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Les Mis Filming Has Started

#375Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 9:31am

There's tons of stories all over the net about nominations, deadlines, etc. - and the Golden Globe noms are Dec. 13 so if they want that I would assume it would have to be done by the end of November.

Awards Updated On: 9/19/12 at 09:31 AM

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#376Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 9:41am

If it has a limited release in markets like NY, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. and didn't have a wide release until Christmas would it sill be considered for all major awards?

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#377Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 9:47am

Yes, like Besty was saying, you only need a week-long run in an LA movie theatre sometime in the calendar year to qualify for the Oscars. It'll also still qualify for the Globes and SAG, the problem is with getting screeners to them and giving them enough time to watch the films. Kris Tapley talks a little bit about the time issue involved here:

Anne Thompson shrewdly notes that films in this position are in the precarious spot of having to meet awards-giving bodies' screening and voting deadlines. And then there's the issue of making screeners, which is a massive process after the final print is delivered.


"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
Updated On: 9/21/12 at 09:47 AM

#378Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 10:07am

That Japanese movie poster is double sided. The second side shows closeups of Valjean, Javert, Fantine, Cosette and Marius; other background images; a lot more Japanese; and at least a partial song list (I Dreamed a Dream, One Day More, On My Own, The People's Song).

Could someone post a picture of it?

p.s. I couldn't find a picture on-line and I don't have a scanner.

#379Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 10:49am

On a related note:

>>Hollywood Film Awards to Honor Producers of 'Les Miserables,' 'Anna Karenina' (Exclusive)
6:00 AM PDT 9/19/2012 by Scott Feinberg

The British producers Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner, who co-run Working Title Films, will be feted at the first awards show of the 2012 Oscar season on Oct. 22.

The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner, the Brits who co-run Working Title Films and are the producers of the upcoming awards contenders Anna Karenina and Les Miserables, will receive the Hollywood Producers Award at the 16th annual Hollywood Film Awards -- the first awards show of the 2012 Oscar season -- when its gala ceremony is held Oct. 22 at the Beverly Hilton.

Producers to Get Award

darquegk Profile Photo
#380Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 12:09pm

Is the song officially titled "The People's Song" or "Do You Hear The People Sing?" or does it waffle back and forth depending on the publication?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#381Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 12:13pm

I've heard/read a lot of cast members from various productions over the years refer to it in conversation as "People's Song." I imagine it's because it's easier to say "People's Song" than the actual title. :)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 9/19/12 at 12:13 PM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#382Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 6:28pm

The program for the current tour has it listed as "The People's Song"

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#383Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 7:26pm

I can't say why, but that new song title makes me roll my eyes.

darquegk Profile Photo
#384Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 7:50pm

I have the same response. It paints the song as something that, even within the show, it is not- a proletariat anthem. It is a motivated moment of revolutionary rhetoric by Enjy and the Barricade Boys. Calling it "the people's song" seems to suggest that it is the theme song of the movement, or the like. Also shades of Brechtian song naming conventions.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#385Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 8:00pm

It's not much better than "Enjy."

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

darquegk Profile Photo
#386Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 8:32pm

My phone steadfastly refuses to type Enjorlas Enjolas ENJOLRAS. Hence why I gave up and abbreviated it.

best12bars Profile Photo
#387Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 9:22pm

ray----the one big difference between this movie, Phantom, Rent, and The Producers, is that "Les Miz" has a five-star cast. You've got box office gold. That will sell the movie much more than the fact that it's a mega-musical hit.

You've got Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, and Amanda Seyfried. None of the other movies you mention have that much "star power."

Then you have "cult favorites" (I use that term liberally) Helena Bonham-Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen.

You've got a major up-and-comer with solid movie credentials in Eddie Redmayne as well.

Then, add in the prestige director Tom Hooper who won the 2010 Oscar for Best Director.

This is all before you even mention the movie.

Yeah, so it's a musical ... a big one ... that so many people know. That can actually be secondary to the star power.

This movie should open big. I'll bet it does much better than they expect. Especially on Christmas Day. I can already tell you I'll be one of those "tickets sold" on December the 25th.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#388Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 9:27pm

Check out this thread at IMDB - apparently there's going to be some kind of "First Look" thing at Regal Cinemas. Someone who works at the theater has seen it and gives a description of a few scenes, including singing. Check out the original posts and subsequent posts from that person.

