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Les Mis Filming Has Started

#300Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 5/25/12 at 2:53pm

Where do you see that? I am on the Facebook page now and don't see anything about a teaser trailer...

kyl3fong2 Profile Photo
#301Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 5/25/12 at 3:19pm

My apologies, it was actually on the Official Les Miserables Musical page:

#302Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 5/25/12 at 3:19pm

ETA: Found it. It is NOT on the Facebook page for the movie, but on the page for the musical.

#303Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 5/25/12 at 5:56pm

Great photo --

Les Mis Filming Has Started

It's been 14 years since they worked together in the RNT OKLAHOMA!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#304Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 5/25/12 at 6:00pm

Here is the DIRECT link.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#305Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/17/12 at 12:22pm

Apparently filming has been delayed due for Sacha suffering some vocal issues. (But then it is being reported by The Sun, can never fully trust them., but i do know there have been some delays recently)

Sacha Baron Cohen Delays Filming Updated On: 6/17/12 at 12:22 PM

#306Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/17/12 at 12:38pm

That's from The Sun, which should always be taken with a grain of salt. It's the same source the proclaimed Crowe was having vocal problems which he vehemently denied on Twitter.

All that being said, there are doing some "inn" filming this week and it does sound like filming had been rearranged last week and this week, as quite a few of the West End actors can't make it this week and are being replaced with others. Most of the filming is done and this should be the last week (most of the principal actors are back home). Sounds like this week wasn't planned, so perhaps there's some truth to the story.

Dianne pilkington ?@dipelletier
Inn people...... We are falling in number, who is able to make it? #LesMisFilm

Oliver Jackson ?@OJBJ
@dipelletier Not going to work out for me. Bit gutted tbh Les Mis Filming Has Started                                                                   (source)

Dianne pilkington ?@dipelletier (extra in the Thénardier Inn)
@OJBJ oh no...... That's rubbish babe x you will be missed x

Oliver Jackson ?@OJBJ (extra in the Thénardier Inn)
@dipelletier Don't know how to break it to @garethsnook (Norman) Would have flown back for 2 days but they need availability for whole wk x

Kerry Ellis ?@kerryjaneellis1
@OJBJ @dipelletier @garethsnook oooo nooooo !!! there will be no one at the Inn!!!!

Christopher Howell ?@Howellytweets (extra in the Thénardier Inn)
@kerryjaneellis1 @ojbj @dipelletier @garethsnook I will not be there either because they will not give specific dates - gutted!

Mark Donovan ?@markydonovan
@Howellytweets So sad to be losing you mate - hope to see you sooner rather than later! x

Christopher Howell ?@Howellytweets
@markydonovan thanks Mark - annoyed about it all really

Oliver Jackson ?@OJBJ
@Howellytweets Complete nightmare. Really annoyed with whole thing. See ya soon mate x

Christopher Howell ?@Howellytweets

Gareth Snook ?@garethsnook
@Howellytweets @kerryjaneellis1 @ojbj @dipelletier Oh my GOD!! It's a disaster. I'm in but no Malcolm!! I'm gutted no Ollie & Chris! Bummer!

Christopher Howell ?@Howellytweets
@garethsnook @kerryjaneellis1 @ojbj @dipelletier the glamour has left the building x

Oliver Jackson ?@OJBJ
@garethsnook If they've any heart they'll shoot you alone...looking lost and confused #RIPMalcolmLaMince 2012-2012

Mark Donovan ?@markydonovan
@dipelletier I'm in. Who else?

Dianne pilkington ?@dipelletier
@markydonovan cool, but sad the group is all broken up eh?

Jeff Nicholson @Jeffjeffdejeff
Pleased to announce that I will be joining the list of ex cast members that will be enjoying a bit of screen time. Les Mis Filming Has Started                                                                   #LesMisMovie

Jeff Nicholson @Jeffjeffdejeff
To answer a few people I'll be raising a glass in the inn!! Thanks for the comments. I can't wait. Icing on my les mis cake !!

Sandy Carnevale @SandyCarnevale
@Jeffjeffdejeff When do you begin filming?

Jeff Nicholson @Jeffjeffdejeff
@SandyCarnevale monday!

Robyn North?@robynnorthpiper
Just found out @paulybaker will be joining us in Thernardier's Inn next week! Exciting! #LesMisFilm (monday pick up is 5.30am urgh!)

Kerry Ellis?@kerryjaneellis1
@robynnorthpiper @paulybaker amazing !! The more the Merrier x

Gareth Snook @garethsnook
Last show at #thebrilliantoriginal for a week as I head back VERY early Monday morning to Thenardier's Inn on #LesMisFilm

Kelly-anne Gower @kellyledat
@dipelletier ok so it was a long struggle but got it sorted for me to be back in the inn again yay :)

Updated On: 6/17/12 at 12:38 PM

#307Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/21/12 at 12:06pm

Film is wrapping this week!

Wrap party scheduled on Saturday, June 23!

#308Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/21/12 at 12:33pm

Not sure how wrap parties work considering so many of the cast finished filming ages ago, but Hugh at least will not be there as he's hosting TropFest in Bryant Park that night.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#309Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/21/12 at 12:43pm

Wrap Parties are held when filming is fully finished. Countless 'talent' (actors) don't attend them for obvious reasons: they are now off the production. Mainly the 'talent' (actors) and crew working up until the last day of filming attend the Wrap Party. Not everyone involved in the production attends them.

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#310Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/21/12 at 3:52pm

I've always detested the 'tradition' of calling actors 'The Talent'. It's demeaning to everyone working behind the scenes, who have just as much (if not more) talent.

::steps off soapbox::

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#311Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/21/12 at 9:43pm

I call actors "trained seals." It's a term of endearment.

I've never heard anyone outside of porn being called "the talent." Strange.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

Proper Villain Profile Photo
Proper Villain
#312Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/21/12 at 10:20pm

Maybe BrodyFosse was imparting to us the porn wrap party. He could also reword his statement to: "Wrap Parties are held when filming is fully finished. Countless 'talent' (actors) don't attend them for obvious reasons: so many have came and went."

"Are we being attacked or entertained?" - MST3K My theatre poster/logo portfolio:

#313Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/22/12 at 9:13pm

The film officially wrapped at midnight, June 22!

Many cast members got a memento jacket --

Les Mis Filming Has Started

Must be like a badge of honor, after what they had all gone through in the filming of this movie ( live vocals sung to the nth time, freezing rain/water for the convicts, mud and cold for the lovely ladies, fighting scenes shot again and again for the barricade boys, chopped hair, long and arduous filming of inn scenes including new scenes not found on the stage show, etc., - all done in a span of 3 1/2 months! Quite a feat for an epic movie, which is also a through-sung musical!

#314Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/22/12 at 9:17pm

Here's probably another version of the jacket ( the other one has "24601" clearly embroidered - they must be using the Valjean ID numerals for merchandise branding for this movie version)

Les Mis Filming Has Started

Updated On: 6/22/12 at 09:17 PM

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#315Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/22/12 at 9:28pm

Wonder if they'll sell this as a souvenir? I'd buy it.

#316Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/22/12 at 11:08pm

^The musical is sung through, but the movie isn't going to be.

#317Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/23/12 at 3:22am

There will only be very occasional spoken dialog, according to screeneriter William Nicholson.

#318Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/23/12 at 3:40am

Yeah, it has pretty much been announced that this is indeed mostly sung through.

#319Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/23/12 at 11:51am

And from Hugh himself --!/RealHughJackman

>>Hugh Jackman@RealHughJackman

Filming for les miserables has finished!!! Thank you Tom and the whole crew! Amazing. 24601 signing out!<<<

Updated On: 6/23/12 at 11:51 AM

#320Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 6/25/12 at 7:42pm

At the shortfilm festival held at Bryant Park at the weekend, host Hugh Jackman was interviewed and he had this to share about Les Miserables --

>>Jackman’s apparent high-energy level showcased his skill as an actor: “I finished Les Miz at 2 a.m. last night in London, and I can’t believe I’m standing,” he told VF Daily before taking the stage.

