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Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review- Page 2

Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#25re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 1:45am

I went by the Virginia box office this afternoon to get tickets for the Nov 20 mat and all they had was balcony. the show appears to be selling quite well.

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

#26re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 2:17am

They do have tickets on TDF, though.

I still can't decide if I want to see this. I just don't know.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#27re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 12:55pm

Has anyone does student rush yet? I'm curious as to where the seats are located

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#28re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 1:03pm

I have tdf tickets for tonight...should be a fun evening!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#29re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 2:53pm

I'm looking forward to seeing this. Now, if only I could get a certain someone to see it again with me.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

wickedfan2 Profile Photo
#30re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 3:02pm

pls post your review.. I have to wait till Nov 23 re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review

sdsm2006 Profile Photo
#31re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 3:30pm

I'm glad the show is doing well. I saw it in the closing weeks here in San Diego and absolutely loved it. I wish I could go to NY and see what was changed... especially "Sherry" - which was my favorite number in the whole show (loved the staging). Hope you all continue to enjoy it :)

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts..." ~Jaques - "As You Like It" Act 2, scene 7

theatreguy Profile Photo
#32re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/7/05 at 5:41pm

MissNY, I bought student rush for tonight. They're in the center orchestra, row W. They're technically partial view because they use lots of projections and the balcony cuts off the top third of the stage. But for $26.25, it's not a bad deal.

#33re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 1:42am

Had to weigh in. I am very, very critical and I thoroughly enjoyed this show. As did every single person in the audience with me. The tone of it was just perfect, and the performances outstanding. It was one of those nights of theater that gave me hope for the future of Broadway. I urge everyone to go see it - can't think of anyone who wouldn't be entertained or touched by it in some way.

theatreguy Profile Photo
#34re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 2:06am

I saw it tonight and didn't think it was that great. Certainly not BAD, but not as good as I was expecting from reading all the reviews.

It seemed to be geared for people who were fans the Four Seasons back in the 60's, and that's what the audience mostly seemed to be made up of. And judging by the reaction to some of the jokes, most of them also appeared to be from New Jersey. Since I was born in 1986 and am not from New Jersey, a lot of it felt like an inside joke that I was not a part of.

The cast overall was fine. They all had great voices and seemed to be have a lot of fun up there. Unfortunately, none of the characters are really developed enough for the audience to care much about them. For example, several bad things (to aviod spoiling it) happen towards the end of act two. BUT they happen to people whom we've only seen in or or two scenes prior, and pretty short scenes at that, so it's hard to really feel sad for them.

All in all, I'd say if you were/are a fan of the Four Season, then go. You'll probably have a great time. If not, you might feel a little left out.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#35re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 8:46am

Seeing how it is a dreaded "jukebox musical", the critics will see it as their holy duty to rid the world of this scourge & they will pan it. If Elvis could not make the cut, how will the 4 seasons fare ?

Poster Emeritus

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#36re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 10:51am

Theatreguy: I understand that, being 19, you may have a hard time relating to the music of the Four Seasons, but I disagree that you'll feel 'left out' if you're not a Four Seasons fan. When I was your age, I didn't feel 'left out' when I saw a production of Gypsy, even though I wasn't around to see vaudeville first-hand nor did I feel 'left out' when I sat through South Pacific, even though I was born 12 years after the end of World War II (thereby making me officially 'older than dirt'). I think the music is timeless and the story is a classic rags-to-riches tale. I realize that the music isn't what you're used to hearing (no matter if you listen to the current stuff or 'classic' theatre, the Four Seasons sound is unique), but I applaud you for at least being open-minded enough to attend. As for the lack of character development, the story revolves around those four guys and, I think, we learn quite a bit about them. Just out of curiosity, what are your favorite musicals?

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#37re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 10:59am

i was there last night as well and i completely agree with theaterguy. i was born in 1982 and i am not from New Jersey and i felt kind of left out. The audience was mostly older people who clearly knew every Four Seasons song. As soon as they started singing "Sherry," the audience went wild. I just don't feel like us younger people can really relate to it as well as the older crowd.