Also, from the official Les Mis Facebook page:

Les Misérables
Stay tuned to the Les Misérables page tomorrow, we might have a little treat for you...

Regal First Look Updated On: 9/19/12 at 09:27 PM

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#389Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/19/12 at 11:06pm

"People's Song" doesn't bother me too much but it does sort of rub me the wrong way for the same reason it does others.

I am not doubting Lizzie's experience with the title, but I've probably been in most every nook and cranny of everything Les Mis since 1986 and I've never heard it referred to as "People's Song" until the school edition came out, which is where I first saw that title printed on its score. Then, of course, a bunch of teens who had done it at their school began to call it that and have been for the last decade, or so.

It has always been known as "Do You Hear the People Sing?" in all fandoms that I know (or "DYHTPS," hehe).

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

#390Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/20/12 at 1:40pm

Now it will be known as TPS. Just kidding, I hope.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#391Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/20/12 at 1:47pm

It actually is/was known as TPS on the production side of things.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#392Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 12:00am

If nothing else, this film looks like it will be beautifully directed and shot. With that said, it certainly seems like it will be much more. Anne Hathaway I no longer have any doubts about- she seems like she might be the stand-out. Hugh Jackman- his voice is much less gruff than my favorite Valjeans, which is fine, he sounds good. Eddie Redmayne- didn't get enough to say anything, though he and Amanda Seyfried looked adorable in their shots. Amanda sounds fine, but I'm kind of worried about excessive vibrato. I'm really impressed with Samantha Barks- I thought she was good in the 25th and showed promise, but these shots seem to go beyond that. Not sure how I feel about ALFOR being literally during a rainstorm, though. Overall, this looks amazing, and I can't wait for Christmas!

#393Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 12:20am

The lyrics of "On My Own" and "ALFOR" both expressly mention the rain. It makes sense that the downpour occurs during On My Own and it trickles during the latter.

#394Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 12:30am

Yeah, it just could come off a little cheesy if not done right. If done right, I think it will be fine.

#395Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 11:09am

The lyrics of "On My Own" and "ALFOR" both expressly mention the rain. It makes sense that the downpour occurs during On My Own and it trickles during the latter.

I will always picture the scene without rain!
The "something wet upon Eponine's hair" was blood.
And it was "everywhere!"

All of the rain talk in ALFOR flows from that - a dying girl, wet with blood, (in confusion) speaking of rain, (even perhaps remembering the drenching rain of On My Own,) with Marius comforting her.

p.s. Has anyone yet seen that second side of the Japanese 2-sided poster?

#396Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 11:16am

Someone at IMDB found the back of that poster:

Les Mis Filming Has Started

Back of Japanese poster Updated On: 9/21/12 at 11:16 AM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#397Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 11:35am

Besty, I hope you're right. Seeing the new footage they released yesterday, I feel more confident about the musical's success, and I do believe that the star power will definitely be a draw. But then I think of something like NINE, which had everything going for it, and the non-musical adaptation of LES MIZ, which had an equally starry cast as this adaptation. I just hope that people flock to see this and that they are able to produce a quality film in what looks like a short post-production period.
Having said all that, the footage released yesterday made this look like it could be one of the best films of the year and one of the most epic movie musicals we've seen. The actors look extremely committed and the visuals from Tom Hooper (whose direction of THE KING'S SPEECH was excellent, IMO, even if he gets flack for winning over the insanely overrated THE SOCIAL NETWORK) look outstanding. This could be a movie musical of WEST SIDE STORY/SOUND OF MUSICAL proportions.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

wickedfan Profile Photo
#398Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 11:55am

Well, ray, in defense of star casting, NINE actually opened well in its limited release with a very large per theatre average. What killed it when it started expanding its number of theaters were the critics' review and bad word of mouth. If the movie were actually GOOD, I'm confident it would have been successful. It's opening weekend proved that people were excited to see it and to see that cast. They were just disappointed once the film started.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#399Les Mis Filming Has Started
Posted: 9/21/12 at 1:24pm

Wickedfan, that makes complete sense, I definitely agree. Judging from the footage, word of mouth for this film might be extremely positive, it looks pretty amazing.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
