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Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review- Page 3

Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review

#50re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:21am

I'm going to see it next month! I booked my flight, and I'll be seing it either the 16th, 17th, 18th, or 19th. =) (Trying to schedule around seeing some old friends and stuff.) And before you start telling me there are no good seats left, I have a source who will be able to get me a good seat. (I'll have to pay for it, but it will be a good seat!) Woo-hoo!

#51re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:49am

I just got back home (to Jersey) from Jersey Boys, with mixed feelings. The performances were great, especially John Lloyd Young as Frankie Valli, but some of the jokes and sets were taken straight out of "The Sopranos", like the mentioning of all those Jersey towns (they didn't mention mine) and the pictures of the Pulaski Skyway. I also didn't much care for the chain link fences, and much of the set made for obscured views from where I was sitting in 4th row right side. However, the music scenes were great, and I liked the way they showed it being filmed for TV and then straight forward to us in the audience.
The theatre was nearly full, a good sign for a rainy Tuesday night in October, and the audience really was into it, with a big standing O.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#52re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 7:30am

Jersey guy here - have tickets! Sounds good!

#53re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:25pm

"Smokey Joe's Cafe" is a great jukebox musical. So, arguably, is "Forever Plaid." They just came out before that term was coined (and before it became an object of derision.)

I ask in all honesty/What would life be?/Without a song and a dance, what are we?/So I say "Thank you for the music/For giving it to me."

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#54re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:26pm

So what happens when the crowds from Jersey dry up?

#55re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 2:28pm

I agree with all the great reviews. Jersey Boys is terrific. The play lays out beautifully - great people. However, I must disagree with Meast's two cents worth on one issue. I do not believe that Jersey Boys will help the jukebox musical - just the opposite.
Unlike Hushpuppy, I liked Mama Mia. It's not a great musical, but it's easy to see why a lot of producers stepped up to use the same formula to make money. The results have been just so-so. I personally think The jukebox musical is a cop-out.
Having forced my opinions on you, I'll try your patience with one more. Jersey Boys will be the South Pacific of jukebox musicals; a musical so good, it makes everything else non-competative for a time. I think few producers will risk competing with Jersey Boys. However, I bet we'll see a lot of original musical satires in the Spamalot mold.

#56re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 2:57pm

im coming from london to see it. i have tickets for 5th november. i cant wait.

#57re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 5:29pm

Funny that. I'm also coming from London! Got tickets for 11 November. I can't wait either.

irene2 Profile Photo
#58re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 10:34pm

Okay, I feel compelled to weigh in here.
I was born and raised in San Diego > saw the show here at the LJ Playhouse > LOVED IT! . I have several friends who saw it multiple times, YES, it was that good.
My boyfirend and I are flying out to NYC Friday (I hope to God the rain stops) to visit his sister and brother-in-law. We are taking them to see the Jersey Boys this Saturday.
I can not wait to see it again! I absolutely loved the show (hey, didnt I say that already). This brings us to the point of having to be from Jersey to enjoy it > so not true. Native San Diegan here (hey, didnt I say that before as well, blame it on the wine).
I will admit to being almost 50, so I am well versed in the Four Seasons music. I do think if you are not familiar with the songs it wouldn't be as enjoyable. Sorry, but I do agree with those folks who didnt get the same thrill out of it as the rest of us, due to lack of song familiarity...
So, in conclusion, this is a must see unless you are really young and dont like music outside a particular genre and dont like to experieince new things, and well, didnt your parents listen to this music when you were growing up, it should be a tad familiar to you...

#59re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/14/05 at 10:52am

I SIMPLY LOVED JERSEY BOYS.......and I have never been a Four Seasons Fan (before seeing Jersey Boys, that is). And I am NOT from New Jersey (and can guarantee you I will NEVER be from New Jersey).

It is just a wonderful night at the theatre. Everything worked for me!!! And apparently just about everyone else in the audience felt the same way..

Multiple show stopping applause and standing ovations....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLAY!!!! I NEVER experienced anything like that before in all my years of theatre-going. This show is a true winner as far as being "crowd pleasing" is concerned. I actually left the theatre thinking that I got my monies worth (which unfortunately is not always the case).

This Play is based as much on the compelling BOOK as it is on the wonderfully performed music by a uniformly talented cast. Not a single Four Seasons hit song is played until about 45 minutes into the show.

Go see it. Even if you are not from Jersey or a Frankie Valli fan. I am sure you will not be disappointed or feel cheated.
Actually, I plan to see it again (personal finances permitting).

Oh. Just one more thing: I do feel they could cut out some of the cuss words in the one scene where four-letter words are used in rapid fire order even though it probably is a very accurrate (and, I must admit, funny) depictation of how those characters actually talked (being would be wise-guys in training a la the Sopranos). This would vastly broaden the potential audience by opening it up to an younger audience.

Updated On: 10/14/05 at 10:52 AM

#60re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/14/05 at 5:24pm

OK, I admit that since my cousin Christian (Hoff) is starring in the show, I am indeed biased. How could I not be? That said however, this is one helluva musical! I caught it a couple times in La Jolla last year and just saw it on Broadway last week. The 4 'Seasons' are still very well-seasoned & confident (newcomer Mr. Young as Mr. Valli included), with Christian Hoff as DeVito downright perfect for the script (and stage). At 43 now, I got to know this music via old records and the radio in the 60's and 70's. Always loved it - for a doo wop group, it was a bit raw sounding, not as gentle as so many others, so it had more grit. Whether this show adds to or subtracts from that trademark does not really matter. The obvious minimalist approach to set design and staging allows the great music to tell the story right alongside the clever book. The Four Seasons' real story has heart and hope - kinda makes you believe again in the American dream. As someone else said, just surrender to it. You'll be cheering along with everyone else when Sherry, Sherry Baby comes screechin' from the stage - could a show get any more fun?

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#61re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/15/05 at 12:09pm

I saw Jersey Boys last night and I LOVED,LOVED,LOVED it. It's a show you go see to just sit back and enjoy. John Lloyd Young as Frankie Valli is amazing !!! What a voice and may I add a lot handsomer than the real Frankie (who I adore). Christian Hoff as Tommy DeVito has the crowd roaring with laughter from the moment he opens his can't help but to fall in love with this thug...I expect a TONY nod for him. The naiive and sweet Bob Gaudio played by Daniel Reichard reminded me a lot of myself growing up...if I only had his talent. This character's innocence of youth tugged at my heart.Mr.Reichard's voice melted that same heart. J.Robert Spencer as Nick Massi was also great, understated and sweet. This is a show that I will be returning to many times.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson
