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Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot- Page 2

Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot

#25re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 3/20/05 at 8:52pm

I get the impression that the producers are pushing the stars on personal appearances - so, yes, I think Hank Azaria provides some star power and a known commodity for the show.

My real question was DOES ANYONE KNOW THE DATES - stating heh will be out from mid-June for one or two months is useless and misleading.

My additional rant was due to the fact that there is nothing posted or any notice provided that a regular cast member is taking a specified time off from the show. I know other shows that made it a point to let people know when a "billed" star of the show is not performing for a pre-scheduled time.

Saying he will be out

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#26re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 3/20/05 at 9:34pm

Crap! Crap! Crap! I have tickets for late June. I really wanted to see Hank perform.

conanissexy18 Profile Photo
#27re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/1/05 at 10:41pm

I have tickets for June 11. Does that count as Mid-June? Early June? It'd be nice to see does ANYONE....ANYONE have the dates Hank will gone? Or an opinion on what signifies mid-June?

#28re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/5/05 at 7:31pm

Does anybody have the dates for his leave to film Huff?????

#29re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/5/05 at 9:43pm

If I remember to ask the next time Im there, I will. Knowing me, I'll be there within the next week.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#30re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 12:34pm

Thanks -- I would greatly appreciate it

#31re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 2:08pm

You can always ask for a refund!

#32re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 2:13pm

Does anyone really care if anyone is friends with the guy at the stage door? Honestly?

Hank's name isn't above the title for Spamalot, so no refunds will be given in his absence, regardless of whether or not it was announced specifically when tickets were sold. Would be the case with the other two, too. In fact, I wonder if that's a reason why they aren't!

#33re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 2:34pm

I'd say the reason they're not above the title is because Spamalot did a very good job not repeating The Producers' inherent ties to its original stars; the musical is the star and not the actors.

As much as I'd love to see it, I don't buy Robin Williams being put in. It'll create the precedent of it being a celebrity show. The people running Spamalot are smarter than that.

junglered Profile Photo
#34re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 2:37pm

As of April 6th - Telecharge Customer Service has no information regarding specific dates that Hank Azaria will be out of Spamalot in June/July.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#35re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 3:03pm

Wow, people need to relax.

SPAMALOT isn't pushing it's show on star power, but they will undoubtedly refund your tickets if you wish, no questions asked. It's not that big of a deal.

Roxy: Why pay the same price when the original cast is gone?

Is this a serious question? Come on....

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#36re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 3:27pm

Just to clarify, I meant that they won't refund because he's above the title, since he's not. I have no idea if they would otherwise. I don't see why they would feel they have to though.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#37re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 3:32pm

They always refund - and if not refund, switc tickets for another day. Even if they say they won't, they really will.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#38re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 3:34pm

At the stagedoor yesterday he said that he would be back by thanksgiving, I guess I was wrong and he meant he'll be around for the thanksgiving season.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

#39re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 3:37pm

SSFrontrow, your movie analogy is ridiculous. A movie is never substituted for another, nor does anyone pay $100 to see a movie. However, it's always a gamble with theatre as to who will be onstage when you sit your butt in that seat. Understudies are on in every show on a fairly regular basis. Otherwise, there would be no need for understudies. If you don't want to take the chance at seeing someone other than your favorite, then you don't buy a ticket. I understand that it's disappointing when you really want to see a particular actor, but hey, that's theatre and presumably you're a theatre fan if you're on this site, so you should know that.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#40re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 4:01pm

Brilliant message ErinRebecca.

Here is the thing about theatre that makes it so special...

It's never the same way each night. IT'S LIVE. You may be there to see the set fall in, or some singer croak on stage, or some really amazing performances.

It's ephemeral.

Be happy that you are able to see the show at all. I know that, growing up in California, I had to wait almost a year to see the touring company of any certian show, and could only afford to see certian shows. I never was upset that I didn't get to see the original cast, but that I was able to see the magic that was THE SHOW...not THE PERFORMER.


"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

conanissexy18 Profile Photo
#41re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 5:31pm

As much as I agree with the two of you (being a performer and a stage manager), the reasons the Spamalot tickets are so pricey are because of the TALENT that is in it. You pay to see the TALENT, and when you get an understudy (who is probably talented as well) is a little disappointing...

I saw Wicked around Christmas and it was phenomenal, even though my Galinda/Glinda was an understudy (who was great)...but if Idina Menzel had taken that night off and I had gotten HER understudy...the show still would have been good, but I would be a little bit bitter about the $250 I spent to see HER talent, as well as an amazing show.

I'm from Texas, and I understand the frustration of not having access to the things you hear about going on in the North (and as some may know, Texas isn't exactly fine arts capital of America). As a graduation gift, I got two tickets to Spamalot.

Now I think Hank Azaria is one of the most understated performers alive today. He's very talented, and the oppurtunity to get to see him onstage means a lot. It's a great feeling finally getting to see those people you've only heard or seen onscreen before (i.e. Idina Menzel). I'm sure those of you who have listened to a Broadway Cast Recording and then seen the show live understand what I mean. It's breath-taking.

So, this may sound a bit petty, but honestly, if I pay for and expect to get Hank Azaria, and I don't...I will be unhappy. BUT, I'm certain the show will be great anyway. It's just a bit of a letdown not getting to see what you are hoping to see. I'm not saying the show will be any WORSE, I will just personally be a bit disappointed.

Thus the concern of when he is leaving.

#42re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/6/05 at 6:48pm

To the recent posters who seem to be blasting me... please read the beginnings of this thread to see my original intent.

First, I have been coming to NYC for just about 25 years to see theater. I also posted previously that I have seen many understudies and understand the “nature of the beast” that is live theater. I understand that and, happily or not, accept that. I am sorry if you all think I am some bumpkin who has no idea what theater is all about. As I posted previously, in the ORIGINAL run of Dreamgirls, I saw a performance where Jennifer Holiday was understudied and the performer was INCREDIBLE. I loved the show and saw it again 3 days later with the same understudy.

Second, I originally started this thread TO FIND OUT WHAT DATES HE IS OUT. I have a ticket for June 18th and I am going no matter what. I would just appreciate it if one of the FEATURED PLAYERS has a planned time off that I could at least find out the dates THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN PLANNED that he will be out of the show. If I lived in NYC and could see the show any time, I would NOT plan on seeing it while he was out. This is different than a featured player missing a few performances that was NOT SCHEDULED.

Third, for those who claim the show is the star... why feature Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce and Hank Azaria at all????? I happen to like Hank Azaria and was very excited to find out he was in it and was SO LOOKING FORWARD to seeing him more than anyone else.

Fourth, I only posted the analogy of the movies to make a point, not to equate movies with theater. I actually would not waste my money paying $15 to see a movie. I wait until it is on DVD several months later so I can watch it in the comfort of my own home. For decent theater however, I will shell out $100 to attend. Obviously some of these message board readers cannot understand that I was just making a point.

Lastly, back to my original reason for starting this thread... does ANYONE know the date Hank is going out??? I only hope it is after June 18th. If not, I will have to enjoy it without him.

Updated On: 4/6/05 at 06:48 PM

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#43re: Hank Azaria Sabatical from Spamalot
Posted: 4/9/05 at 6:44pm

Any news yet?

and please don't bash me for asking. I happen to have tickets for that month and am curious if he'll be there or not.
