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somethingwicked Profile Photo
#25re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:31pm

I don't think Brantley's review makes a Broadway transfer any more probable than it was before tonight.

While he seemed to enjoy most aspects of the piece, it certainly was not the type of rave that would justify a direct-to-Broadway transfer by the end of the season.

Considering the majority of the reviews thus far seemed to be mixed, it'll be interesting to see what the next step is for the show beyond Second Stage.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#26re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:31pm

yeah..saw that.. it was fabulous...they showed the 3-tier set
re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:31pm

I actually pretty much agree with him. I'm a bit more positive, just out of long-term bias, but I think he's right that the show's merits are good enough to outweigh any of its weaker moments.

And I really like that first photo.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/13/08 at 11:31 PM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#28re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:35pm

Oh dear God, please!!!!!!! :) Man...that's a lot better than I'd let myself hope for!! Awesome!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#29re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:47pm

I LOVE N2N, but I don't think Brantley's review was all that positive.

Anyway, if I tell you many of the plot’s specifics, you’ll groan and decide not to see “Next to Normal.”

that's kind of harsh.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:50pm

In context, though, I took it to mean that if you were to tell someone the basic plot outline, it would run the risk of sounding ridiculous -- as he says, like a Lifetime movie. Other parts of his review, though, explain how it's able to transcend that.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#31re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/13/08 at 11:51pm

True enough, but I wish he had said something to the effect of - "and you'd be wrong not to go."

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#32re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 12:03am

I'm pleased with Brantley's review, I really thought he was going to pan it.

So excited to see the raves for Alice and Brian. Much deserved!

#33re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 12:04am

I don't think Brantley's review makes a Broadway transfer any more probable than it was before tonight.

While he seemed to enjoy most aspects of the piece, it certainly was not the type of rave that would justify a direct-to-Broadway transfer by the end of the season.

Considering the majority of the reviews thus far seemed to be mixed, it'll be interesting to see what the next step is for the show beyond Second Stage.

I actually took it to be quite a bit more positive than that. Sure, it had a few more negative comments, but over all I thought he was basically saying that it has it's flaws but that it's positive points definitely outweigh its negative ones.

" And the difference therein is transformative enough to make “Next to Normal” of real value to anyone who cares about the direction and possibilities of the American musical." <-- see, very postive!

I mean, honestly, if I'm remembering correctly, the reviews from when Spring Awakening was off Broadway were not that much more positive than these ones have been. I'm curious to go look at them again, but I'm pretty sure I remember having read some out of curiosity and being surprised at how on the fence they had been. And yet then the show went to Broadway and the reviews became REALLY positive! So... to me it seems like a pretty good sign. I'm not the best judge of these things, but.. I'm holding out hope until I see reason not to :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 2/14/08 at 12:04 AM

Liverpool Profile Photo
#34re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 12:22am

considering some of brantley's past reviews thats practically a rave.

Nick Plasia
#35re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 12:23am


Brantley's review is NOT positive, it is mixed--at best--and NOT a money review. C'mon, people.

#36re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 12:38am

"Yet as directed by Michael Greif (“Rent,” “Grey Gardens”) and performed by an ace cast led by Ms. Ripley and Brian d’Arcy James, “Next to Normal” throbs with an emotional intensity that cannot be dismissed as synthetic. The production may not be the next “Spring Awakening,” the little musical about adolescent sexual angst that went on to be a big Broadway hit. But like “Spring Awakening,” “Next to Normal” is steeped in an inescapable, aching compassion for people crippled by pain."

"What of course separates “Next to Normal” from a Lifetime movie is that these by-the-book declarations and questions are usually sung instead of spoken. And the difference therein is transformative enough to make “Next to Normal” of real value to anyone who cares about the direction and possibilities of the American musical."

"But Mr. Kitt’s music, far superior to his score for the recent Broadway clunker “High Fidelity,” has a seared sweetness that evokes layers of conflicted feelings, particularly of warring anger and love. And he takes advantage of the regulation blueprint book to create sharp geometric counterpoints among the characters in song."

"Ms. Ripley (“Side Show,” “The Dead”) and Mr. d’Arcy James (“Titanic,” “The Sweet Smell of Success”) do their best work to date here. Ms. Ripley reveals a gleaming sardonic side that captures Diana’s wry detachment from herself while never trivializing the hurt and bewilderment at her core. Mr. d’Arcy James, in excellent voice, summons an embattled strength that makes Dan the show’s true emotional anchor. Both performances stay with you, and they only get better in memory."


Not saying there was no negative to be found, but that's quite a bit of positive, considering it sounds like Brantley usually doesn't like to do positive!

Maybe I'm just being naive, but truly, upon reading it a few times over, what I got from it is that he felt like there were some problems with the book, and doesn't really know that everyone who sees it will definitely appreciate what it has to offer, but that it also has many positive points and will leave at least many of the people who see it emotionally affected and having enjoyed their theater experience.

So, yeah, he pointed out the show's faults. That's fine. It DOES have some faults, even I admit that. Nearly every show does. But in general, he was saying it was an over all good experience- which is the important part.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

Tchi4Lif188 Profile Photo
#37re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 12:57am

Wow. Well I am pleasantly surprised!

"Wishes come true, not free..."

