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LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved- Page 2

LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved

winston89 Profile Photo
#25re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/27/08 at 11:32pm

Theaterkid, I was talking about the most recent London revival of Evita. Not the original production.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#26re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/27/08 at 11:54pm

I thought So Much Better started Act 2? I thought Chip On My Shoulder ended the act?

#27re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:03am

Anyone know why Orfeh was out on Sunday's matinee? I thought she was back from vacation?

winston89 Profile Photo
#28re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:09am

Jackson, Chip On my Shoulder is the song right before the act one closer So Much Better. The opening number for Act II is Whipped Into Shape.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#29re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:12am

agree with BrodyFosse.

No girl will be able to maintain the vocal demands of the role - it's far too aggressively written, requiring the poor girl to literally be on stage - literally - the ENTIRE show, and scream a LOT. Star vehicles are supposed to be written with offstage time - Gypsy has plenty for Rose, even Evita has offstage time.

and if your role is that demanding, HAVE AN ALTERNATE. don't be STUPID. Lloyd Webber understands this, all of his leading ladies have alternates. bundy used to be able to sing the whole role no problem and im sure most nights she's still able to...which brings me to...

also agree with allofmylife

the internet is tainting this gal's rep over one little note. Worse things have happened. let it go.

and winston, elena roger most certainly had an alternate in the recent revival. she's even credited in the booklet on the cast recording as part of the five leads. (Eva, Che, Peron, Magaldi, Mistree, Eva Alternate)

Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:12 AM

#30re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:13am

Sorry, I'm a male so I don't know the female voice, but is the end note in "So Much Better" the highest note she sings in the show, or is it higher than the notes in Wicked? Maybe she's just not warming up like she needs to. But I'll give her credit, that is a tough show for anyone woman to do. She's singing a ton of stuff, and you're right, most of it is in her chest voice.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#29re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:18am

Wait a minute. The note is only C (the one above middle C)?

I know it's held long. But it's not THAT high. Patti is hitting C's right now in GYPSY 8x a week. Granted she's not holding them like that.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:18 AM

#30re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:21am

Thx for clearing that up. Been awhile since I watched the show.

winston89 Profile Photo
#31re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:25am

I would answer your question by saying I think its the highest note she sings in the show. But, keep in mind that if we are comparing it to her run in Wicked then we are talking about a different sound out of the voice altogether. We are talking about her operatic soprano as oppose to her belt.

I think that the last note in So Much Better might be the highest thing she hits in the show. I could be wrong though.

And, I agree with having an alternate in the role. However, there are shows that have them in place even though the current actor playing the part might not feel that they need them. Like I said before I have heard of a few actresses who have gone on as Christine who felt that the score wasn't that demanding for them that they couldn't do 8 shows a week. But, as I said earlier in this thread why would you complain if you got two paid nights off.

I guess maybe the producers or Bundy thought at first that she didn't need one but now as time went on they were wrong?

Either way. I have seen the show a 4 times and three out of the four I saw Bundy in as Ell. One of the times I saw Becky. And, when I saw Bundy even when it came to just the speaking she sounded horse and raspy. Because when I have seen her she has always sounded she is in desperate need of vocal rest or something I am wondering if maybe she isn't doing as good a job as she can taking care of her voice.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

allofmylife Profile Photo
#32re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:27am

Patty Lupone is a freak of nature (personally, hate her voice as much as I loathe Mandy Patinkin but I absolutely respect their talent) and Laura Bell Bundy is a gifted young actress who is literally one of the girders presently holding up The Palace Theater (another being Orfeh but she's only onstage occasionally, Bundy is on 90% of the time).

Has someone done a title role comparison? Being a direct transfer from a motion picture, this role is abnormally center-stage. My God, the girl REALLY is onstage longer than anyone I have ever seen in any show? She has "Whipped Into Shape" to rest and what else? It's a herculean performance, certainly equal to Evita and MUCH more intense than Phantom or South Pacific or, hell, even Gypsy.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:27 AM

#33re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:28am

It's exactly the same note in for "So Much Better" and "Defying Gravity" for the ending... a C sharp. In "Wizard and I" it is a C, while "Take it Like a Man" it is a B. .... the lyrics 'American flag' is a D in "Legally Blonde Remix".

