Featured Actor Joined: 6/22/05
What's with the increase of one-word titles and an elongated elipse after them? :P Seriously, I don't want that mess on Broadway. She'd probably be drunk half the time and run into the pit risers yelling "WHO THE F*** PUT THIS HERE? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I'M JANICE F***ING DICKINSON. FOSSE'S GOT NUTTIN' ON ME!"
Janice has been clean and sober for years now and is very serious about her sobriety, so I doubt she'd be drunk.
Updated On: 8/18/06 at 12:08 AM
Featured Actor Joined: 6/22/05
"Janice has been clean and sober for years now and is very serious about her sobriety, so I doubt she'd be drunk."
Maybe everything I'm watching is just older than her sobriety. Even if she was sober she just has that "out of it" attitude and her slurred speech. But you know how she acts like she is the best thing in the world...
We are putting Drew Lachey Brooke Shields and Melanie Griffith not to mention shows like Lestat. I think Broadway has hit a low point. Janice is hilarious to watch. She has charism. Something alot of the previously metioned performers lack.
<--- Janice?
Broadway Star Joined: 5/9/05
I actually could totally see her as Velma...that is if she could ACTUALLY sing and dance
Your speech would be slurred too if you had enough collagen in your lips to float an army.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/4/06