It's official-
and, what I expected.
Understudy Joined: 5/5/19
I know they're just trying to manufacture some excitement, but this whole "will he or won't he?" is just silly. You can see a lot more than Mr. Peck's face if you do a little Googling.
I know people have been debating this since he was announced but… duh. Of course he’s not wearing the mask.
I liked the idea of him wearing the mask. It could really have made for a compelling visual element. Masks often symbolize concealment, and in this context, it could effectively underscore the ambiguity surrounding the Emcee's role and motivations throughout the evening. Oh well. At least he has a nice face.
In this production, the Emcee is already wearing a lot of rather elaborate getups- having him masked on top of it would be a hat on a hat.
Kad said: "In this production, the Emcee is already wearing a lot of rather elaborate getups- having him masked on top of it would be a hat on a hat."
100%, but sadly wouldn't put it past these producers to add one more gimmick on top of the other 75,000 this production boasts. Glad to hear he'll be maskless!
Featured Actor Joined: 3/8/22
The Emcee is one of the few characters a person could play in a mask and it not be completely I don't blame people for wondering. It's not like he signed up for Henry Higgins. Anyway I'm sure he will be great unmasked.