I just saw the tour in June. The entire stage felt cramped this time (it was my third time seeing the tour, but first since the update). And I really miss the chase sequence in Chow Down and the Can You Feel flying sequence.
Stand-by Joined: 3/10/13
Me and my wife saw the tour last week, first time in ten years and we both agreed the show felt more Disney this time around. The most noticable thing to us was the set was smaller and the inflatables come from the side of the stage now instead of coming out.
Faceleg I knew Can You Feel The Love was different but I couldn't put my finger on what changed. You reminded me it was the flying!
Any updates from recent reviews? It’s coming through Pittsburgh in September and I’m wondering if once was enough or should I see it again?
In Pittsburgh today to see The Lion King (at the Benedum Center for the Performing Arts), which has been playing here for about a month, this matinee performance being one of the final shows before it packs up tomorrow and heads out.
They had one of their big trailers parked out back and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a touring trailer, this one all bright yellow with the GIANT lion’s head graphic painted on the side and The Lion King scrolled along its length. Very cool looking.
If there any questions let me know, and I’ll update this thread with some quick thoughts after the show. Have dinner reservations at a nice a Thai restaurant before the 7:05pm Pirates game, so it’ll be tomorrow before I post any pics or details. Very excited!!
A link to some of the pictures I’ve taken so far at The Benedum Center today...
Great shots - the stage looks wonderful within that proscenium. Enjoy and let us know your thoughts!
dmwnc1959 said: "A link to some of the pictures I’ve taken so far at The Benedum Center today...
Great pictures as always. Thank you.
Intermission. Hakuna Matata ends Act 1. Still the BEST ever introduction - gorgeous sunrise and the entrance of the animal-costumed actors - of ANY show I've EVER seen. Simply stunning. Brings me to joyous tears every single time.
Updated On: 9/28/19 at 03:23 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
Where to begin? I’ve mentioned how spectacular the show’s introduction is. The Benedum Center used two purpose-built (part of the set) wide staircases on either side of the stage for the animal-costumed actors to ascend from the orchestra section. The elephant had a difficult time of it, and almost had to get a running start up the steps after pausing for a moment. The ending of Circle of Life ALWAYS gets a giant roaring ovation and thunderous applause as the house suddenly goes to black. And the grand finale of The Lion King is fairly impressive as well with a Reprise of the aforementioned song. What a great way to end the show on a glorious high note (so you sort of forget about everything in between).
As for everything in between? I guess this requires you to disengage your brain and pretend you’re a 12 year old. Or just be a kid, in general. But most of this little review is from a combination of the kid in me, and the adult theatre goer I am.
Overall, the show - choreography (excessive at times), costumes and puppetry (wonderful), scenic design (one of the inflatable trees didn’t), and music (which for the most part overpowered all of the dialogue) - was delightful. I even loved the giant puppets during I Can’t Wait To Be King, which I think is a lot of fun, but some on this forum apparently detest.
I think the biggest problem with yesterday’s show was the sound technician, or whatever the technical term is for the person that balances the cast microphones against the music coming from the pit. The orchestra just overpowered the actors and, along with bad enunciation, it was difficult to impossible to ever understand what they were saying and singing. Two exceptions were Endless Night and He Lives In You (Reprise), which were done clear as a bell and quite gorgeously, the latter a stunningly beautiful moment when the Mufasa jigsaw puzzle comes together against the stars and talks to Simba. The end of that song dissolves into some bizarre combination of being in the moment and a troupe of dancers in modern clothing mixed together for a bizarre visual.
And speaking of those dancers, I simply NEVER understood the beginning of Act 2 and One By One. The only decent part of that (the modern dress is certainly very colorful) was when numerous cast populate the audience, even up in the balcony, and use pole extension stick thingies to twirl giant bird kites around and around. Slightly mesmerizing.
Shadowland was incredible when sung, the vocals all harmonizing beautifully, just couldn’t understand most anything they were saying.
It was interesting watching the stampede scene again, especially after questions arose earlier in the thread regarding the use of projections.
And the battle scene between the lionesses and hyenas at the end is a bit drawn out and ridiculous looking. A mashup of dance and fight and ballet and whatever.
The show, as I mentioned before, was delightful mainly because it seems to focus heavily on visuals, one liners for the adult laughs, and music, and not so much on actually understanding the conversations going on onstage - sort of like ballet where you have to get the jest of what’s going on through what’s being inferred.
Gerald Ramsey (Mufasa); Nia Holloway (Nala); Greg Jackson (Zazu); Nick Cordileone (Timon); Ben Limpitz (Pumbaa); the three main Hyenas Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed; and quite a few of the Ensemble Singers and Dancers, Understudies, and Swings were the exact same cast as when I saw the show two years ago in Baltimore.
I bought the t-shirt which I love, and a shot glass with great art on both sides. Check the pictures linked in a previous post above if you want to see what they look like.
There were about a million kids in attendance. Well, maybe +700-800. The ones next to me wouldn’t shut up, and their grandma constantly pointed and explained things in detail. I about told her to explain to them how rude it is to talk constantly during a show, but maybe it’s expected at a kiddie Disney musical. And when I left the theatre heading for dinner some child was crying her eyeballs out, her grandma asking her What show did you think we were going to see? Maybe The Lion King is definitely one of those you have to explain to kids ahead of time that this is NOT the movie.
Taking everything into account it was a mostly satisfying day at the theatre. I’m glad I went, but I probably won’t see this show ever again. Twice is enough.