My friend nabbed rush seats for this evening's performance. The ticket says Box 50, Zone 510, Seat B 1. I've never heard of numbering like this. The ticket is labeled as partial view, but for those who have rushed before, or even sat in this seat, just how partial is the view? Thanks!
It seems like you'll be the closest box stage right. I don't think you'll miss much of the action, but the actors remain onstage as the musicians and sit against the walls set stage right and left. You probably won't see much of the actors sitting stage left and you might potentially miss a moment in I believe the second act where the two leads are farther upstage and elevated. This is just my assumption, I've never seen the show from the boxes.
I sat in the box on house left (second one back) and could see that scene just fine. I have to get back to that show soon. I loved it.
Thanks so much. We arranged the seats so ours were in front of/behind one another and closest to the stage. My view was minorly obstructed, but not bad at all. What a breathtaking show.
Glad you liked it and your seats worked out! Did you end up missing any of the musicians on the sides?
Broadway Star Joined: 3/26/11
Does ONCE ever show up on TDF? or anyway to get discount tickets?
When I TKTS'd about 3 weeks ago, Once was up on the board the two times that I went (this was in Brooklyn though). That's where I got my ticket.
But the day of Broadway on Broadway, I didn't see it on the board at Times Square... You should download the iPhone app if you have an iPhone. :)
Got my tickets thru TKTS (the booth not online) last Thurs for 30% off, got into line about 2:30 and had tickets in hand by about 3:20. Totally LOVED the show!
You can't buy TKTS tickets online, only at the booths. The app shows you what's up there and for what percentage the discount is.
Any recommendations for Once? Center/sides close as possible?
I am seeing 2nd row for full price or 11th row on the side for the discount.