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Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre- Page 4

Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre

Mrs.LinkLarkin2 Profile Photo
#75re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 2:19am

Oh I'm so excited to answer this question because I have been part of two great, but very different crowds so far.

First the 12:05am showing Thursday at the Zigfeld (s?) in NYC. There was about 225 people there I'd say and I think every single one has seen the show multiple times. I had seen it for the 7th time just hours earlier. There was an applause before it started, after every song, and at the end obviously. After every funny line you could tell people were laughing at the "newness" of it. Everyone was taking in this new interpretation of one of their favorite musicals. I would say it was a very well educated Hairspray audience.

Tonight, I saw it at home in Northern, Va. The theater was packed! It was packed with people who had never seen Hairspray before. I'd probably be over estimating saying that 5% of the audience had seen it on Braodway. Every line and every song was fresh to them! It was funny because I know these the songs and script like the back of my hand, but it was great to them for the first time. After about half way through they started clapping after songs and dancing in there seats. They loved John and they LOVED Zac! After anything Link would say or any look he'd give to the camera there would be awws and sighs. I'm proudly guilty of participating. Even grown women were swooning. haha. I'm thinking, "Damn! Link Larkin has now stolen the hearts of America, not just a select few. They're stealing my man!"

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#76re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 3:33am

The crowd at my saturday night show seemed to REALLY like it. There was applause after a few numbers and a lot after the movie, and TONS of laughter.

And then during the credits, my fiends and I are in Leader of the Pack: the musical, which is all very similar music and some of my friends went up o the front of the theater and did one of our 60s dances to the end credits music! And the whole audience cheered and waited till we finished to leave and applauded, so it was pretty funny.

I thought the movie was great and hope it does really well!

"...and in a bed."

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#77re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 3:40am

There were maybe, like, 15 other people in the theater when I saw it. Pretty subdued crowd. No applause of any kind, but a few chuckles here and there. Three girls walked out more than halfway through.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#78re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 5:58am

I saw it Friday night at the Charles in Baltimore (where the special premiere was on the 18th).

It was the 9:50 show so it wasn't that full. This past weekend was also Artscape which is a big event every summer.

A Baltimore audience watching Hairspray is a GREAT experience! Everyone loved it. There was some applause after the musical numbers. Laugh out loud moments during "Good Morning Baltimore", John Waters and Ricki Lakes' cameos and any word John Travolta said with an O in it.

WE get Travolta's accent--they're people that actually talk like that.

mateo Profile Photo
#79re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 5:57pm

Anyone go see it today?

Im curious how audiences are on weekdays.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

#80re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 8:23pm

I saw a 1:20 showing today. The theatre was about 2/3 full and the audience seemed to enjoy it. I'm seeing it in Texas and with the exception of the time I saw it at a pre screening down in Houston last week no one is clapping or dancing like I'm hearing about at other theatres. I find this so hard to believe because I really had to restrain myself.

Candleshoe2 Profile Photo
#81re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/23/07 at 10:17pm

I just got back from the showing, and the crowd loved it. The couple in front of me were dancing in their chairs...they looked like they were going to break them during "Timeless to Me", they were so into it. A lot of laughs, especially for John Travolta. I think he suprised a lot of people. This was my second time seeing the movie, and it was definitely better this time around. I hope the movie continues to draw in the crowds!

#82re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/31/07 at 1:14pm

I went yesterday to see Hairspray with my mom and my sister and there wasn't alot of people there, but there was alot of elderly people there and there was no applause and it seemed that only me, my mom, and my sister got the jokes and were laughing, but there was one lady who laughed occasionaly. No one got up and left which I thought was great since the last movie musical I saw in the movies, The Producers, some people got up and left.

I really loved Hairspray and I think it's great that it's doing so well and I only hope that the next movie musicals on the way out like Sweeney, Nine, Aida, and whatever are successful as well.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#83re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 7/31/07 at 1:20pm

Saw the film it's first Saturday afternoon (7/21/07). Audiences responded audibly to John Waters' cameo, and clapped after "Welcome to the 60's". Midway thru the film, John Travolta completely took over the film from everyone else -- the audience LOVED him/Edna (EVERYTHING he did or said was greeted with a nice audible response). "Timeless to Me" garnered great applause as did his bit in "You Can't Stop the Beat". The audience also applauded after the film was over.

ardenfanXD Profile Photo
#84re: Hairspray Reaction @ Your Theatre
Posted: 12/24/07 at 9:07pm

A friend of mine and I went to opening night after our Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal, and were a bit disappointed at some of the actor's performances from the movie. But since I'm from San Diego (AMC 24 was the theatre) not alot of people knew about the history of this movie musical. Overall, many people liked it though. Not as much as LA or New York or other places though. =]

"I'm strong enough to fight and win" -Michael Arden