#34re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:28am

Well she also has a country singing career, so maybe she's working on that as well? And I'm sure trying to do straight tones for country is tough on the voice after awhile, if you're switching between the two sounds. (and I was referring to Elphaba, not Glinda).

winston89 Profile Photo
#35re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:33am

Your right that Bundy is a freak of nature specially doing a show that came was based off a movie.

I don't mean to come off as sounding too harsh or too critical towards her. When I have seen her thought I have always said to myself that yes she is giving a good performance but her voice os very off and she should take some rest. I am only saying this because I know that she has a good track record for this particular role. And, I guess I am saying it because Even though I might not really like the show or am not the biggest Bundy fan out there. I do find it amazing that she is on pretty much the entire time. I just worry for her that she isn't taking care of her voice because sometimes it doesn't sound like it.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

James885 Profile Photo
#36re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:39am

Some very good points are being made. It's been a while since I saw the show(last July actually), and I just thought about it and realized that it's true that Elle is in almost every scene and is involved in almost every song in the entire show. I can't think of any role off the top of my head where the lead is involved in almost every song.

The role obviously is very demanding both physically and vocally, and I agree with BrodyFosse and Inlovewithjerryherman in the fact that any actress who takes on this role either 8 times a week will have eventually have the same vocal problems that Ms. Bundy is experiencing.

Which brings to mind a question. Who's to blame for this problem? Is it the composer, for writing such a taxing and demanding score for an actress to sing 8 times a week? Is it the bookwriter, for crafting the show in such a way that requires the leading lady to be onstage for literally almost the entire show, with no break except for intermission? Does it just depend on the source material? It's just interesting to think about.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:39 AM

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#37re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:43am

The issue with "so much better" is that leading up to the end, Elle has sixteen bars of singing over the break - up to a D (i think, could be an E flat) at least four times in rapid succession - then when she sings the last lyric ; "than before", the than is written on a high E, then she sustains the C, literally the note that is the break in the female voice. since she doesn't have time to mix and then switch down to chest, she has to scream the E in chest before the C. Gulsvig has the same problem with the song and is often flat on the E.

not to mention, this monstrously difficult song, with tons of consonant sounds that force a singer to aspirate away their breath support, comes at the end of 90 minutes of NEVER being off stage, belting most of the songs in chest voice, and when not singing or dancing, having to shriek, squeal, cry, yell, (just doing one of those once can hurt your voice more than belting an entire song) in every scene, which are all packed with jokes that you have to lift up, and energize vocally.

easily the biggest, toughest role on Broadway now, (though Elphaba is a close second) and although the show may not suggest the aura of greatness we uphold for many diva roles before it, this role is right up there with Eva, Charity, Caroline, Effie, and Cunegonde as being among the one of the most difficult and challenging roles for any musical theatre actress.

so, what I'm saying is, leave bundy alone. lol.
and get the girl an alternate.
and get the girl playing elphaba an alternate.
and most of all, get this reality show girl an alternate, PRONTO.

in response to James, i blame it entirely on the movie to musical craze. Movies are not written with offstage time and it's very difficult to adapt a star-centric movie and have that person not be in every scene/every song because they're pivotal to every plot development. to be honest, there really should be NO blame, because there's really no problem. Bundy is DOING HER JOB and doing it well. This whole internet msg board thing is just blowing the issue out of proportion. I'm sort of being hypocritical defending her because there's no problem to defend. the girl's a titan for holding up the attendance record she has, a true broadway star.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:43 AM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#38re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:45am

easily the biggest, toughest role on Broadway now, (though Elphaba is a close second) and although the show may not suggest the aura of greatness we uphold for many diva roles before it, this role is right up there with Eva, Charity, Caroline, Effie, and Cunegonde as being among the one of the most difficult and challenging roles for any musical theatre actress.

- Why are you not including Mama Rose? Almost every Rose has suffered vocal issues with the role. LuPone hasn't yet though. It's mixture of the singing and screaming she does that really hurts a lot of Roses. Hell, even Merman burst a blood vessel during GYPSY (causing her to sing the songs permanently lowered a half step).
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:45 AM

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#39re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 12:52am

ljay, I meant in terms of new musicals, primarily.

