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Mess ups!!

#25re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 9:53pm

I was in Joseph this summer... and during Pharoah's song, his costume was ALWAYS coming apart. One night, the belt came off and another night his wig almost fell off. But thankfully, the guy who played Pharoah was an excellent ad-libber, and fixed everything while getting cheers and laughs from the audience.

Other than that, I don't think anything else that funny has happened

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#26re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 10:07pm

The theatre I work at uses a computer to play the music.

While doing Aladdin: During "A Whole New World" the fuse in the back of the building blew, turning the computer off. Our Al and Jasmine just continued on with the song as if nothing happened and got a standing ovation when they finnished.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#27re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 10:16pm

These are great guys!! Keep the stories coming!
One more...I fell off the stage during a production of was a "handicapped" night at the theatre and so they had like, sign language interpreters on stage with us and they didn't tell us untill that night that we would have to adjust our blocking to go around them so the audience's view wouldn't get interrupted.. keep in mind this is 5th grade. So my teacher just tells us to go on and amke the best of somehow I wind up in front of the sign lanugage people and wind up falling off the stage in my effort to back up so people can see!!

Was that a fat joke?

#28re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 10:28pm

King and I. Uncle Tom's Cabin scene. They had this elaborate choreography, and the rivers were these sheets that the dance co. would make waves out of. Then, when that was over, one person would let go of the sheet, and the other person would drag it offstage. They did it so close to the edge of the stage on opening night that the sheet fell into the pit and on top of the woodwinds. The person didn't know, so she kept dragging the sheet off the stage. So, basically, the winds got stuck in the sheets, and they were lost for the next couple of measures.

musicgal04 Profile Photo
#29re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 10:31pm

I also did a production of South Pacific where the Cable forgot his grandfather's watch so he gave Liat his hat. It was really funny, because he just kinda looked shocked when he realized he didn't have it and was like "Here's my hat, Liat."

#30re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 11:50pm

This just came to me (not exactly a mess-up, but still)-

In my junior year, I took theater for both semesters. During the second semester's improv workshopping, I and two other girls were given a confrontial scene between a girl, her mother, and the girl's friend...I being the mother.

Well, I tend to get into the moment, and all the sudden I hear myself spat "You don't know what the HELL you're doing!!!" At that second, my drama teacher's jaw snaps open. Mortified, I stood there stammering for about aminute, trying to redo the line before, finally croaking out, "You don't know what the HECK you're doing!"

After we finished, I didn't do another improv for about a week. Schadenfreude to the max.

"During this performance, please feel free to let your cell phones and pagers ring willy-nilly. However, do remember that there are heavily-armed knights on stage and you might well be dragged up and impaled." (Pre-curtain announcement at the new Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot)
Updated On: 1/14/05 at 11:50 PM

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#31re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/14/05 at 11:55pm

When I saw The Producers years ago, during the "I'm not gonna jump on you" part, Nathan bent over and looked like he hurt his back by doing so. Matthew crawled out from between his legs, and Nathan took a few steps and said, "Eight monthes" to which of course the audience applauded.
Also, during "The Cardinal Rules of Being a Producer", Nathan and Matthew just LOST it and for whatever reason couldn't stop laughing. Nathan ran to the window and yelled "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEElP!!!!!!!!"
Matthew: So what's the other rule?
Nathan: Who gives a sh*t

Dextrous Existence
#32re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/15/05 at 12:15am

When I saw 'Fame on 42nd Street', they skipped "These Are My Children". Literally, they said the line before the song...then they said the line that comes directly after the song (or scene). It was very confusing because...umm, THE SONG IS IN THE FREAKIN SHOW! And I saw this way into the run of the show, not the previews.

The only reason why I was upset is because that's one of my favorite numbers in Fame and it was even listed in the playbill. I wasn't quite sure what happened because I thought I had fallen asleep during the show or something, but surely, I would have been aware of doing that. Hmmmm. So outside, I asked Cheryl Freeman what happened, and she said that "[She] didn't know. Only that moments before she went on, the stage manager told her not to sing it tonight because there was a problem with the sound." What-freakin-ever! I was quite upset.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#33re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/15/05 at 12:41am

Ooooo, skip-overs
When I did 1940's Radio Hour, we had a kid say a line 5 PAGES ahead of what he was supposed to say, and during those 5 PAGES were when most of the leads made their entrances!!! I even had a monlogue!
The stage manager basically just pushed each actor onstage within 5th seconds of each other. No monologue that night re: Mess ups!!

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#34re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/16/05 at 3:41pm

Ohhh yeah! I've also broken TWO mirrors while on stage. Really quite pitiful.

The first: Our school did a Broadway revue the end of last year, and I was Galinda in "Popular". (My theatre teacher had never even SEEN Wicked, so she sort of messed up the staging, but it was fine.) So at the end I'm sitting on a stool center stage, admiring myself in a mirror I'm holding in my hand, and I put it on down on my lap. So I'm singing the last couple lines, and the things starts sliding out of my lap, but I don't notice as I'm concentrating on hitting the last note.

Well, the mirror fell onto the floor and shattered. I think I went flat on that last note when I was distracted by the noise, but I don't think the audience notices. They were wincing and 'ooh'ing.

The other time: not completely my fault. You see, we were doing a really strange and stupid show called "A Modern Christmas Carol: The Musical!" Yeah. So I was doing my song (I was the Ghost of Christmas Past/one of Ed's (the Scrooge guy's) friends, Beth, the nice one). It was in Ed's bedroom, and the set looked like a more masculine version of the vanities ussed in "Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now". Also a lot more low-key, just a mirror set up on a table. So I'm singing, and the choreography required all the dancers around me to spin to one side, the side the "vanity" was on. I took two spinds rather than just one, and the dancers did them with me. Crash. One guy bangs into the mirror, knocks it down, it breaks into a million gazillion pieces. I felt sooo stupid.

#35re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/16/05 at 4:52pm

While not a huge mess-up, still quite enjoyable...

In The Producers, after the "Conga" scene, Nathan walks in the office and Matthew walked in behind him wearing the Chrysler Building hat and the boa. Matthew said his line and then proceeded to hang his boa and hat on the coat rack. Well the boa would not stay, and kept falling to the floor. The lines were going as usual and poor Matthew kept fumbling with the boa.

Nathan got to his "It's tough being a Broadway producer..." line, looks back at Matthew and adds "you need to know how to work a boa!" Then the two of them lost it for a bit, and Matthew finally won over the darn thing and got it to stay.

Also during this show, while they're reading the scripts, Nathan tossed one clear over the set. Not just over the couch, but the "office wall" as well.


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#36re: Mess ups!!
Posted: 1/16/05 at 7:00pm

I saw Rent today and Jeremy Kushner said knife ass to Mimi instad of ncie ass, but that could have been intentional.
