Chorus Member Joined: 4/26/06
I've read in the local press they are filming in Winchester this week. Wondering whether it's worth going down there to have a look.. Wonder what scenes they will be filming there?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
The guess is they are at least filming the hospital/Fantine death scenes in Winchester since some of the extras reported they were going to be nuns. Also, one tweeter from Winchester said she heard there was going to be snow. Today and Tuesday they are doing more whore scenes and Wednesday Fra Fee (one of the students) said he had filming that day (by the barricades) so that sounds like the agenda for the week.
Swing Joined: 2/4/12
Now find Eponine's straight-cut, hang-over-your-eyes bangs that stick out from under her hat. That one will be much harder.
I'll give it a try, best12bars. By Hugo's description, she seems pretty nontraditionally dressed anyway. What is weird, though, is I don't remember Barks having bangs in the 25th Anniversary production. Why would they make her get them now?
Of course the real mystery is whether Javert's Van Dyke/goatee -- seen in his rehearsal scenes at least -- is true to the period.
I also wondered if "inspectors" from that era would wear goatees and mustaches. I know it was forbidden by the navy at least.
... and since I haven't seen any more pics of Eponine, perhaps it was just random hair sticking out from under her hat. I just hope they don't lose so much of the "realness" they've been working for. I would hate her to look like a "salon ready" urchin with a smudge on her cheek.
As for that barricade, I hope they cover up the obvious wooden risers leading up to it. It looks a little too stagey right now, but I'm pretty sure it isn't properly dressed yet, or lit. But I know if I were building a barricade, I wouldn't give my opponent stairs to climb up over it. I'm assuming at the very least they will be hidden for the camera. They might be there for certain stunts. Who knows? But they did make me laugh.
That might be the back of the barricade, not the front.
And Javert's beard is not period, men of authority didn't wear beards in 1815-1832. They were just for convicts and laborers. But I guess he's wearing it anyway! Maybe Crowe decided Javert would wear one since he feels like he's an outsider because he was born inside a jail to a Gypsy mother and a convict father.
Updated On: 4/17/12 at 07:23 PM
You can't hear much, but:!/RebeccaCaine/status/192635136033030144
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
You can hear them really well started at about :15 and it gets more audible from there. Interesting way to end the film, was wondering how they would do it.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/20/11
Fan2, I'm not sure if this is the ending of the film. In one of the earlier clips posted, they started out with the regular DYHTPS lyrics and then transitioned into the finale verse. So maybe they're just extending DYHTPS? It seems weird to end the film at the barricade like this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Everyone on Twitter watching is reporting that it's the ending. Maybe they're just doing a bunch of takes or changing stuff. I can see them end on the barricade, that could be the fade out where the students are triumphantly singing.
Although someone just tweeted:
Daisy Peck @xDaisy_Petalx
Watching anne hathaway and hugh jackman film... Slightly confused as to why she's on the barricade
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
The film concept of "heaven" might actually be victory at the barricade. That works for me
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
That's an interesting thought, could be! Meanwhile (she may only be posting the names of the people she recognizes):
Standing and watching DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING from #Les_Mis_movie in Greenwich - AMAZING! Hugh J, ANNE H & EDDY R. Brilliant stuff!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/20/11
Based on those tweets, this definitely seems like the Finale version. Maybe they're just using those lyrics in both?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
There's a video of the ending so consider this a spoiler - also Hugh as old Valjean and Anne as Fantine!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Aww, I would have liked Fantine to have had her long hair back in this scene.
Btw, this is likely a dumb question, but do they add in orchestrations later? None of these filmed scenes have had orchestrations that I've been able to hear.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
There's an official Facebook page for Les Mis. *SPOILERS*
Convict JVJ:
JVJ on Mountain:
Updated On: 4/18/12 at 08:32 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
We are definitely spoiled ( and I mean that we are enjoying such riches, even before a trailer is released)!
Great video and insights! A slightly different take of the finale/epilogue of the musical!
Excellent photos --
*the freed convict Valjean when he probably realizes " Freedom is mine..."
*and the wretched state of the chain gang ( this is going to be a gritty movie - we are not just going to be enraptured with the musical score and fascinated by the stars in these iconic roles).
Updated On: 4/19/12 at 09:42 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Love those pictures!
Ahh, I really don't want to get my hopes up too high for this movie but it is getting so hard not to...haha
So Epione is not in the finale?
Featured Actor Joined: 9/26/07
Oh my...this feels like a slow sweet foreplay building up to an earth shattering big O in Dec...I feel tingly all over ... cinematically speaking ..that is
Chorus Member Joined: 4/6/12
I love how Hugh is that last one you hear belting out that note! @BWNUT - Are u sure it wasn't Hugh making you feel tingly. Lol!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
We know Samantha filmed an "ethereal" scene with Anne. The guess is that Eponine is down on the barricade with the students. This is only a piece of the finale so we don't know what the whole scene will finally look like or what it means.
Here's a blog post from someone who was supposedly an extra:
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Winchester tweets - sound like the beginning of the epilogue.
Nick Morris @NickEMorris
Listening to Hugh Jackman singing the 'Bring Him Home' finale, echoing through the Winchester Cloisters - absolutely chilling #lesmis
Nick Morris @NickEMorris
Amanda Seyfried singing through the tears as he 'dies' is brilliant too - unamplified, unaccompanied, genuinely just brilliant singers.
Updated On: 4/19/12 at 07:08 PM
The tempo is a little faster than I like on this part of the score, but judging by the way that camera is flying over the barricade (which is ginormous... much bigger than I imagined), that scene is going to be AMAZING.
Here's an interview with Hugh Jackman with a morning show in Australia. He's in his finale makeup!