Liverpool Profile Photo
#39re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 1:18am

not to mention its a better show and has better direction (by far).

Actorman112 Profile Photo
#40re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 2:29am

Newsday from Long Island gave it a mixed review as well but I thought it was pretty good for N2N. This woman who wrote it though really messed up big. She completely screwed up character names and actor names...Here read it for yourself. I already wrote an email complaining about this.,0,5633660.story

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#41re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 2:29am

"Anyway, if I tell you many of the plot’s specifics, you’ll groan and decide not to see “Next to Normal.”

that's kind of harsh."

Ever hear of Sweeney Todd? Try getting a common person (in the pre-film days) to go see "A musical about this crazy barber who kills people and makes meat pies out of their bodies."


Glory Profile Photo
#42re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 3:31am

i'm getting more and more excited to see this show every hour of the day!!! haha only 6 more days!!!

#43re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 6:26am

Newsday from Long Island gave it a mixed review as well but I thought it was pretty good for N2N. This woman who wrote it though really messed up big. She completely screwed up character names and actor names...Here read it for yourself. I already wrote an email complaining about this.

dude. Yeah. Because Adam TOTALLY plays Gabe and Aaron TOTALLY plays Henry *rolls eyes* Get your facts straight, reviewers!

is anyone else irritated by the comparisons to Spring Awakening?
I mean, hey, i love SA, but i hate feeling like any pop/rock musical that comes out now is going to be compared to it. And it's already happening with this gem of a show.ESPECIALLY because Jennifer is a former SA cast member.
SA is definitely more of a folk-alt musical than rock/pop like N2N.
And id say N2N's story tugs on your heartstrings far and beyond what spring awakening does.
just my .02

See I personally adore Spring Awakening, but I do agree, the comparisons are not necessary because NtN is NOT in any way, shape, or form, like SA. And I really do hate how all pop/rock musicals are instantly compared to each other. All that's happening is that a new genre of musical theater is emerging. That does NOT mean that all the shows that fall INTO that catagory are similar! The fact is, NtN is completely and utterly unique, and the ONLY reason it's being compared to Spring Awakening is because it happens to use a more modern pop/rock/alternative score.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#44re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 6:30am

I'm trying to figure out, SNL, how you think it's an overwhelmingly positive review. Brantley's review is certainly not a money review. It's not a "let's transfer the show ASAP," either. It's positive, yes, but there are too many qualifiers.

The Daily News, on the other hand, is very positive:

"Creators Tom Kitt ("High Fidelity"), who composed the music, and Brian Yorkey, who wrote the lyrics and the story, turn this depressing-sounding material into something fascinating. The score is lively, moving and boasts a few of the best songs I've heard in the past year.

The staging by director Michael Greif ("Rent," "Grey Gardens") is equally impressive. He guides all six actors to illuminating performances, and the gleaming production looks stunning."

#45re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 6:37am

I never said it was overwhelmingly positive, I just meant that I think it IS positive over all. And it seems like for Brantley, that's pretty good.

I'm just saying, a lot of people I've talked to who are fans of the show were saying how they were worried that he might totally bash it, and that they were impressed how much of a positive spin he actually DID put on it. So, to me, it's still a good thing.

But I AM still worried about the transfer- definitely not just assuming that a review like that is instantly going to get it one!

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

Liverpool Profile Photo
#46re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 6:45am

I think the most important line in Brantley's review, and the one that could go the furthest to given investors/producers confidence to make a transfer is the line about Alice and Brian's performances. These are 2 actors who i'd say are known for given consistently top of the line performances and he says that it's their best work to date. In a season (broadway) that has been fairly weak (in every sense, there really aren't any front runners at this point for most major tony's) it wouldn't be inconcievable for them to make a limited run transfer just for awards season. (of course that's mostly still my wishful thinking).

#47re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 6:45am

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Updated On: 2/14/08 at 06:45 AM

Liverpool Profile Photo
#48re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 6:58am

well aren't you just trying to rain on everyone's parade.

#49re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 7:09am

question: Just how much do the reviews affect whether or not the show will transfer anyway?

Thinking about it practically, wouldn't they be more concerned with how audiences have been and stuff? And what the over all audience reaction seems to be? It just seems like if they base it mostly off of reviews that would be quite silly. Because even a well respected critic might simply have an opinion about a show that is not the popular opinion (I'm not saying Brantley necessarily does, i'm just saying in theory, it could happen). So it seems like the more logical thing to do in trying to decide whether or not to transfer would be to look at how tickets are selling and so forth.

And the GOOD thing about that is that, from what I hear, NtN has been very successful and selling out much of the time :) (I could be wrong, but that's the impression I've been getting)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 2/14/08 at 07:09 AM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#50re: NEXT TO NORMAL Reviews
Posted: 2/14/08 at 7:14am

I'm trying to figure out who is more of a NEXT TO NORMAL shill:

jordangirl or Liverpool.

And perhaps shill isn't the right word, because I don't know if either of them is affiliated with the production, but they are the kind of fans that are blind to any flaws, and only see "GREAT GREAT GREAT," even when that isn't the case.

As for your saying this season is weak, Liverpool, the season's three most anticipated new musicals have yet to even begin previews: IN THE HEIGHTS, CRY-BABY, and A CATERED AFFAIR.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
