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Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?- Page 2

Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?

Clayford27 Profile Photo
#25re: Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 10:54am

Thank you for this thread. It's nice to see Clay's performance actually being discussed, rather than having three different hate-threads that only discuss his fans and his sexuality. I'm really glad some people are willing to give Clay a fair shake in this. I've heard some good things so far and I will be seeing the show later this week. Can't wait! :)

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.

iluvcioffiiluvtea Profile Photo
#26re: Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:04am

I wish I could see the show, but maybe, just maybe, I'll see it. :)

Besides, I would love to see Clay in Spamalot!!!

R.I.P. Laurann 1987-2005
Updated On: 1/22/08 at 11:04 AM

#27re: Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:35am

I found it irritating that every time he came out on stage as a new character, the Claymates would rapturoulsy applaud... however, this happened a lot with the original cast as well when the Monty Python fans were still seeing the show, so I didn't think too much of it. Other than that, the Claymates seemed a bit more well-behaved than I expected (excepting their behavior at the stage door of course).

musiclover4 Profile Photo
#31claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:21pm

Hey, I'm a Clay fan but I'm well behaved. The OTT fans drive me crazy at times too. we're no all like that. I think the audience will be different as he show progresses. Just don't go to the last shows he's in in May. I was there Suday afternoon and there were not that many Clay fans. In fact, there were quite a few families and men. Clay was just on The View and he said, tactfully, that he was a little embarrassed by the Friday night audience reaction. He didn't want the attention on him but on the cast and the show but the cast loved the new energy brought to the show.

#32Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:28pm

And here I was trying to behave, and even took my signature down as a peace offering.

Can Clay's thread stay troll-free for more than couple of hours?

#31Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:53pm

"Clay was just on The View and he said, tactfully, that he was a little embarrassed by the Friday night audience reaction."

Apparently someone tried to rush the stage at his first performance. Shubert Security is mostly concentrating on the Shubert now, leaving the other theatres more vulnerable.

#32Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:11pm

Because any professional director would put out a release saying how much he hates the newest casting choice.

What the hell do all of you expect Nichols to say?

I'm pretty sure Mel Brooks released a statement saying how much he loved Henry Goodman and how great a replacement he would be for Nathan Lane...

Not saying that but I think people know how to say things without saying more than they want. I don't see a reason Nichols would be over the top if he didn't feel that way. He did pursue him for the role for a long time before Clay accepted it. I've seen tons of productions of things, especially music, where the producers etc., don't rave if they don't want -- heck they sometimes say NOTHING at all.

nmartin Profile Photo
#33Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:20pm

"Apparently someone tried to rush the stage at his first performance."

Do these people think he's the reincarnation of Elvis?

maya5892 Profile Photo
#33Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:24pm

Um, look at his star profile on

Nice face...

#34Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:55pm

"Apparently someone tried to rush the stage at his first performance."

Do these people think he's the reincarnation of Elvis?

Strange I have read quite a few recaps by people who went to the various shows over the weekend and not one mention was made anywhere by anyone about the stage being rushed -- other than by the press Friday night taking all the pictures of the closing and curtain calls. I think someone is pulling your leg or you are trying to pull ours. I don't know of anyone saying he is the reincarnation of Elvis either. Is there something wrong with a talented person being appreciated for their talent and having fans? I'm sure other singers, actors, musicians, etc have fans too -- if not they wouldn't be a star of anything but just another average person like YOU and me.

StageFan2 Profile Photo
#36Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 2:29pm

"Is there something wrong with a talented person being appreciated for their talent and having fans?"

No indeed. I've never known of a performer who didn't like an ethusiastic response either for his/her performance, or a show in which they were performing.

However, over-enthusiasm or disrespectful behavior can be a distraction and an irratation to people who are also trying to watch the performance; especially in a theatre. I don't fault Clay in the least, but his fans; many of whom have never before been inside a Broadway theatre, need to realize they have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a respectable manner. They do Clay a disservice by carrying on without giving a thought to those around them. It's just selfish behavior. This isn't a rock concert where it's acceptable to jam yourselves against a stage like sardines (I refer to the stagedoor mayhem). This is theatre - Broadway Theatre. It's different. If that sounds elitest, so be it.
Updated On: 1/22/08 at 02:29 PM

Mikers Profile Photo
#37Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 4:00pm

Please, let's not fall into another discussion of the fans.

#37Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:47pm

"Strange I have read quite a few recaps by people who went to the various shows over the weekend and not one mention was made anywhere by anyone about the stage being rushed"

The info came from an usher, who would have no reason to lie.

Mikers Profile Photo
#38Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 6:06pm

Ushers like bartenders and ticket sellers are just average people paid to do a job. They are not above reproach or above making up things for their own amusement. They even get to have personal preferences and can sign up for a screen name at BWW and lie through their teeth if they so choose.

