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Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review

Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#0Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 12:58am

I'll cut right to the chase: This show is good; very, very good. The authors have taken a compelling show business rags-to-riches-back-to-to-rags-back-to-more-riches story and interpolated most of the Four Seasons big hits (as well as a bunch of spiffy doo-wop tunes originally performed by others) into a fast-moving, toe-tapping, great-big Broadway show. Add to that a stage-full of superb performances and you have, what should be, the first hit musical of the new season.

A quick disclaimer: I am 'of a certain age', which means I am old enough to have seen Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons back in the mid 70's. Also, I hated Mamma Mia and skipped All Shook Up, Lennon, Movin' Out, and Good Vibrations so my experience with 'jukebox musicals' is limited. I am much more of the Gypsy/South Pacific/Hello, Dolly! school of musical comedy.

Having said that, there is a ton of music and a great deal of comedy in Jersey Boys. The book avoids most of the struggling-to-make-it-big clichés. There is a lot of exposition early in Act I, but it's well punctuated with a slew of great songs which keep things moving until, 45 minutes into the show, the group (and the show) explodes with the group’s first big-hit 'Sherry'. If you go in knowing anything about the Four Seasons, you'll feel a sense of anticipation in the moments immediately leading up to that number, akin to that which precedes Dolly's appearance at the top of the stairs at the Harmonia Gardens.

This brings me to the clever direction of Des McAnuff. Yes, he manipulates the audience (what director doesn't?) and you'll find yourself pulled inexorably the way he wants you to be pulled. You'll find yourself clapping along (even this jaded New Yorker joined in), shedding a tear at certain times, and even laughing uproariously at the dumbest sight gag involving a neon sign above a bowling alley. Trust me, it's futile to fight, just surrender and go along for the ride.

And what a ride it is. Led by the remarkable John Lloyd Young in his Broadway debut, the cast is first rate. The other three 'seasons' are equally terrifc. J. Robert Spencer, Christian Hoff, and Daniel Reichard create three-dimensional, believable (if sometimes over the top) characters. As a testament to our caring about each of them, as each character leaves the stage at the end of the show, they received a heartfelt round of applause from the audience. The supporting cast is a talented, charismatic group.

For those of us who remember the Four Seasons, the sound these boys create is uncanny. Especially (for me) in 'Walk Like A Man', you can close your eyes and have the past 40 years melt away. But keep your eyes open, you won't want to miss a moment of Jersey Boys.

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'
Updated On: 10/14/05 at 12:58 AM

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#1re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 1:17am

Good to hear it.

I know my Dad is going to want to see this show. My whole family it's good to hear some positivity for this show.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#2re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 1:26am

I'm so excited! Yay! =) (Planning a trip to see it in NYC...)


mlsheehan Profile Photo
#3re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 8:30am

Sounds like the production that I saw in California. I'm glad they transferred it pretty much as is.

Didn't see John Lloyd Young, who wasn't Frankie out here. Daniel Norena played the part and he was terrific, too.

I hope this show is a success. It's very entertaining and a throughly enjoyable evening in the Theatre.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#4re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:15am

I'll be there this Friday...thanks for your review!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#5re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:19am

My dad wants to see this.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#6re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 11:02am

Nice review, Hushpuppy. I'm just afraid it's just going to be treated as just another jukebox no matter how good it is, and that's a shame because I've read a few other positive reports on this show.
I'm old enough to remember The Four Seasons, but I was never realy a fan, even though I grew up in North Jersey. I was more into British rock, and later on into what we now term clasic rock, and of course now I mostly like musical comedies like the ones you mentioned, but I also liked Mamma Mia and Lennon and I for one won't put down a show just because it's a JM.
I'm looking forward to seeing this show next week.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#7re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 11:38am

Hank, no one puts down shows that fall under the jukebox drama - people - particularly myself, put down the genre as a whole. If the show is good - genuinely good - and well written, it doesn't matter what genre it falls under. You're blaming the failure of LENNON on the fact that people are over jukebox musicals - well no, that's not really the case here. LENNON closed so early because it was a misconceived piece of trash. If a show is made up of older songs (from a group, singer, whatever,) that OBVIOUSLY just invites skepticism in. ALL SHOOK UP surprised most of us with how enjoyable a jukebox musical could be...but we've still yet to see a well written jukebox musical. Maybe this is it, but don't act as if it's the entire world vs. jersey boys.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

wickedfan2 Profile Photo
#8re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 12:35pm

