by various Emcees (Alan Cumming and beyond) while introducing the Kit Kat Girls & Boys.... A few cute ones that I've heard:
- Frenchie is SO uptight! Oh, LOOSEN UP, Frenchie! - Never turn your back on Lulu or she'll turn her back on you! - Hans (who's playing a saxophone) I have never known anyone who blows as well as Hans! (spots someone in the audience) Except you’re here tonight, I take it back!
I also enjoyed in the current tour, during "audience participation time" at the top of Act 2, he asked a woman in the front row: "Do you have any German in you? Would you like some??"
I was actually surprised to learn those were ad libs and not script additions- the newly licensed script for the 1998 version actually says "EMCEE AD LIB" in the directions.
I imagine that some of the non-scripted 'ad-lib' lines might be passed between productions as suggestions, because I heard the "little German" line in a production in Australia many years ago. (When the audience member responded that yes, he did have a little German in him, the Emcee said "Would you like a little more?"
The other ad libs that I remember:
To another audience member - "Do you like sandwiches? [Yes] Then maybe you, your friend and I can make one after the show!"
To the balcony, with a mournful wave - "Hello, poor people!"
While not during the opening scene, when the show was here in Durham, NC last month, at the opening of Act 2 the emcee was having some playful banter with the audience. He asked if everyone went out to drink and have a tinkle during intermission, then followed with "I tried to go but they wouldn't let me in!", in reference to HB2 ("bathroom bill". The audience loved it and cheered for several minutes.
When the emcee introduces frenchie in the soundtrack Alan cumming says " You know I like to order frenchie on the side, On your side frenchie!" But when I saw it live, Alan Cumming said "I like frenchie when she's dressing, get it? French dressin'? Ah never mind!"
I saw Cabaret with my nice coat on, and during the intermission, the Emcee asked me if he could have it. I said YES! He danced around in it, then he threw it somewhere. Long story short, I never got it back. He needed it more than I did.