I do think Elle and Elphaba are more demanding though, as they are demanding to no true end, to no avail. they are not written with offstage time and the music is written to do things the human voice is not meant to do.

Rose is a fantastically structured role, with generous offstage time, and music written in a place that is natural for the voice to sing but still manages to stay exciting.

the difference, imo, is that a woman playing elle or elphaba will come offstage, their voice and body exauhsted, and not feel fulfilled by what they've done. Just beat up. someone playing Rose will come offstage and feel exhausted, but wonderful and fulfilled. LuPone herself has said that Rose is extremely cathartic. there's no catharsis for the other two. Just lots. and lots. of screaming.

nonetheless, your point is well taken, and Rose deserves to be on the list. I stand corrected. Updated On: 5/28/08 at 12:52 AM

#40re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:00am

It's E, D, then the C sharps till the end for "So Much Better".

I can't vouch for Gypsy, but playing Elle and Elphaba is very physically demanding as well. I think it is really difficult, but I feel like it is possible to maintain if you take care of your voice and you belt correctly. That being said... I'm not surprised that LBB is tired because she is in such a large majority of the show and she is constantly singing. And it could be said that Glinda is a primary also, so Elphaba isn't as much singing/one woman show as Legally Blonde is. Regardless, I think that the roles are physically demading and obviously vocally demanding. Although that is true, I don't believe in pre=recordings. Do I think she should rest more? Yes... even Hugh Panaro has resting time for Jean Valjean in Les Mis right now and it is a 4 month run. LBB has been playing Elle Woods since it appeared on Broadway, which exceeds that time frame. I just think as a singer, you should also be realistic about your limitations. I wouldn't want to damage my voice because I was oversinging a role. I have seen her in Legally Blonde and she has been doing a great job, but she definitely needs some vocal rest and it could permanently damage her voice if she doesn't take some more frequently, even though her time there is ending soon.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#41re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:09am

Rose is a fantastically structured role, with generous offstage time, and music written in a place that is natural for the voice to sing but still manages to stay exciting.

- And this is why these new roles like Elphaba and Elle are so problematic.

#42re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:11am

C actually isn't in the passagio for all females. Just wanted to point that out.

Er, not that it isn't LBB's break. I don't know where hers is.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 01:11 AM

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#43re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:17am

exactly, ljay.

so really, the problem here isn't a "bundy final note" problem - the problem rests on how we're structuring musicals these days and the source material we're taking them from.

so, props to any actress that can have a solid attendance record for a year doing such.

shame to any producer/director/composer/bookwriter that thinks a girl can scream for three hours straight 8 times a week.

and shame to us on the message boards who have to keep bringing up the fact that the poor girl is having issues with one bloody note when she's suffering physical punishment to make a problematic show work.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#44re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:26am

What the **** is "a month and change."


inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#45re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:28am

I was wondering that myself.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#46re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:36am

Gypsy was turned out by a creative group with, collectively, decades of experience. David Merrick and Leland Hayward had each done 15 shows. "Gypsy" was Arthur Laurent's six show on Broadway, Jule Styne's 16th. Sondheim was the KID on the show with only two credits - one being "West Side Story.".

"Legally Blonde" was created by the people who brought you... oh, right. Nothing. O'Keefe and Benjamin's closest credit to Broadway was "Bat Boy." This is Jerry Mitchell's first directing gig. (I know, the producers have lost of credits but the footage on this site shows the show is all Jerry's vision. He's the Captain.)

Personally, a lot of the blame has to be laid on the shoulders of the Energizer Bunny who directed the show. Jerry is one of those "Follow Me, Indy, I Know The Way" kind of guys who never shuts up and from the footage in rehearsals never sits down. He's such a bundle of energy that he probably never noticed the horrible trap he was leading the production into. He is a very talented director who, I hope, learns from this grave error and learns to conserve the energy of his leads in the future.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#47re: LBB. So Much Better, ending note problem has been solved
Posted: 5/28/08 at 1:49am


Are you literate? Like, at all?

