Killian Donnelly in particular is always entertaining:!/killiandonnelly/status/201922015119159296
Big week. Feed Javert, Drink With Me, Bring Him Home, fight @hadleyfraser & die #LesMisMovie
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I agree that Anne is capable of singing the song in full belt. If she had been performing this song in a stage production, she would have sung the song differently. This was a directorial and acting decision and I love how they have interpreted the song. Her version still features the core of the song while adding weight to it necessarily in the film medium. She is trying to tell a story rather than just singing a song perfectly.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the songs. Something like "Stars" can be sung in a whisper and still have the same impact as long as the actor stays in tune and on key.
everyone is entitled to their opinions of course, but if you are going to watch/listen to all of the spoilers, then you do have to take them with a few grains of salt.
imo, the 'trailer' looks and sounds great, and has certainly peaked my (already high) interest!
Dave, I see what you're saying and I never had a problem with your opinion itself.
I took issue with your use of a vague claim as evidence to support what is essentially a subjective opinion parading around as an objective fact of a self-appointed singing expert. I'm aware you never called yourself an expert, but you stated everything as some established pro standard that amateur Anne violated in an inherently flawed non-performance.
Baloney!! :P
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
One of the students:
Andy Coxon @andycoxon1
Hugh Jackman singing 'bring him home' 14 times in 2 hours. #musicaltheatrehistory and I was there #lesmisfilm #lesmismovie
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
I still just can't imagine Hugh Jackman singing that song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Well you'll have to take the word of the "students" who are all actors in the West End.
Andy Coxon ? @andycoxon1
Hugh Jackman singing 'bring him home' 14 times in 2 hours. #musicaltheatrehistory and I was there #lesmisfilm #lesmismovie
Andy Coxon ? @andycoxon1
@oliviaoshea1 phenomenal!!! Xx
Joseph Peters ? @Joeypetes22
Hugh jackman singing Bring him home is spectacular. The world is in for a treat!
Iwan Lewis ? @IwyLewis
Pretty chilled out day on the #lesmismovie set. Sleeping on a barricade all day listening to Hugh Jackman sing Bring Him Home. #awesome
Alistair Brammer ? @alistairbrammer
@RealHughJackman bravo sir. Top job today. And now sleep!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
And was it sung in the open?? One of the rebels/barricade boys did mention that it was a pretty chilled out day!
I have been waiting to hear about this moment! Now the waiting for the movie gets even more interminable!
To sing for 2 hours -- he did just that in BACK ON BROADWAY, and with dancing to boot!
Updated On: 5/15/12 at 07:07 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
I don't think "chilled out" pertained to the weather, he was probably referring to the fact that filming wasn't as intense today, as it sounded like they were pretending they were sleeping most of the day. I believe they are currently filming at Pinewood Studios so they would be inside.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
A journalist from the Daily Telegraph who interviewed Hugh and Russell the day before said she felt sorry for them because it was pretty chilly and their trailers were cold! That was why I thought the barricade boy might be referring to the weather. But you are probably right because he didn't say that it was "chilly", instead he used "chilled out".
I am not familiar with movie studios, but would a huge soundstage be completely sheltered from any cold temperatures?
Updated On: 5/15/12 at 08:44 PM
jo- yes a studio would be temperature-controlled, for sure.
OMG. *Squeeeeeeeeee!!!*
*Dies* many times over.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
And this reaction from Samantha Barks ( who has worked with other Valjeans on stage) --
>>>>Samantha barks?@SamanthaBarks
@RealHughJackman how you feeling after yesterday? Can only describe it in one word... STUNNING! Congratulations! X<<<
Can Hugh and Russell top this?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Haha, MrMidwest, somehow I knew exactly what clip that was before I even clicked on it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Filming wraps soon!
Hugh tweets --
Hugh Jackman?@RealHughJackman
beyond!!! “@Seleza: @RealHughJackman Has JVJ been a dream role?”
Hugh Jackman?@RealHughJackman
almost done. a few more weeks to go. “@IchBinCati: @RealHughJackman When is the filming for #LesMiserables finished? :)” <<<<
But many long months to wait until we see the movie!
I really cannot wait for this movie, I think it has the potential to be spectacular. I hope they can market it properly and make it work. It's so great that everyone seems so committed to the film...also, I love this threat!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Someone has posted on the IMDB MB Page of Les Miserables that an official trailer is scheduled to be shown with the movie Snow White and the Huntsman ( for release in the first week of June) --
Hope it really happens!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Someone has posted on the IMDB MB Page of Les Miserables that an official trailer is scheduled to be shown with the movie Snow White and the Huntsman ( for release in the first week of June) --
Hope it really happens!
Photos of three extras:
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Neat photos! The "barricade boys" (and one soldier LOL) finished filming on Saturday and the ones that tweet regularly loved the experience.
Jamie muscato ?@Jamiemuscato
This movie is going to be absolutely epic! Just filmed the most incredible battle sequence, the whole things going to blow your mind.
George Blagden ?@gblagden
That was probably the most amazing filming sequence I will ever experience. One battle. Five cameras. One take. #"longlivetherepublic"
Fra Fee @frafee
Right. So that was easily most of the most incredible experiences of my life. #LesMisMovie #barricadeboys etc etc...
Killian Donnelly @killiandonnelly
Well that is as they say.....a wrap. Incredible job, incredible people, epic movie. December/January release #LesMisMovie
Joseph Peters @Joeypetes22
That's a wrap! A mind blowing experience... Literally. My characters brain is all over the barricade! #lesmismovie #barricadeboys #Coups
Jonny Purchase @jonnypurchase
What a way to finish. An experience I'll never forget. Longest day so far but unreal atmosphere. Thank you all. #barricadeboys
Samuel J Weir @SamuelJWeir
Last day of #LesMisMovie, been an absolute pleasure. Never been more injured in my life, and loved every second. #barricadeboys
Chris Milford @Chrismilf
Wow started at 7am finished 11.30pm. A long but unforgettable last day on the barricade...will miss it too much! #barricadeboys
Andy Coxon @andycoxon1
Tht's it ...thts a wrap! I've lived, sang, fought and died in France 1832. Bring on the Film of the Year! What an experience!!!
hadley fraser @hadleyfraser
Great two weeks on the set of Les Mis the Movie Film. Epic stuff. And that's just my moustache...
And hopefully that rumor about the trailer is true!
According to the Facebook page for the movie, a teaser trailer will be released this coming Wednesday!
Keep in mind that teaser trailers often don't show any actual footage from the movie. Some do, but many don't.
The Dreamgirls teaser trailer showed silhouettes of three model-doubles at the microphone while the OBCR of Jennifer Holliday played in the background.