The performamces by the four leads were wonderful. Excellent singing and harmony. The Nothing great, but not terrible either ala Good Vibrations and Lennon. Nothing really exciting happened in their lives. One of the main points they focused on was the fact that one of the guys in the group had tons of debt and they were figuring out a way to pay it back. The end of Act 1 was kind of a confrontation between him (Tommy I think) and the guy he owed money to. For some reason, I just didn't care if he was going to pay the money back or not and could care less what was going to happen to him if he didn't pay it back.

The sets...god awful. It was this chain link fence that was so ugly...I don't know, it just reminded me of Brooklyn or something. Also, there were these TV screens with cartoons projected on them...completely unnecessary and totally distracting. The evening was *all about* the music and I feel like it would have been better if they had just gotten up there and sang Four Seasons songs and that's it.

Overall, a fun but disappointing evening. Maybe I'm just sick of Jukebox musicals altogether...
Updated On: 10/8/05 at 10:59 AM

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#38re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 11:06am

That's why Baskin-Robbins makes 31 flavors. Wouldn't it be dull if we all liked the same thing?

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#39re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 11:11am

absolutely hushpuppy. i am glad there is something like Jersey Boys out there to appeal to a different target audience. i hope the show is a certainly deserves to be considering it is a zillion times better than Lennon and Good Vibrations.

#40re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 12:38pm

I didn't grow up on the era of the FOUR SEASONS, either. Really I just came to it recently and I understand where it could steer some people in another direction.

Certain elements of this show are universal ... the relationships between these guys and how they were continually tested due to outside forces. I loved how the show opened --- I couldn't think of a better way to start the ride.

The performers here are just wonderful. They have such appeal and they really come off amazingly on stage. John Lloyd Young has an amazing voice and really comes into his own, so early in the preview process. I can't believe this was the 4th preview on Thursday night I was seeing. He's got the goods. Christian Hoff and J. Robert Spencer are dynamic on stage, especially in their dramatic moments. I praise Spencer for thoughtfully understanding his character was the 'Ringo' of the group --- you can tell it gives him such a respect for his role. Daniel Reichard has such a soaring voice. His first solo was fantastic and he does a good job in his dramatic moments.

I think McAnuff's direction and the staging he has done with Sergio Trujillo is simply a smooth ride and very natural. The way everything comes together and how scenes overlap is brilliant. It has built in suspense moments and you want to like these guys and you root for them to be successful.

The one thing this show has that other catalog shows don't ... a GREAT book. A book that is really well written and engaging is so important in musical theatre. An we rarely see that. Beyond the book, the music they are singing and the way they have incorporated it into the show is so smart and dynamic.

I was blown away by this show ---- so enjoyed it. Very impressive in so many aspects. But I agree, it's not the show for everyone --- not everyone likes WICKED or AVENUE Q, and that is what makes Broadway such an amazing place. It has something for everyone and you can choose WHAT KIND of show you want to see on any night of the week.

So see it --- if not because you like the music, just because you need to see a catalog show done well.


theatreguy Profile Photo
#41re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 1:39pm

Hushpuppy, I'm not sure if why I felt left otu is because of how the show is written or the fact that I was surrounded by people who were all extremely familiar with the Four Seasons. I knew (and enjoyed) some of their songs (Sherry, Big Girls Don't Cry) but didn't know much about the group themselves. So I didn't really get why people would go wild when they'd start into, say, Walk Like a Man and then it would stop the show (which it did). It's a great song, and it was performed well, but not, IMO, THAT well.

And for some reason all the Jersey jokes started to bug me by the end. Again with the feeling left out. Large portions would cheer when (I assume) their hometown was mentioned and things like the "Jersey contract" (or whatever it was) and being named 2002 Belville Man of the Year got big laughs, but meant nothing to me.

So maybe I would've liked it better if I saw it with an audience full of people who DIDN'T know much about the Four Seasons.

And for the record, some of my favorite musicals are Gypsy, The King and I, Sweeney Todd, Avenue Q, Crazy for You (and Mamma Mia and All Shook Up are definately guilty pleasures).

theatreguy Profile Photo
#42re: Jersey Boys - First Preview. My Review
Posted: 10/8/05 at 2:40pm

I said this in my PM to you, but I'll explain here for everyone else.