We asked if anybody on the Les Misérables set surprised him with his or her singing ability. “I suppose everybody, really,” Jackman said. “I don’t know about surprise. Everybody had to audition for this part, so there were no, like, surprises. It’s not like anybody came on set who hadn’t already had to show what they could do."

Russell Crowe has dabbled in rock music, but can he carry Broadway melodies? “Oh, I knew he could sing. He’s fantastic,” Jackman told us. “Eddie Redmayne is going to blow people away. I mean, everybody.”<<<

#321Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 7/20/12 at 2:53pm

Filming was completed on June 22. Comments are being made by some of the stars (particularly Anne Hathaway since she's on interview rounds), some examples (apparently a lot of "mind blowing" will be going on LOL):


>“Hugh is going to blow people’s minds in the movie,” Anne predicted. “There’s something so deep and almost spiritual about his performance. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Russell also blew my mind,” said the actress, pixie-ish in her short do and little black dress. “I’ve never seen an actor work as hard as he did to become Javert and to increase his vocal range. When Russell sang ‘Stars’ to me, I cried. It was so full of emotion and nuance, and his voice was so strong! It was like heaven every day to be with two beautiful men with such goodness inside of them.”

Laughing, she quipped, “It made me want to make all my projects musicals.”

Anne choked a bit as she answered our question on her experience singing “I Dreamed A Dream,” the musical’s haunting anthem. “The way we approached ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ is very different than it is on the show,” she began. “We put it at a different spot in the movie. In the show, it happens after she loses her job at the factory. In our version, it’s after her first experience as a prostitute, so I was really in a raw place when I did it. It was painful.” ...

Anne pointed out, “My version is very different. I performed it first for Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg.” Anne said that once she got the composers’ approval, she gained some confidence, but she was still daunted when it was time to shoot the scene.

She recalled, “On the first take, I definitely felt the weight of the song’s fame and its iconic nature. Tom Hooper came up to me. I said, ‘I’m scared, Tom.’ He said, ‘It’s not an iconic song. This is a woman’s soul that you are expressing. Just focus on that.’ I did, and the next take was the one he went with.”<<

Aaron Tveit:

>“Les Miz was incredible, challenging, amazing,” he said of playing student revolutionary Enjolras. “I can’t wait to see it. Russell [Crowe] and Hugh [Jackman] and Annie [Hathaway] are just going to blow people’s minds.”

Part of the challenge, according to Tveit (and co-star Hugh Jackman) came from director Hooper’s choice to have the actors sing the famous score live during filming rather than use tracks produced later in a recording studio. As Enjolras, Tveit had to perform numbers like “Do You Hear the People Sing” and “One Day More” at full voice during long days of filming. Luckily, the vet of Hairspray, Wicked, Next to Normal and Catch Me If You Can had his Broadway experience to rely on. “I knew how to prepare myself physically for it,” he explained. “You’re working 12 or 13 hours a day and singing the songs over and over and over again. That’s so hard! I did feel like I had an advantage because I know the grind of an eight show week, which really helped. It’s gonna be fantastic.”

Also fantastic? Tveit in his French student look, which we got a peek at when on-set photos of the actor and co-star Eddie Redmayne (Marius) were leaked. Tveit, for one, was enthusiastic about his flowing locks. “It was good!” he said with a laugh. “It was very transformative. The wig is an important part of the costume, and it put me right in the period.” <<

Updated On: 7/20/12 at 02:53 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#322Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 7/23/12 at 2:08pm

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#323Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 7/23/12 at 5:07pm

Great new pictures! Every new set of leaks makes it that much more difficult to wait until December.

BroadwayStar4 Profile Photo
#324Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 7/23/12 at 5:30pm

Les Mis Filming Has Started

I don't care what anyone says I'm glad that Eponine looks gorgeous. I mean, look at her boobs. See, people need to separate the novel from the musical. Yeah, Eponine is ugly/creepy in the novel, but Eponine was meant to be pretty/spunky in the musical. Two very different characters, and people need to accept that.
