Broadway Legend Joined: 8/20/06
What a disappointment!
I don’t know where the pre-show enthusiasm of the audience came from, but they are certainly prepared to have a good time well before the curtain goes up. What transpires over the next 2 + hours is some very talented folks trying their best to elevate a sweet, yet very trite story. Craftsmanship abounds as is evidenced by the sets, costumes and shoes, but Director Jerry Mitchell has bitten off more than he can chew. He’s not quite the director this show desperately needs given its clichéd book and some overly long songs. His choreography (what put him on the map in the first place) suffers dearly and we’re left with several sloppy musical numbers, and “Cagelles”, excuse me, "Angels", who while talented, aren’t given anything inventive to work with.
Aside from a few clever one-liners and some sentimental moments, the book by Harvey Fierstein takes a good part of the first Act to take off, but regains momentum (sans boxing match) in Act Two. Cyndi Lauper has a few winners in her score, “The Sex is in the Heel” , “Raise You Up” and “Everybody Says Yeah”, but the shows ballads need some serious editing.
It’s unfortunate that Billy Porter was not in good voice on Friday night, as his vocals weren’t as powerful as they could’ve been. He’s terrific (if being only one note) as Lola and is certainly more comfy in in heels versus oxfords. It’s a winning performance, and he certainly helps to elevate the show whenever he’s on stage. Annaleigh Ashford injects some quirky humor and puts her song across like a pro, though I wish she had more to do. Which brings me to Stark Sands. I first saw him in Journey’s End where I thought he was terrific. Here he just seems out of his league as the lead performer in a Broadway musical. While he can sing the songs, I didn’t find any magnetism or star quality needed to carry the show. He’s a certainly a good enough actor, but it was sort of like watching Clark Kent being unable to rip off his shirt and tie. I just don’t think he fits the bill here.
I wanted so much to enjoy this more, and while I certainly had a smile on my face during several of the musical numbers (the cast is wonderful), I couldn’t help leaving with the Been There, Seen That, Done That feeling.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Did you write this for someplace else?
Understudy Joined: 3/17/10
Totally agree with you. What a disappointment. Sweet story with a couple of nice tunes but otherwise really disappointing. I didn't care for Porter's one note characterization and tired of him quickly. Can he act? It wasn't apparent here and he got no help from the director. Stark Sands is simply not up to carrying a Broadway musical and again got no help from the material or the direction. Such a let down. What a shame.
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
I love it when someone joins the board and the VERY day they do.... They bash.
I loved the show. I've been meaning to write a review of my past few shows but the week got away from me.
I thought billy was in stronger voice than he was when I saw it in Chicago. And I think this is going to give "Matilda" a run for its money.
Cyndi Lauder is a shoe in for best score.
"I love it when someone joins the board and the VERY day they do.... They bash.
Who are you referring to with this comment?
Trish?---It says she joined in August of 2006
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Or maybe I was talking about the person who joined TODAY.
There were only three responses ... Seriously?
The one who joined today-I just think its always strange when someone joins that day and either bashes or praises.
Moving along...
Really? I thoroughly enjoyed it. I do agree with the comments on Stark. Talented guy, just didn't do it for me in this role.
There was an annoying large crowd waiting at the stage door.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
"The one who joined today-I just think its always strange when someone joins that day and either bashes or praises."
Or you could actually pay attention to what you are looking at and realize that Nick Murphy joined on 3/17/10, or three years ago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
You're right. I was not actually paying attention.
Idiotic up too late comment -1
Smart comments-0
Happy three year anniversary nick whatever...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I totally disagree. What a non-disappointment. Great story, great tunes, totally not disappointing. I loved Billy Porter and thought he sang at least two notes. I was never tired and he can act. He doesn't have any kids and I think he was helped out a lot by the director. Stark Sands is simply up to carrying a Broadway musical and again I liked the material he wore and how it went in all directions. What an upper. Run, don't walk. Unless you are wearing some KINKY BOOTS!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Ooooohhhh you showed me...good one.
I hope they continue to make some changes in the next 2 weeks. But I am just glad there is some Kinky Boots chatter (good/bad/or mixed) - since the Kinky Boots Previews thread was getting no love.
I've been following this show since Chicago, and I hope it succeeds. Whether it is because the finale is stacked with "crowd pleasers' or because it is too infectious, every time I've seen this show - industry, matinee, tourist-filled, people have given it a standing O.
I would love to see it. I hope it's still running in June 2014 as that is probably the earlist I'll get back to NYC.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/20/05
I too was at Friday night's performance and was generally disappointed. A few of the songs were okay (but not much more) and Billy's last number with his father in his wheelchair HAS TO GO!!!! Billy seemed in week voice and Stark Sands was out-of-place. Without having even seen it, Matilda seems to be the cleanup at the Tony's -- and I have no opinion on it, one way or the other, not having seen it and not being willing to part with the money to do so full price. Oh, well, there's always next season.