I wasn't really specific with that. I got what a Jersey contract meant, but for me I just chuckled a little. But everyone else was laughing really hard.

But I agree with withoutatrace. It didn't work for me, but I'm glad it works for so many other people and I hope it's a success.

#43re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/9/05 at 1:00am

theatreguy - I'm not much older than you, so I can understand your feeling of 'left-out' since you aren't of age or from NJ... Perhaps something like Lion King will be more up your speed - or the Trailor Trash musical - more pertinent of a guy your age. The only way you don't 'get' this musical is if you were taking a nap, or didn't want to get it.

Updated On: 10/9/05 at 01:00 AM

theatreguy Profile Photo
#44re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/9/05 at 1:24am

I never said I didn't "get" it. I just said I felt left out (probably more due to the audience around me than the show itslef). I didn't mean to seem like I was trying to put down the show or anyone who liked it.

And I really don't see why you feel the need to attack my tase (or supposed lack thereof) in theater.
Updated On: 10/9/05 at 01:24 AM

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#45re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/9/05 at 10:18am

Jersey Girl: I think your reply was a little harsh. Theatreguy already told us he likes Gypsy, Sweeney Todd, and The King & I, not lightweight musicals by any stretch. Suggesting he might be more comfortable with The Lion King is like banishing him to the children's table at Thanksgiving, and it's undeserved. I can relate to what he is saying. I felt completely out of the loop at Spamalot. I had no clue what everyone was laughing about half the time. The only thing I can think of regarding the audience reaction to the New Jersey jokes is that shows often sell heavily to theatre parties during previews and the audience may have been full of people from New Jersey, who (like Brooklynites) seem to feel the need to cheer their hometown (home state) every time it's mentioned. I dunno. As for the line of being named Belleville Man of the Year, it's such a ridiculous honor, it's just gotta be funny.

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

#46re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/9/05 at 12:58pm

I apologize for being snippy about theatreguy - I found it really easy to be there and knew there would be a few jokes flying over my head but that doesn't make it even a smidgen less enjoyable. =)

I have a special affection for this show so I'm protecting it, I'm sorry if I came off harsher than I intended.

Funny, hushpuppy, that you should mention being banished to the children's table at thanksgiving - because in my family, 24 was the age when the kids were finally old enough to join the elders in the actual dining room versus being stuck in the basement with the tv eating on a coffee table. Wonder what will happen this coming Thanksgiving... oy.

#47re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:06am

Just my two cents here... While I think the couple responses about not getting certain things would indicate youth and a lack of well-roundedness, I will admit that, while Jersey Boys is absolutely ELECTRIC, the crowds are 80-90% Jerseyites and can be somewhat intimidating. I felt as though I was at a class reunion or a sales convention, where everyone but me shared a common background. It didn't help that the classic, stereotypical old lady from Hackensack behind me was a complete boor. She said she thought it was "cute" that we (my 32-year-old self and a few slightly younger friends) were there and that we didn't "even know who Frankie Valli was!". Ugh. Get back in your hole, ya old bag!

O.K... That was a tangent. Back to the show. Go see it. NOW! It will go down in history as the show that saved the "jukebox musical". It's that good.

There. I'm done.

#48re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/11/05 at 10:02am

Honestly, when I wasn't busy being amazed at the show itself, I was thoroughly enjoying the amazing reaction it was getting from the audience. I'm sure it's the dork in me, but I love when a musical can do that to people! I haven't seen a show stir up an audience and really connect and impress the way this one did in quite some time. I think the show would have been about 10 minutes shorter had the applause been of normal length, but it was so far beyond that, and that just proves that it works. Not to mention Frankie Valli himself being in the audience and giving John Lloyd Young a standing ovation after "Can't Take My Eyes Off You". Now that was pretty cool.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#49re: Jersey Boys - First Preview
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:09am

I grew up during the Four Seasons' heyday. Their music was everywhere. I never liked any of it. Is it okay if I don't see it? Or is everyone on this board going to beat up on me?

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~ Best12Bars