Thanks for that review. I just bought tickets to the matinee on November 23 and can't wait! I too am a Franki Vali fan and "older" but I didn't like GV, or ASU although I was also a Beach boy and Elvis fan.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#9re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 1:25pm

Timing is everything, alas. This time last year, we were given glimpses of VIBRATIONS and SHOOK UP in the Macy's Parade, and though people rooted for the many mostly gifted performers who were gainfully employed, it was the start of a year-long backlash against the genre. Since then, it's been trashed by critics, and the paying public is likely, justifiably, distrustful. If this show is the audience pleaser that VIBRATIONS and LENNON were not, it will require solid reviews and a reversal in the sort of 'who cares?' word of mouth that damned others.

My own thought: whatever the reviews, 90 minute versions in Atlantic City and Vegas loom large. The target demographics (over 50) will line up.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

#10re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 6:30pm

I saw it last night as well and thoroughly enjoyed it. It wasn't on TKTS last night or for any performance today, so it's doing well box office wise.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#11re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 6:34pm

I'm not saying it isn't doing well box office wise, but some shows choose not to send tickets over to TKTS during previews -- I've seen a bunch of things in previews that weren't discounted and played to half empty houses. It's simply the Producers' call.

Nice review though. I don't have a driving interest in seeing the show, but you made it sound a lot more compelling that I would have imagined the show to be.

DAME Profile Photo
#12re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 6:44pm

Nice review. I have heard good things about this show from numerous people. Wow. between this, Sweeney, Odd couple, and the upcoming Tarzan this is looking to be one great season.


#13re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 6:50pm

if this show get a cast cd then good vibrations and lennon have to get a cast cd made it is not fair that one show get a cast cd made and one does not.

#14re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 7:00pm

That's the silliest thing I think I've ever heard. Even if one were to go with the somewhat bizarre theory that it isn't "fair," since when has the entertainment business ever been "fair?" It's a business. If someone has the money and desire to put out a cast album, you get a cast album. End of story.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#15re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 7:03pm

I may just have to catch this one.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#16re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 7:32pm

Re: TKTS. There were plenty of empty seats (mostly side orchestra) at Tuesday night's preview. I bought my ticket Monday afternoon at the box office with a printout and I got H5 so I don't think it's a hot ticket yet.

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

#17re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 7:59pm

Sounds like a good show, I sincerely hope Jersey Boys gets decent reviews and has a long run.
I don't think I could bear to go see Jersey Boys just yet though. I'd have to see the Broadhurst across the street where Lennon played, too depressing. A wonderful show that closed way too soon.

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#18re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 8:58pm

wow... great news... i was sorta expecting it to suck

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#19re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:02pm

i guess i just sorta threw it into the category with the recent jukebox musicals without bothering to look closely at it... plus i hate the logo.

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

#20re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:02pm

ddtruit, I must be thinking of the huge billboard for Jersey Boys then.
I haven't seen both and I don't see why you have to knock Lennon to boost Jersey Boys???

#21re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/6/05 at 10:04am

Ok, fair enough response but I do not agree that "Lennon was a mess". Lennon was a show I truly loved and hate to see it compared, imo unfairly. I thought Lennon had an amazing cast too, great music but I also thought it was a good show. So much on Broadway now is not half as good.
Jersey Boys I haven't seen but might. If I do I'll come back and post some comments on it.

Now Ulla Dance
#22re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/6/05 at 10:05am

Hi Guys...

I saw Jersey Boys last night, and i just can't say enough good things about this show. It is by NO MEANS your typical jukebox musical... It is the story or Frankie Valli and the 4 seasons and it is a fascinating one at that. You cared about these men and what happened to them and how fame changed them. I couldn't decide what was more fun, watching the show or watching the baby boomers around me as "Sherrie" or "can't take my eyes off of you" came on. If word of mouth gets out, this show is going to be a HUGE hit...

If John Llyod Young doesn't convice you that he's Frankie Valli, i don't know what will.. his falsetto is DEAD ON and he's adorable as well!

What else i liked was the set, a constant moving set that made things looked intresting and different come every scene..

Please please please go see this show if you can!

You'll have a GREAT time!!

#23re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:11pm

Sorry, but I think IN MY LIFE will be the hot ticket of the season!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Now Ulla Dance
#24re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/6/05 at 2:57pm

yeah dolly...if you're coked out or high