MissLesMis Profile Photo
#39Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 7:41pm

"Strange I have read quite a few recaps by people who went to the various shows over the weekend and not one mention was made anywhere by anyone about the stage being rushed"

The info came from an usher, who would have no reason to lie.

Perhaps the usher was referring to the photographers and press. They rushed the stage at Friday's performance during the final curtain call.

musiclover4 Profile Photo
#40Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 8:12pm

From Variety

Broadway box office bounces back
'Spamalot' surges in post-holiday upswing


After a rough post-holiday frame that saw receipts plummet, Broadway sales got a welcome uptick last week. Grosses rose by about $700,000 to an estimated $17.5 million for 31 shows on the boards -- a tally that also compares favorably with the $14.7 million for 28 shows reported over the same week last year.

One of the largest week-to-week gains was seen by "Monty Python's Spamalot" ($797,390), which looks to have benefited from the debut Jan. 18 of "American Idol" alum Clay Aiken. Both "Spamalot" and "Legally Blonde" ($668,409), seemingly correcting a bit after steep dips the prior sesh, rose by $138,000 each.

Updated On: 1/22/08 at 08:12 PM

#41Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 9:43pm

Looks like they took down the article, but here's the pertinent part:

"One of the largest week-to-week gains was seen by "Monty Python's Spamalot" ($797,390), which looks to have benefited from the debut Jan. 18 of "American Idol" alum Clay Aiken. Both "Spamalot" and "Legally Blonde" ($668,409), seemingly correcting a bit after steep dips the prior sesh, rose by $138,000 each."

#42Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:12pm

I'm not sure what "carrying on" refers to in regard to the fans. I watched the videos that used to be on You Tube of Spamalot with David Hyde Pierce in the part and it seemed to be the fans whooped and hollered in various parts of it as well. I thought that was the fun thing about Spamalot as opposed to some other Broadway shows - it's meant to be fun and enjoyed, it's not the typical Broadway show. The cast coming out the stage door has been saying how they have loved the enthusiasm, so I guess as long as they like the happy crowd, it must be doing something right. I can't imagine an audience member attending that show and expecting a different type of crowd or reaction. I had some good ole belly laughs at parts of it.

The crowd out back, seemed to be reasonably respectable other than trying to pass their playbills ups to be signed and maybe hollering to Clay that they loved the show. At that point, outside the theater, I would imagine it's much more typical Clay and HIS fans and he knows how they are. He interacts with them on every one of his 8 tours -- he knows exactly how to handle them.

I still say there are tons of stars that have fans that act the same way. I have seen many times on TV where Tom Cruise, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Brittany, BSB, N'Sync, and many over the ages have been rushed by their fans and treated similar. Just part of being popular. Maybe Broadway isn't used to showing the love for it's stars, but the pop world is.

#43Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:23pm

I watched the videos that used to be on You Tube of Spamalot with David Hyde Pierce in the part and it seemed to be the fans whooped and hollered in various parts of it as well.

Yeah, but that's because it was David Hyde Pierce and Hank Azaria and Tim Curry (and so on). The audience for the show during the first few months was like the audience at a rock concert. Now - and by now I refer to the time before Clay Aiken joined - not so much.

#44Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:30pm

I look forward to hearing reviews from some of you "non-fans" in the coming weeks and months. Thanks.

It would be appreciated if devoted fans didn't feel the need to provide long defenses every time a comment is made that they don't agree with. It necessitates an inordinate amount of scrolling. Thank you.

grnsmwhr Profile Photo
#45Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:42pm

It would be appreciated if devoted fans didn't feel the need to provide long defenses every time a comment is made that they don't agree with.
Amen to that.

They can't resist knocking anyone over the head who doesn't agree with them. It was bad enough to have to listen to their dribble on the message boards, how embarassing they bring it here.

I have a new appreciation for how non-fans must feel.

You see, obsessions are very personal things, they come from deep inside us, where we are open and vulnerable, which is why I consider them sacred, not to be belittled....PalJoey
Updated On: 1/22/08 at 11:42 PM

Mikers Profile Photo
#46Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 3:48am

All of the threads have fans and non fans. This one is no different except that it has some silly people complaining about it.

#47Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 6:56am

Last night:

"When Sir Lancelot enters to rescue Herbert there was a delay and Lancelot's entrance was about 30 seconds or so late. They waited and waited so Herbert started climbing out the tower window and Clay (Guard 1) jabbed Guard 2 with his spear. When Lancelot finally reached Herbert, Herbert is supposed to say "you've come to rescue me" but instead he said "Where Were You?" It was hilarious."

StageFan2 Profile Photo
#48Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 7:29am

God I love live theatre! Reviews of Clay in Spamalot? Thanks for sharing that Yelliphant.

So how'd you like the show?

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#49Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 10:32am

"I look forward to hearing reviews from some of you "non-fans" in the coming weeks and months."

Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

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