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"Musical Secrets" in Wicked- Page 4

"Musical Secrets" in Wicked

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#75re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 12:02am

Yes, I did.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#76re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 12:07am

now you're just contradicting yourself

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#77re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 12:08am

How so?

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

MrsPooh523 Profile Photo
#78re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 2:19am

Apparently "Mr." Al-Dente, you did not undertand my message... Your apology should be for the entire audience you insulted by calling them "Misguided Teens" for enjoying such a show...worry about your own musical intelligence, or lack thereof.

"All the World's a Stage, and the Men and Women...Merely Players." -The Bard

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#79re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 1:33pm

<<< ----There is no need for me to tell my opinion on WICKED, it doesnt matter. I just dont understand why people must bitch and moan about it when people talk about it! My god, let people have seperate opinions. Some people didnt like Caroline... (im not one of them so dont attack me)...if you see "WICKED" or "Idina" or "Cheno" DONT READ IT!!!

Have a nice day! :) ----


thanks whatdoineedwithlove -its nice to see thers still some neutral board members here besides me

Count me in as a neutral member as well. Love "C or C" (as most of you know!), also loved "Wicked" and "Q", "Assassins"... there are more.. I just can not, for the life of me, understand why people just cant ignore a thread that does not interest them!!!??? And its the same people all of the time. You talk about the huge amount of "Wicked" threads being annoying... what about the same number of sarcastic, rude replies to all of those threads???? Isnt that annoying too?? To make statements like "if people dont listen, or get the message, we are going to keep posting these replies", (or something like that) is just ridiculous. I dont think that we need board police.

There are so many other things to worry about in the world we all live in today. If people get excited about "Wicked", "Brooklyn", or any other show, so be it. Its an escape for a lot of people. Leave it be !!!

#80re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 1:45pm


i agree with you completely. whenever i have something bad that happens i escape to wicked and now i come here for it to cheer me up or discuss with fellow wicked fans and i can't because there is so much drama. it just makes me angrier. i really wish people would just skip over the thread....

#81re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 1:49pm

This arguing could stop so easily if people just pass over the wicked thread. even if there are a lot, it doesnt matter. the site wont die because there are so many posts. just post whatever u want to post. its so easy. idk. everyone is so...dramatic. megan u got the idea

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#82re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 2:00pm

I don't understand how this thread has not been taken down and mine has

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#83re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 3:59pm

1. The problem I have is not with "Wicked". It is with the over-exuberance of the FANS of "Wicked". And many of them are not teens. They are just very, very irritating.

2. At this point, there is something that I dislike even MORE than the "Wicked" fans. It's the people who feel the need to take jabs at the "Wicked" fans on every thread. Grow up. Move on. There is more to life than bashing other people anonymously.

3. I love "Wicked". If you agree, I don't care, so don't post that you agree with me. I have my own opinions which are not going to be reinforced by you.

4. I love "Wicked". If you have a problem with that, we can fight it out over PM because frankly, this kind of thing is a waste of space on the board. Honestly. Every side of every argument about this has been stated and restated so many times that it's not worth it to put it out in the middle of cyberspace to try to prove something to people with the opposing view. They get the point.

5. The all-purpose Wicked threads are a bad idea. No one uses them. In the end, all it does is add yet another Wicked thread to the board. Waste of space. Lots of fighting. Just end it.

6. Posting a bunch of lyrics from other musicals in an effort to shush the Shiznits obviously does not work. It is a waste of time, energy, and bandwidth. And frankly, it's a waste of my patience. Please stop.

7. I find the musical secrets in Wicked to be very interesting (regardless of whether you find them on your own or if they are told to you). If we could move on from this nonsense and return to the topic at hand, I would rejoice.

So. Anyone got any other ideas about the musical secrets?

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!
Updated On: 9/5/04 at 03:59 PM

#84re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 4:26pm

Again we see how a simple Wicked discussion is taken and turned into another argument. No one needs to bash a musical. Why can't anyone who doesn't like Wicked stay away from Wicked threads and let Wicked fans talk in peace. It's not hard to not click on thread when you see something you don't like. I don't bash a musical because it's not Wicked. I love many musicals, Wicked is at the top of my list right now though. I also suggest to everyone who likes Wicked and only Wicked you find a board for only Wicked. You might get your feelings hurt if you don't. That's my opinion which I have posted numerous times.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#85re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/5/04 at 4:34pm

VERY well said, Flowery !!!! :))

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#86re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/6/04 at 1:02am

Thank you, Testing1232.

Now on to business:
Again we see how a simple Wicked discussion is taken and turned into another argument. No one needs to bash a musical. Why can't anyone who doesn't like Wicked stay away from Wicked threads and let Wicked fans talk in peace. It's not hard to not click on thread when you see something you don't like. I don't bash a musical because it's not Wicked. I love many musicals, Wicked is at the top of my list right now though. I also suggest to everyone who likes Wicked and only Wicked you find a board for only Wicked. You might get your feelings hurt if you don't. That's my opinion which I have posted numerous times.

wickedlover, I think you're missing the point.

1. People are not bashing Wicked because they don't like it. They bash Wicked because they hate hearing about it from overly obsessed fans.

2. Reread your last sentence. Did you not read my post? You have ALREADY STATED THAT OPINION. Why, oh why, do you feel the need to restate it "numerous times"? Do you think that no one read it? People read it and chose to ignore it. Restating it does not make more people listen. It makes more people annoyed with Wicked fans. You're really just digging yourself into a deeper hole.

3. Although I agree with your statement that Wicked-lovers should go to a Wicked board, I don't understand why you felt the need to post it. Again. It's been done. It does not work. The end.

4. I also agree with your statement that Wicked-haters should not read Wicked threads. But have you noticed how many normal, average threads get thread-jacked and turned into Wicked ones? It's ridiculous. And with the goal of getting Wicked discussions on to another board, OF COURSE they are going to read and bash. If you found the fans of a particular musical truly irritating, wouldn't you do the same?

5. Lastly, I have a note for EVERYONE. Unless you have some really entertaining Musical Secrets from Wicked to share, stop posting on this thread. Seriously. Otherwise, I will be forced to send you grouchy PMs calling you a moron. Have a nice day.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#87re: 'Musical Secrets' in Wicked
Posted: 9/6/04 at 1:05am

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No not just for some but for everyone

Lord we don’t need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides
Enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers
Enough to cross. enough to last
’till the end of time

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No not just for some but for everyone

Lord we don’t need another meadow
There are corn fields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
There are sun beams and moon beams
Enough to shine
Oh listen lord if you want to know

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No not just for some but for everyone

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"
